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Early Ministry Efforts

From Scripture Advocate

Unclaimed Funds Finder

As I was leaving the regular work force and starting to follow what the Almighty would have me do in my life, I was led to work for a little while as a finder for the state Unclaimed Funds division. This task involved trying to find the people to whom funds were due. It was an unusual job and did not pay much as only a successful match received any compensation, but it was eye-opening into the practice of individuals and businesses. In every case where someone was found there was a story of why that money had not gotten to them, often a sad one, and receiving the money was a welcome relief. It was a reality check into the private lives of people and the social injustices that are often suffered.

A good example is a lady who worked at a department store until she was injured and off work for a few weeks. When she came back she was not welcome and was eventually forced out. She had never received her last paycheck. The check was for a few hundred dollars and I found her a couple years after the events had happened. That came at a time she needed some money and it also helped bring closure to that situation for her.

House of Worship

In the second year, activities shifted more in the direction of helping in other, more spiritual, ways. I was led to start writing articles about the Scriptures in a newsletter that went out to a small section of northeast Ohio. We also opened our house up to weekly prayer meetings. Again, there were many lessons to be learned, but these were a little more along the spiritual topics and seeing how people's lives were touched by these things.

Service and Ministry

At this point in my life, I was no longer working but was now spending my time trying to help people. At the start, a large amount of the time went into service (helping people with physical effort). Over the years this became less as I learned to help people more in the spiritual aspects of life. During this time I also began writing newsletter articles for the local believing community. Throughout all of this, real life, with all of the difficulties and challenges that people must deal with, began to become focused in my mind. Both the physical and spiritual aspects of life must be dealt with because neglecting either can cause pain and trouble.


Currently, I continue to try and help people although the form has changed. I still help directly with service and ministry at times. However, the bulk of the effort now goes into writing articles for websites. The primary focus is helping people learn to understand Scripture and spreading the message of salvation.

This page is under construction. My apologies for any misspellings, repeated text, missing references, etc. Please visit again later for a more complete treatment of this topic.