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Scripture Advocate:Privacy policy

From Scripture Advocate

Good day,

I am not a security expert. This website is using the security features that come with the web hosting package from Hostgator and the security features built into MediaWiki. These, undoubtedly, will use cookies and maybe other forms of information tracking as is standard for websites.

I have not personally added any tracking information nor am I trying to gather any data about those who visit here.

I am considering using Google Ads to help boost my search engine rankings. This would place a lot of tracking information (such as what nation you are from, etc.). Google wants this data ... I do not. [NOTE: Google Ads is not in use at this time].

I like privacy and I will not be sharing any data or statistics these programs give to me!

By using this Site, you signify your agreement to these conditions.

If you have any concerns or questions about the security or privacy of this website, please contact me at william@scriptureadvocate.wiki.


Uncle William