What Does Scripture Reveal about Man Kind?
Man Kind is defined as the all humans past and present both male and female which were created and initially placed in the Garden of Eden as described in the Genesis account of creation in the Bible. Creation was made to be inhabited and the Earth was placed under the authority of mankind who is made in the image of the Creator.
The Creation of Man The creation of man is told a little differently than the plants and animals. While he is still spoken into existence, he is made in the image of Elohim which includes being given a spirit. Then, rather than reproduce after his kind, he is instructed to fill and subdue the Earth.
The Dominion of Man over Creation The first commands given to man were to be fruitful, to multiply, and to subdue the Earth (Gen 1:28). These can be recognized as commands rather than a position or task to fulfill because these words are given in the imperative verb form instead of being a simple noun or adjective form.
Man’s Fall from Favor Many things have changed since sin has entered the world. It has become difficult to fulfill the responsibility to both serve and master the Earth. Man is neither righteous nor loving. Instead he has become selfish and pursues things that are destructive to life.
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