New pages
13 February 2025
- 03:0903:09, 13 February 2025 Based on Prayer (hist | edit) [1,911 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "As I was putting this book together this week ... as I read all these testimonies ... all the change in lifestyle, the traveling, the healing and cleansings, the research, basically everything that has happened is built on prayer. The first 30 years of my life were based on logic and built on my own efforts ... and I have little to nothing to show for it except the memories. The next 20 years of my life were based on faith ... and it has been amazing both for the many y...")
- 03:0703:07, 13 February 2025 Experiences with Places and People (hist | edit) [16,388 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Moab Campground == ''' The Trip from Tabernacles ''' When we were traveling the United States in a pop-up camper and were located in the Pacific Northwest, we received an invitation to go to a Feast of Tabernacles located in Oklahoma. As we prayed, it seemed we were to be there. It was short notice, would take at least two weeks, and we would be camping in our tent. After the event, one extra stop was chosen on the return back to the Northwest. This was few days at Ar...")
- 02:5402:54, 13 February 2025 Cleansing My Life (hist | edit) [15,551 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Spiritual Awareness == As I became more active as a believer and as I read more in the Scriptures, one of the challenges I faced was the existence of the spiritual side of life. This would include the idea of what is unseen and not empirically testable such as the idea of active blessings and cursings as well as the idea of angels and demons effecting our lives. I do not recall the church in which I grew up dealing with these issues and the secular world treats such i...")
- 02:3002:30, 13 February 2025 What Could Have Been (hist | edit) [3,922 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Dating Question == The question of dating comes up once in a while. My history is brief and short lived. In high school, I probably had the interest to date, but had not the means. We lived in the far outer reaches of the school district in the countryside. I did not have a drivers license until late in High School, and throughout school I was not encourage with extracurricular activities. During my university years, I was busy with studies, working in the park syst...")
- 02:2602:26, 13 February 2025 The Bittersweet World of Creation Science (hist | edit) [17,153 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Finding Creation Science == After a few years, I was given a copy of a copy of a copy of the Kent Hovind video series on Creation and Evolution. Although Kent Hovind was not the most scientific nor theologically accurate of the creationist speakers, he did have the benefit that he allowed people to copy his material and redistribute it. And this video is good enough to make me realize that there was a significant difference between the word of the Almighty which I sai...")
- 02:1902:19, 13 February 2025 Early Ministry Efforts (hist | edit) [2,673 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Unclaimed Funds Finder == As I was leaving the regular work force and starting to follow what the Almighty would have me do in my life, I was led to work for a little while as a finder for the state Unclaimed Funds division. This task involved trying to find the people to whom funds were due. It was an unusual job and did not pay much as only a successful match received any compensation, but it was eye-opening into the practice of individuals and businesses. In every...")
- 02:1902:19, 13 February 2025 Employment and Labor (hist | edit) [3,973 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Neighborhood Lawn Mowing == Like many other children, my first real job came in the form of mowing grass for others. At the time, I thought it was hard work and learned my initial lessons on receiving money for labor. With that came the first efforts of learning to spend what I had earned. == State Park == When I began attending college, I also began volunteering at a State Park to help maintain the trail system. This soon led to a part-time job with the State Park S...")
- 02:1402:14, 13 February 2025 Adventures with a Camera (hist | edit) [8,561 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Research with a Camera == When I was almost 20 years old, I started into the hobby of photography. Several years later, my skill and artistry had progressed to the point that I received my own gallery exhibition on a local level. The title of the show was 'Exploring our World'. On a physical level, these images recorded nature and society. On a personal level, they were a part of larger body of work entitled 'In Search of life' which were made in my search for unders...")
- 02:0902:09, 13 February 2025 Receiving a Public Education (hist | edit) [10,849 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Public Education == ''' Typical ''' Overall, I probably had a fairly normal education for someone born in the early 1970's. I attended public school for elementary, junior high, and high school. I also went to a university to get a degree. At the time, the education I received seemed good, but not great. ''' Introvert Individual ''' I had no understanding or concepts of personality profiles [socionics] at that time. However, the unique characteristics of being a mode...")
- 01:5601:56, 13 February 2025 Pursuing Philosophy Testimony (hist | edit) [18,084 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= One's Frame of Mind = To have a frame of mind means to have a point of view from which one works and operates. This typically comes from our perspective and understanding of life. It can be temporary or long term. It helps us determine what we do and how we do it. For example, if I am driving down the road looking for a gas station, I will miss the many shops, grocery stores, and other things to be seen but my mind will notice the many gas stations to be found. Likewis...")
- 01:4701:47, 13 February 2025 Growing as a Believer (hist | edit) [24,470 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "= Growing As A Believer = Of course, as I became an active believer [see below], another huge change came to my work in photography. It became quickly apparent that photography was not the career our Heavenly Father had for me. Furthermore, many things about my photography and the subjects I had worked with were actually a hindrance to my growth as a believer. I needed to let go and repent of what had become part of my life. Was the work really that bad? Yes. As an exam...")
- 01:3801:38, 13 February 2025 Living Life to the Fullest (hist | edit) [3,166 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |My story reads a lot like a modern novel. The main character (myself) has a defining moment that propels the entire story (having been suicidal and now seeking the meaning of life). Along the way, there are successes that bring me closer to the goal and failures that keep me from attaining it. There is, what could be considered a major failure ... and yet through it all comes a final victory. Unlike a typical story, if I am the protagonist, who is the a...")
12 February 2025
- 09:4509:45, 12 February 2025 Do Ring Species Demonstrate Evolution? (hist | edit) [15,792 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |Short Answer: At this time, the rings species concept is unable to demonstrate evolution. First, there are no known (proven) examples of ring Species. Even if one were found, it would not by itself support evolution. As both the Creation and Evolution models predict speciation, it would have to be shown the ring formed by evolutionary processes to give support to the Model of Evolution.}} == An Evolutionary Idea with no Examples == Ring Species are def...")
- 09:0709:07, 12 February 2025 How Does the Casino Psychologically Manipulate People? (hist | edit) [2,326 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |Short Answer: The casino will go beyond just setting a house edge to win money. It will also manipulate the person into spending more money or taking greater risks than they ordinarily would choose. It includes obvious factors like free alcohol. It includes more subtle factors like having no clocks so a person loses track of time. It also has built-in features like the slots hitting bar-bar-half bar ... because studies show that almost winning is more p...")
- 09:0409:04, 12 February 2025 Defying the Odds (hist | edit) [5,341 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |Short Answer: Over the course of two years, I was instructed in prayer to learn about gambling and the casino. The first year, had only a few visits and focused entirely on the physical problems and the spiritual dangers of the casino. The second year had several trips as I practiced playing the games and found I had moderate card counting skills and mild dice control. By this time, it was revealed that the long-term goal was to use the casino as a sour...")
11 February 2025
- 17:1917:19, 11 February 2025 Reaching the Next Generation of Creationists (hist | edit) [1,624 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |started}} {{construction infobox}}")
- 17:1917:19, 11 February 2025 Fossils in the Hydrogeologic Column (hist | edit) [55 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |started}} {{construction infobox}}")
- 17:1917:19, 11 February 2025 Flowering Plant Kinds Research (hist | edit) [3,889 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |started}} {{construction infobox}}")
- 17:1917:19, 11 February 2025 Taxonomy and the Natanzera Classification System (hist | edit) [5,682 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |started}} {{construction infobox}}")
- 17:1917:19, 11 February 2025 Timeline of Speciation and Respeciation (hist | edit) [2,153 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |started}} {{construction infobox}}")
- 17:1817:18, 11 February 2025 Genotypes and Heritage Mating (hist | edit) [5,315 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |started}} {{construction infobox}}")
- 17:1817:18, 11 February 2025 Phenotypes and Environmental Acclimation (hist | edit) [5,162 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |started}} {{construction infobox}}")
- 17:1817:18, 11 February 2025 Morphology and the Katagenos Species Concept (hist | edit) [2,605 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |started}} {{construction infobox}}")
- 17:1817:18, 11 February 2025 Niche Modeling at the Kind Level (hist | edit) [55 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |started}} {{construction infobox}}")
- 17:1717:17, 11 February 2025 Defining a Created Kind (hist | edit) [1,068 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |started}} {{construction infobox}}")
- 17:1717:17, 11 February 2025 Navigating Perspectives and Models (hist | edit) [1,145 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |started}} {{construction infobox}}")
- 17:1717:17, 11 February 2025 Developing a Testable Scientific Model of Created Kinds (hist | edit) [2,767 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |started}} {{construction infobox}}")
- 17:1717:17, 11 February 2025 The Great Risk of Stagnating (hist | edit) [492 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |started}} {{construction infobox}}")
- 17:1617:16, 11 February 2025 Elder's Model of Created Kinds Summary (hist | edit) [2,555 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |started}} {{construction infobox}}")
9 February 2025
- 20:5020:50, 9 February 2025 What Are the Best Betting Strategies? (hist | edit) [4,663 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |Short Answer: The best betting strategies do not react to winning or losing a previous hand; instead, they are focused on the long-term averages and variance. Remember, even with a good strategy, you are only marking the risk you are willing to take with randomness ... it has no bearing on the house edge. Many bad strategies exist because of faulty understandings of statistics and randomness.}} Unless you have unlimited funds and unlimited table limits...")
- 20:4720:47, 9 February 2025 What Is Casino Culture? (hist | edit) [3,663 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |Short Answer: The public side of casinos can vary a lot depending on location. In touristy areas, a casino will attract wealthier customers and therefore have higher table minimums, be placed next to a nice hotel, and close to a restaurant like a steakhouse. In small towns, many clients may be local people and the table or slot minimums can be smaller. Either way, the people going inside tend to be ready for fun, the people inside are obsessed with the...")
- 20:4420:44, 9 February 2025 How Does the Casino Industry Work? (hist | edit) [2,164 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |Short Answer: Casinos are designed to be businesses for profit. They are not there to lose money. They take games of random chance (like roulette, craps, blackjack, and slots) and by knowing the odds and adjusting the payback they are able to create a 'House Edge' that ensures they will make money over time. In effect, this means they are purposefully setting the customers / players up to lose money. They advertise themselves as entertainment and often...")
- 20:4120:41, 9 February 2025 Is the Casino Entertainment? (hist | edit) [3,849 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |Short Answer: The goals of entertainment and winning are incompatible at the casino. For the small percentage of people who have enough money that it will not hurt them to lose it all, perhaps it can be entertainment. A small portion might also be able to enjoy the stage performances, the meals, the alcoholic beverages, the escorts. Some criminals may find it a good place to launder money. For mathematicians, it might be an expensive way to play with st...")
- 20:3820:38, 9 February 2025 Are We Gambling With Eternity? (hist | edit) [3,562 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== What Is Gambling? == In answering this question, let us begin by actually defining wager, gamble, and bet. Before I was involved in the realm of the casino, I used these three words more or less interchangeably. But each has its own meaning and keeping these distinct will help clarify some issues that come up later. The term 'wager' is the broadest category. It includes both gambling and betting. It means to put your money (or something of value) up for potential lo...")
- 12:4712:47, 9 February 2025 What Do World Religions Say About Gambling? (hist | edit) [1,626 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |Short Answer: Most world religions have a negative view of gambling and will discourage it in some way. Other religions will ban or forbid it entirely while the extreme end will physically punish gamblers. Some see it as a form of theft, others state the harmful effects it has, and some simply say it is a sin because of greed. A few religions will allow gambling if it is done fairly - with no cheating or fraud involved. The questions of morality and leg...")
8 February 2025
- 21:2221:22, 8 February 2025 What Is the Passover Sacrifice? (hist | edit) [6,516 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |Short Answer: The purpose of the Messiah's first coming was to bring atonement to Elohim's people through His sacrificial death. As part of this purpose, the writings of Scripture and the timing of the events reveal that the original Egyptian Passover was a prophecy of a much greater event. This prophecy was fulfilled in exacting detail as the Messiah was sacrificed, unbroken, on the fourteenth day of the first month. The blood of the true sacrificial l...")
- 21:2021:20, 8 February 2025 Are Passover, the Seder, and Easter the Same? (hist | edit) [7,393 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |Short Answer: The time of Passover is a joyous time of remembrance, both in what was done in Egypt when Israel was taken to freedom and in the actions that Yahshuah our Savior has done in taking us out of death from sin. Let's take some time this year to focus on the true meaning of the time ... it is not to be found in the man made customs in the Seder or Easter, but in the genuine truth of Scripture, the Word of Elohim. The High days of Passover, the...")
- 21:1821:18, 8 February 2025 What Is the Last Supper Memorial? (hist | edit) [4,925 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |Short Answer: The evening before the Passover sacrifice, the Messiah gathered His disciples together at the last supper. He then performed the equivalent of a Jewish wedding betrothal with them, and with all believers, in offering the cup of wine and giving the promise of His return. The communion meal, which is to be eaten often, serves as a constant reminder that He went away to prepare things and that He will return for His bride - all of which are a...")
- 21:1421:14, 8 February 2025 What Is the Freewill Offering? (hist | edit) [2,535 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The fall feast season is nearly upon us and it is time to reflect upon the blessings the Almighty has given us. In Deuteronomy we read: {{scripture infobox |(Deu 16:16-17) Three times in a year shall all thy males appear before the LORD thy God in the place which he shall choose; in the feast of unleavened bread, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of tabernacles: and they shall not appear before the LORD empty: {17} Every man shall give as he is able, according...")
- 21:1221:12, 8 February 2025 What Is Purim? (hist | edit) [7,808 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Unlike many of the festivals and assemblies that believers in the Messiah hear about, Purim is not a festival commanded by Elohim. The celebration of Purim comes from the Jewish people and the modern customs associated with it are largely either from Rabbinical sources or assimilated secular festivals. The recorded events forming the basis of Purim are found in the book of Esther. This book is unusual in that it is the only book in Scripture that does not directly mentio...")
- 21:1121:11, 8 February 2025 What Is the Annual Festival Calendar? (hist | edit) [4,873 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |Short Answer: When YHVH created the sun, the moon, and the stars He made them to be for signs and seasons and days and years. He also established the harvests and their related festivals as days we are to observe and remind us of the work that He has done. These signs not only have meaning in the physical world by telling us what part of the day or of the year we are in, but they tell us what is happening in our relationship with the One Most High as we...")
- 21:0521:05, 8 February 2025 How Do We Celebrate Salvation? (hist | edit) [4,804 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |Short Answer: The annual assemblies and festivals represent the work of the Messiah as Savior. They act as memorials for what He does on behalf of believers in the process of atonement, sanctification, and redemption. The Spring Festivals represent the Messiah's first coming that occurred two thousand years ago. The Autumn Festivals represent the Messiah's second coming that has yet to occur.}} {{scripture infobox |"Three times in a year shall all thy...")
6 February 2025
- 12:2112:21, 6 February 2025 Why Understand Randomness and Statistics? (hist | edit) [7,864 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |Short Answer: Understanding randomness will let you know patterns do not exist and betting strategies are of limited help. Statistics will give you an understanding of long term averages and more realistic expectations from wagering. Neither one can tell you what the next card, number, or spin will be.}} == How Does Randomness Work? == One of the deepest and most misunderstood topic by players within the casino is that of randomness. Randomness is som...")
- 04:1904:19, 6 February 2025 Katagenos Species Concept and Classification System (hist | edit) [1,103 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{discontinued infobox}} {{published infobox |Paperback 8 X 10 |Todd Elder |Self-published Createspace |February 24, 2015 |1508495165 |978-1508495161 |[[Media:|PDF]] }} From the time of Adam, mankind has been describing and classifying that variety of plants, animals, and other parts of creation which surround him. Scripture states that He created things ‘after their kind’ and so it seems most logical to try and determine what those kinds are in understanding cre...")
- 04:1704:17, 6 February 2025 Path of the Righteous Warrior Seminar Notebook (hist | edit) [705 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{discontinued infobox}} {{published infobox |Paperback 6 x 9 in. |Todd Elder |Path of the Righteous Warriors |2019 | |978-1949754001 |[[Media:|PDF]] }} The Path of the Righteous Warrior is the life-long training needed to effectively wear the Armor of Light, the discipline to help build the Kingdom of Heaven, and the courage to defend both oneself and other believers from the attacks of the enemy. This seminar focuses on: *Relationship with the King *Reality of the K...")
- 04:1504:15, 6 February 2025 Cadet Achievement Journal (hist | edit) [706 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{discontinued infobox}} {{published infobox |Paperback 6 x 9 in. |Todd Elder |Path of the Righteous Warriors |2018 |1984211536 |978-1984211538 |[[Media:|PDF]] }} The Path of the Righteous Warrior Series focuses on learning the Relationship with the King, Reality of the Kingdom of Heaven, Responsibility in the Covenant Relationship, Righteousness in the Messiah, Resisting Evil, and Remembering Your Testimony. This journal will help the cadet record their progress thr...")
- 04:1304:13, 6 February 2025 Zaqen Studio Seminar Graphics (hist | edit) [359 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{discontinued infobox}} {{published infobox |Hard Copy 5.5 x 8.5 in. |Todd Elder |Zaqen Studio |2021 | |978-1949754025 |[[Media:|PDF]] }} This book was made to contain the most useful seminar illustrations in a portable printed form. {{gallery box | title = Gallery | image = <gallery> file:|Book Covers file:|Contents Page file:|Page Sample </gallery> }}")
- 04:1104:11, 6 February 2025 Encouraging Life Seminar Notebook (hist | edit) [848 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{discontinued infobox}} {{published infobox |Paperback 8 X 10 |Todd Elder |Self-published Createspace |November 6, 2013 |1493587781 |978-1493587780 |[[Media:|PDF]] }} The ‘Encouraging Life’ seminar focuses on the core concepts of relationship, reality, resonsibility, righteousness, and resistance to evil. These concepts are woven together to present the believer with a deeper understanding of the creation, the Creator, the covenant relationship, salvation in the...")
- 04:0704:07, 6 February 2025 Floral Formula Discontinuity Systematics for Angiosperm Holobaramin (hist | edit) [496 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{discontinued infobox}} {{published infobox |PDF |Todd Elder |Baraminology Quest |2018 | | |[[Media:|PDF]] }} Proposed methodology and initial research results for a system of classifying flowering plants based on flower morphology. {{gallery box | title = Gallery | image = <gallery> file:|Book Covers file:|Contents Page file:|Page Sample </gallery> }}")
- 04:0504:05, 6 February 2025 Teacher's Lesson Guide (hist | edit) [451 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{discontinued infobox}} {{published infobox |Paperback 6 x 9 in. |Todd Elder |Path of the Righteous Warriors |2018 |1985709929 |978-1985709928 |[[Media:|PDF]] }} Made originally as a special edition for the Capon Bible Fellowship classroom. Made primarily as a companion to the Cadet Achievement Journal to help the teacher. {{gallery box | title = Gallery | image = <gallery> file:|Book Covers file:|Contents Page file:|Page Sample </gallery> }}")