Elder's Model of Created Kinds Summary
A testable hypothesis regarding the taxonomic relationships of plants and animals based on the core concept of limited ancestry
a recognizable base form and structure that does not change over time
Original Appearance
- separate and unique ( no common ancestors)
- fully functional (no primitive ancestors)
- similarity in form / design due to similarity in function and common designer
limited variation in surface features over time
- Katagenos Species Concept - a set of reprductively connected characteristics producing a recognizable pattern.
- habitats and geographical distribution can indicate species boundaries
- allows a greater diversity before disparity in both fossil and extant records (opposite of evolutionary expectations)
Environmental Acclimation
- primary cause of speciation
- occurs rapidly due to selection of already existing genes
- speciation reduces genetic diversity
Reproductive discontinuity between kinds; Reproductive continuity within a kind.
- original kinds had broad genetic potential and variability
- limit to variation within a kind (no unlimited potential growth)
- no change of one kind into another kind
- genetic entropy is causing degredation (not building up)
- Heritage Mating - preference for individuals with same / similar surface features, habitats, and/or culture
- can mate with same species
- can potentially hybridize with other species within same kind
- extinction occurs when limited variability cannot meed the needs of environmental acclimation
- can occur to both species and entire kinds
Created Kinds appeared approximately 6,000 years ago
Aquatic Extinction Event
- occurred approximately 4,500 years ago.
- majority of fossil record produced at this time
- rapid speciation followed to fill new environments
- gradual slow down in speciation as environments became more stable
- larger sizes existed before extinction event due to better environment
Geographic Distribution
Generally following the Catastrophic Plate Tectonics model for post-flood distribution.
taxonomic comparison averages near the Family level
Natanzera Classification System
- based on Linnaean binomial nomenclature
- retains all research done through centuries
- replaces current endings with creation recognized endings
- demonstrates Creation Orchard rather than Tree of Life
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