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Exploring Our World Summary

From Scripture Advocate

Journal of a Baraminologist

This journal is a record of my personal experiences, thoughts, and lessons while on the search for created kinds and while exploring our physical world. These experiences are motivated by both the need for field research and my own desire to understand life.


Full Time Camping Kayaking for Dinoflagellates Exploring Under the Sea Down the Mountain at Night Floating Down the River - Without a Boat The Bison Herd Exploring Life Exploring Our World The Journey to Explore Life The Hidden Variety of Life Birds in the Morning! Chlorophyll Green Supports Life


Creation Day 1: Light Creation Day 2: Expanse Creation Day 3: Water Creation Day 3: Land Creation Day 3: Plants Creation Day 4: Starsv Creation Day 5: Flying Animals Creation Day 6: Land Animals The Camping Lifestyle