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What Is the Last Supper Memorial?

From Scripture Advocate

Short Answer: The evening before the Passover sacrifice, the Messiah gathered His disciples together at the last supper. He then performed the equivalent of a Jewish wedding betrothal with them, and with all believers, in offering the cup of wine and giving the promise of His return. The communion meal, which is to be eaten often, serves as a constant reminder that He went away to prepare things and that He will return for His bride - all of which are a part of the promised New Covenant.

"And while they were eating, Jesus having taken the bread, and having blessed, did brake, and was giving to the disciples, and said, 'Take, eat, this is my body;' and having taken the cup, and having given thanks, he gave to them, saying, 'Drink ye of it -- all; for this is my blood of the new covenant, that for many is being poured out -- to remission of sins; and I say to you, that I may not drink henceforth on this produce of the vine, till that day when I may drink it with you new in the reign of my Father." Mat. 26:26-29 YLT

Prophecy in Adam and eve

The Prophecy in Joseph's Life The life of Joseph is one large prophecy of the two comings of the Messiah. In regards to the last supper and the Messiah's death we look at Genesis chapter forty. Joseph is in jail and the wine bearer and the baker have dreams. It is shown that in three days the wine bearer shall be raised up to his position near the pharaoh and the baker shall die by being hanged on a tree. The wine and the bread, being lifted up, and being hanged are all pictured in this short segment which comes shortly before Joseph became as king and was the second most powerful leader in all of Egypt.

The Fulfillment in Yahshuah's Life Many times, the Messiah had challenged His listeners and disciples with eating His flesh and drinking His blood. Initially, they could not understand the symbolism and significance of how this would come to pass - nor could they as they did not realize the necessity of the sacrifice of His life. In using the bread and the wine, He instituted the elements that would act as a reminder of His departure and coming return for thousands of years.

Significance of the Wedding Betrothal There are many similarities surrounding the Last Supper to a traditional Jewish wedding betrothal. Typically the father will choose a bride for his son much like our Heavenly Father has chosen the bride for His Son. When the marriage proposal is given, an agreement by the bride is shown by accepting a glass of wine much as the Believer does at the communion meal. When it is publicly declared the bride goes through a period of immersion or cleansing much like the act of baptism. During the betrothal period, the groom goes to prepare a house and does not know the time of his return but must wait until the father states the house is ready. This matches how the Messiah prepares for us our heavenly home and his return at a time no one but the Father knows. Often, a gift is given to the bride-to-be for which the Believer has received an earnest of the Spirit.

Instructions When believers come together, they have the opportunity to partake of the communion meal - a reminder. We are warned to inspect ourselves and to make sure this is not done in an unworthy manner.

The Communion Meal The word 'communion' describes a person who is a participant, partner, or in fellowship. All who are believers in the Messiah are described as being in communion with the Messiah, with one another, and in the promise of eternal life. The evening before the Messiah would fulfill the prophecies of the Passover sacrifice He gathered together the apostles for one last meal together. During this meal He used a loaf of bread and a cup of wine as a promise of His return. The wine and bread used in the communion meal are symbols used in accepting the Messiah and the promise of eternal life that He brings.

The Foot Washing During the Last Supper, Yahshuah also took time to wash the disciples feet. A reminder that we need to remember humility and our place in serving and helping each other until His return.

Last Supper is Not the Passover There has been much confusion regarding the relationship of the Last Supper to the Passover Sacrifice. To be clear, they are not the same thing. Some traditions have said the Communion Meal has either replaced the Passover or was the Passover or even a part of the Rabbinic Passover Seder. However, the evidence shows that these two events could not be the same. The Passover was to be eaten with unleavened bread (azumos) while Communion is eaten with leavened bread (artos). The Passover occurs once a year while communion is held as often as believers get together. The two events are linked because He gave a promise of returning just before going away, but they are two separate events.