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How Does the Casino Psychologically Manipulate People?

From Scripture Advocate

Short Answer: The casino will go beyond just setting a house edge to win money. It will also manipulate the person into spending more money or taking greater risks than they ordinarily would choose. It includes obvious factors like free alcohol. It includes more subtle factors like having no clocks so a person loses track of time. It also has built-in features like the slots hitting bar-bar-half bar ... because studies show that almost winning is more psychologically addicting than actually winning. In a similar fashion, the devil knows how to manipulate and tempt people and get them to do things they ordinarily would not choose.

I Know How to Harm People Another way to look at it is to see how I could use this knowledge. I know how the casino works and operates. I know the rules of the game. I know what the 'odds' [mean, median, variance, and volatility] are for the game. I know how to combine and manipulate the rules and the odds so that I have an 'edge' where the 'house always wins'. I could open a casino, maybe even design a new game, and make a fortune off of the people who play it hoping to win … all the while knowing they cannot. That is evil. It is taking advantage of their lusts and on their ignorance and not giving them a fair chance.

Why should I know evil? Why should I understand some of the depths of selfishness? Knowing how to purposefully make people consistently lose bets is an exposure to evil. If I am to live in the Kingdom of Heaven, my focus should be to help and heal people – not hurt them and take what little they have.

You Cannot Afford to Have the Dealer Against You I want to start this section by saying most if not all licensed casinos play fairly ... they do not cheat. However, there is the maxim that 'you cannot afford to have the dealer against you'. You should be polite. You should tip (at least when you win). Do not be irritating at the table.

The dealer, croupier, or other staff at the table have a difficult job. And it seems that if they get upset, they can manipulate the cards, look when spinning the ball, give the wrong amount on a win / payback, and a long list of other things. Is this cheating? Yes. Again I repeat, this is not normal at licensed casinos. But that maxim exists for a reason ... it can happen.