What Does Scripture Reveal about Animal Kinds?
What Are Animal Kinds?
The animal kinds are defined as the distinct types of swimming, flying, and walking creatures that were created by the Creator as described in the Genesis account from the Bible. Is there a classification system for animals in Scripture? Perhaps not. While Adam may have been able to recognize and name the different kinds of animals, the various terms describing such activities as swarming, creeping, or flying are generally applied in the early chapters of Genesis. The animals represented by these terms cross many boundaries that modern classification systems would not accept.
Naming the Animals One of the first tasks given to Adam was the naming of the animals (Gen 2:19-20). This authority implies that Adam was able to recognize and distinguish the different types of creatures, probably quite simply by visual sight and not a complicated process. This is sometimes referred to as the 'Adam Test' for kinds and suggests that simple recognition of the differences is all that is needed to distinguish the different kinds. Some have argued it would be impossible to name all of the different species as there are today. However, Adam probably was only dealing with the number of original kinds, and not species, which would have been quite manageable.
Dinosaur Sightings in Ancient and Modern History How did the Ancients Know what Dinosaurs Looked Like? Modern civilization has studied dinosaurs for about 150 years. Before this, it is assumed that no person has even seen a dinosaur. Yet, many drawings and depictions of dinosaurs exist. There are many ancient legends and records of people interacting with dinosaurs and dragons. Some of these depictions have more details about the dinosaurs than we know today. The last few centuries still include dinosaur sightings even today.
Dinosaur Sightings in Ancient and Modern History
How did the Ancients Know what Dinosaurs Looked Like? Modern civilization has studied dinosaurs for about 150 years. Before this, it is assumed that no person has even seen a dinosaur. Yet, many drawings and depictions of dinosaurs exist. There are many ancient legends and records of people interacting with dinosaurs and dragons. Some of these depictions have more details about the dinosaurs than we know today. The last few centuries still include dinosaur sightings even today.
Did Ancient Man Live with Dinosaurs
Fossilized Skin and Patterns Some of the Ica Stone carvings depict rosette patterns on the skin of the dinosaur. This was unknown to the modern age until fossilized dinosaur skin was found with these same patterns.
Dinosaurs and Man According to the Theory of Evolution, dinosaurs disappeared about 60 million years ago. Man appeared about 4 million years ago. Therefore, man should not have any records of having seen a dinosaur. Yet this seems to not be the case.
Ica Stones The Ica Stones are burial stones used in Peru about 1000 years ago - possibly to depict the life of the person. Many stones include dinosaurs an people including a man riding a triceratops, a tyrannosaur with a man, and a long necked dinosaur throwing a man into the air.
Carvings Carvings and drawings of dinosaurs occur all over the world. This includes a drawing of a stegasaurus on an 800 year old temple.
Where are the Dinosaurs Today
Why no Dinosaurs Today One of the main reasons dinosaurs have gone extinct is that mankind has hunted them to extinction as it has many other kinds of animals. Throughout history there are records of dragon parts being used for various purposes.
Modern Sightings of Dinosaurs Pterosaur Sightings From the mountains of Mexico to the islands of Papua New Guinea, pterosaur sightings happen around the world. The possibility of living dinosaurs is intriguing. A general overview of areas with common sightings is given.
Brachiosaurus There are claims of Brachiosaurs sightings in the Congo of Africa.
Nessie - the Loch Ness Monster One of the most famous of modern day dinosaur possibilties.
Mokele Mbembe and Ngoubou Dinosaur like creatures found in an African swamp.
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