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Navigating Perspectives and Models

From Scripture Advocate


It must be acknowledged that multiple models of Created Kinds are possible. Each can differ a little or a lot from each other. If we start a venn diagram, we can see that Young Earth Creationism is one of the major categories for a model of created kinds. It can have significant overlap with the Intelligent Design model of created kinds, which can overlap significantly with theistic evolution models, but that, has very little overlap young earth creation models. In the middle of this diagram, they can agree that some type of 'guided process' is occurring. Even if we just focus on the young earth version of created kinds, there can be small variations between models.

Therefore, to distinguish what I am about to present to you from other models, I will label this Elder's Model of Created Kinds because this is the model that I am using to make predictions and that I am testing. The differences from other young earth creationist models is largely the concepts I am personally developing and testing and hope to have further reviewed and accepted by the entire creation community.

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