New pages
14 March 2025
- 13:4113:41, 14 March 2025 Reality of the Kingdom of Heaven (hist | edit) [2,714 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |We learn from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that what is true brings goodness, benefit, love, and closeness to Elohim while false brings separation, cursing, darkness, and destruction. The opening concepts of Genesis are foundational to the relationship of the physical to the spiritual and gives meaning to both life and death - so it is little wonder that the enemy would attack this topic with great deceptions and unfair tactics in both the...")
- 13:3813:38, 14 March 2025 Relationship With the King (hist | edit) [2,293 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |We must humble ourselves and submit to Elohim's authority. The Bible, as the word of Elohim, is the accurate and authoritative description of both the physical and spiritual aspects of life and we must greatly know and understand it so we can act rightly and not be deceived by the enemy through inaccurate doctrine, twisting of Scripture, or false prophets. There is nothing more powerful than an active relationship with the Eternal for it is He who is Cr...")
- 13:3513:35, 14 March 2025 Role of Defending Life (hist | edit) [1,771 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |When life is attacked either physically or spiritually, it must be defended from the enemy that would destroy, corrupt, or enslave. Within the war, facts and evidence will reveal the truth and the resulting benefits to life while the enemy will hide how falsehood harms life through deception, conspiracy, consensus, suppression of truth, and other dishonorable tactics and weapons that appeal to pride and the lusts of the flesh. The training is not merely...")
- 13:3313:33, 14 March 2025 Reaching for Higher Ground (hist | edit) [1,019 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |A few basic truths will answer a thousand other questions regarding life, morality, forgiveness, eternity, and honor while falsehood will produce a set of philosophies, beliefs, and worldviews on a physical base lacking any depth. Truth is a pre-requisite for purity and righteousness while falsehood wastes our resources, relationships, and respect. The truth of the Kingdom of Heaven will bring salvation, wisdom, hope, blessing, and miracles while lies w...")
- 13:2913:29, 14 March 2025 Risk of Destruction (hist | edit) [55 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |startpage}} {{construction infogbox}}")
9 March 2025
- 17:2017:20, 9 March 2025 Armor of Light Series (hist | edit) [4,444 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "start {{gallery box | title = Whole Armor Gallery | image = <gallery> file:| file:| file:| file:| file:| file:| </gallery> }} {{gallery box | title = Helmet of Salvation Gallery | image = <gallery> file:| file:| file:| file:| file:| file:| </gallery> }} {{gallery box | title = Breastplate of Righteousness Gallery | image = <gallery> file:| file:| file:| file:| file:| file:| </gallery> }} {{gallery box | title = Belt of Truth Gallery | image = <gallery> File:Armor-bel...")
5 March 2025
- 09:3309:33, 5 March 2025 Encouraging Life Pocket Seminar (hist | edit) [31 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "start {{construction infobox}}")
- 09:3209:32, 5 March 2025 Scripture Advocate Publishing (hist | edit) [31 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "start {{construction infobox}}")
28 February 2025
- 14:4114:41, 28 February 2025 Are We Gambling With Eternal Life? (hist | edit) [10,286 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Short Answer: If we gamble our lives on philosophies and worldviews, rather than the truth of the Bible and the need for a Savior, then we risk our physical and spiritual well-being in this lifetime and we completely lose out on eternal life. Following after knowledge, magic, money, power, fame, beauty, entertainment, and many other such things may bring some form of pleasure in this world, but it cannot bring peace to the soul nor a loving relationship with the Eternal....")
- 14:4114:41, 28 February 2025 What Is Gambling? (hist | edit) [6,772 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Gambling is taking a risk, usually with money, in the hope of gaining something more but often losing what one had instead. If we gamble our lives on man made philosophies and worldviews, rather than the truth of the Bible and the need for a Savior, then we risk our physical and spiritual well-being in this lifetime and we completely lose out on eternal life. Betting on (following after) knowledge, magic, money, power, fame, beauty, entertainment, and many other such thi...")
26 February 2025
- 23:3023:30, 26 February 2025 Does Witnessing Speciation Prove Evolution? (hist | edit) [4,852 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Initially, this seems like an odd question to ask since evolution is generally regarded as a very slow process that takes far too long to be able to witness. Yet, when something happens quickly and is witnessed they still claim it is evolution. In recent years many articles have appeared that state evolution has happened in various animals and plants. This includes such examples as the Hawthorn fly, the three-spined sticklebacks, and cichlid fishes. However, the questio...")
22 February 2025
- 04:0904:09, 22 February 2025 What Are Species and Kinds? (hist | edit) [9,072 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== What are Species? == Within a creationist perspective, species are defined as a breed within a created kind. It has a specific set of reproductively connected characteristics that produce a recognizable pattern. An individual of the species is able to reproduce with others of the same species and potentially able to hybridize with other breeds / species within the same Kind. Habitats and geographical distribution can be indicators of where species boundaries may occur...")
- 03:5603:56, 22 February 2025 What Do We Find in the Fossil Record? (hist | edit) [1,943 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Within a creationist view, many things can be expected under the conditions of such a flood because floods are known for laying down rocks and fossils. First, the fossils should show catastrophic and rapid formation, there should be clearly defined kinds of plants and animals with no transition forms in between, and both simple and complex organisms should exist from the beginning. Second, larger fossils should become polystrate in position as the flood layers quickly se...")
- 03:5403:54, 22 February 2025 What Is the Future of Creation? (hist | edit) [738 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Creation is currently in a fallen state and man cannot bring it back to where it should be. Man himself is fallen and in need of redemption and restoration. This is a job that must be done by the Creator Himself. '''Restoration Through the Messiah''' Typically, the Believer thinks about the Messiah in terms of being his or her personal savior. While this is true, He is also the redeemer of all of creation. '''New Heavens and Earth''' The Creator is eternal, but this cr...")
- 03:5303:53, 22 February 2025 What Does Scripture Reveal about Man Kind? (hist | edit) [1,288 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Man Kind is defined as the all humans past and present both male and female which were created and initially placed in the Garden of Eden as described in the Genesis account of creation in the Bible. Creation was made to be inhabited and the Earth was placed under the authority of mankind who is made in the image of the Creator. '''The Creation of Man''' The creation of man is told a little differently than the plants and animals. While he is still spoken into existence...")
- 03:5203:52, 22 February 2025 What Does Scripture Reveal about Animal Kinds? (hist | edit) [4,195 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== What Are Animal Kinds? == The animal kinds are defined as the distinct types of swimming, flying, and walking creatures that were created by the Creator as described in the Genesis account from the Bible. Is there a classification system for animals in Scripture? Perhaps not. While Adam may have been able to recognize and name the different kinds of animals, the various terms describing such activities as swarming, creeping, or flying are generally applied in the earl...")
- 03:5103:51, 22 February 2025 What Does Scripture Reveal about Plant Kinds? (hist | edit) [1,976 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The plant kinds are defined as the distinct types of grasses, herbs, and trees that were created by the Creator as described in the Genesis account from the Bible. The plants are quite different from animals and man on many levels. When the plants were formed on day three, He was designing something that would be used for food, produce oxygen, capture and store energy, and so many other things. '''Understanding Grasses, Herbs, and Trees''' There are many ways that man c...")
- 03:4303:43, 22 February 2025 What Are Micro, Meso, and Macro Evolution? (hist | edit) [4,124 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "One of the most misunderstood concepts within the Creation and Evolution debate is how microevolution, macroevolution, and variation within a Kind compare to one another. The frequent use, and misuse, of these terms by supporters of either view calls for closer examination. As with any of the definitions of evolutionary concepts, microevolution and macroevolution describe change. More specifically, they describe an amount of change within a biological organism. The term...")
- 03:4203:42, 22 February 2025 What Are the Beliefs of Evolutionism? (hist | edit) [2,521 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "''' Evolutionism ''' When people think of evolution as moving from a lower life form to a higher life form or the development from a primitive ancestor to a specialized state, they are now in the realms of Evolutionism. This generally involves a long gradual process with the formation of life starting about 3.5 billion years ago. More formally, Evolutionism is a belief that organisms increase in complexity over time and improve through progressive inherited change. Dar...")
- 03:4103:41, 22 February 2025 What Is the Scientific Model of Evolution? (hist | edit) [3,091 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Within the Creation and Evolution debate, many discussions turn chaotic because individuals do not understand the differences between the generic use of evolution, the scientific Theory of Evolution, and the philosophical beliefs of Evolutionism. Quite often (usually by accident but sometimes intentionally), these concepts are mixed togetherin various ways which produces logical fallacies, what is known as a ‘strawman argument’, or lengthy attempts to prove a fruitle...")
- 03:3703:37, 22 February 2025 Do We Believe the Bible Summary (hist | edit) [4,314 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "''' Faith and Science ''' Is there a conflict between faith and science? No. In reality, there is a conflict between Creationism and Evolutionism with science caught in the middle. ''' The Creator ''' Who is the Creator? In the search for truth and meaning to life, there are few questions more powerful than this. Throughout Scripture there are names, titles, and descriptive phrases about the Creator. These names and titles are not just labels but have very deep meanings...")
- 03:3403:34, 22 February 2025 What Does Scripture Reveal about Noah's Ark and the Ark Kinds? (hist | edit) [6,552 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== How Big Was the Ark? == The question is often asked if Noah’s ark was actually big enough to contain all the animals it needed to carry (as well as food and clean water). The answers have varied as people have suggested different sizes for the ark as well as using different methods of determining how many animals actually needed to be on the ark. ''' The Capacity of the Ark ''' Although variables exist which can effect the size of the finished ark, usually it is ca...")
- 03:3303:33, 22 February 2025 What Is the Creation Orchard? (hist | edit) [2,560 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Defining Lumpers and Splitters == Within the realm of taxonomy, there have always been those who are known as lumpers and others as splitters. Those who are lumpers take many similar organisms and group them together as a single species. Splitters will take these same organisms and classify them as multiple species. While this may not sound like a significant issue, when put into practice it can have some dramatic effects. I remember, about 20 years ago, when a sugge...")
- 03:2303:23, 22 February 2025 Is Science Losing in the Creation and Evolution Debate? (hist | edit) [13,521 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Are Creationists Waging War Against Science? == Groups that support evolutionism will often make a claim similar to ‘Creationists deny science’. What usually follows such a statement is a number of logical fallacies which misrepresent both creation and evolution. This misrepresentation hinders the scientific process and the ability to truly learn about the universe, our world, and life itself. The most common fallacy is to compare the Theory of Evolution (a scien...")
- 03:1703:17, 22 February 2025 Creation Science Magazines, Journals, and Articles (hist | edit) [14,667 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Acts & Facts by the Institute for Creation Research. A monthly news magazine which contains articles and information of current interest dealing with creation, evolution, and related topics. Free subscription. Answers Magazine by Answers in Genesis. Illustrating the importance of Genesis in building a creation-based worldview, and to equip readers with practical answers so they can confidently communicate the gospel and biblical authority with accuracy and graciousness....")
- 03:1503:15, 22 February 2025 Creation Science Websites (hist | edit) [3,074 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== The Top Ten == Answers in Genesis Center for Scientific Creation - This site contains the free online edition of "In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood" by Dr. Walt Brown. Whether you agree with the Hydroplate Theory or not, this book is a valuable resource for many topics related to creationism. Creation Ministries International - This is actually a collection of creationist 501c3 organizations. Browse through the groups for those that soun...")
- 03:1403:14, 22 February 2025 Creation Science Museums (hist | edit) [3,118 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== United States == ''' [ Answers in Genesis Creation Museum] ''' Located in Petersburg, KY. This state-of-the-art 70,000 square foot museum brings the pages of the Bible to life, casting its characters and animals in dynamic form and placing them in familiar settings. Adam and Eve live in the Garden of Eden. Children play and dinosaurs roam near Eden’s Rivers. The serpent coils cunningly in the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Majesti...")
- 03:0303:03, 22 February 2025 Life is Valuable Summary (hist | edit) [3,748 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Answering the Great Questions of Life Summary == The Great Questions of Life are defined as questions whose concepts and answers will guide a person's goals, purpose, and mission in life. The answers to these questions often produce a philosophical base or worldview from which a person interprets the events in life. These questions are often connected with spiritual applications or repercussions concerning the answer's relationship to eternal life. == Searching for A...")
- 03:0003:00, 22 February 2025 Creation Science Summary (hist | edit) [3,035 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== What Is Baraminology? == The field of Baraminology works to determine and define sets of Basic Kinds. Much of the work examines reproduction with an emphasis on hybridization. When this information is not available (such as for fossils) statistical analysis of characteristics is used to determine similarity and discontinuity between kinds. A classification system, built on the concept of basic kinds, is being produced by Todd Elder. == Methods for Delineating Baramin...")
- 02:5702:57, 22 February 2025 Exploring Our World Summary (hist | edit) [849 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Journal of a Baraminologist == This journal is a record of my personal experiences, thoughts, and lessons while on the search for created kinds and while exploring our physical world. These experiences are motivated by both the need for field research and my own desire to understand life. == Journal == Full Time Camping Kayaking for Dinoflagellates Exploring Under the Sea Down the Mountain at Night Floating Down the River - Without a Boat The Bison Herd Exploring Lif...")
- 02:5402:54, 22 February 2025 Evolution in Science and Society Summary (hist | edit) [3,899 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Evolutionism == Evolutionism, not to be confused with the Theory of Evolution, is defined as a philosophical, and sometimes spiritual, belief or set of concepts and forces regarding the processes that shape and form life. It is a belief that, over billions of years, all life forms have evolved to their current form (from basic molecules to man) by means of natural processes which cannot be witnessed. It sometimes involves the belief that evolution is heading in a dire...")