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Relationship With the King

From Scripture Advocate

We must humble ourselves and submit to Elohim's authority. The Bible, as the word of Elohim, is the accurate and authoritative description of both the physical and spiritual aspects of life and we must greatly know and understand it so we can act rightly and not be deceived by the enemy through inaccurate doctrine, twisting of Scripture, or false prophets. There is nothing more powerful than an active relationship with the Eternal for it is He who is Creator, Lawgiver, and Redeemer and it is He who is worthy of our worship while the enemy is a pride driven fraud who promotes idolatry and fear to steal and take what does not belong to him. Perhaps the most important and foundational truth is that of salvation; the availability of forgiveness of sin and the opportunity to be a child of Elohim in the Kingdom of Heaven throughout eternity which can motivate us to withstand anything the enemy can throw at us from this world.

Helmet of Salvation Summary

Scripture Strategy Summary

As believers, we want to build our relationship with the One Most High and grow closer to Him. As with any relationship, the one with the Almighty grows by spending time together and getting to know each other better. One of the best ways we have to do this is to read His words that are written to us which are recorded in Scripture. Also, there are many philosophies, cultures, and ideas that want to take our attention away from the Almighty and have us forget the truth about creation and life. Be knowing and understanding His word, we can stand strong in the truth and resist what is false. Finally, by learning about the physical and spiritual aspects of life and covenant relationship the Almighty has with mankind, one can better understand how to live in His blessing.

Honoring the Eternal Summary

There is nothing more powerful in life than a relationship with the Eternal; therefore, learning who He is helps to build life and eternal life. Elohim (specifically the god of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) created the Heavens and the Earth including the plants, the animals, and mankind. Elohim spoke them into existence in a literal seven day act of creation.

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