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Creation Science Summary

From Scripture Advocate

What Is Baraminology?

The field of Baraminology works to determine and define sets of Basic Kinds. Much of the work examines reproduction with an emphasis on hybridization. When this information is not available (such as for fossils) statistical analysis of characteristics is used to determine similarity and discontinuity between kinds. A classification system, built on the concept of basic kinds, is being produced by Todd Elder.

Methods for Delineating Baramin

Baraminology is defined as the study of Created Kinds and generally refers to the taxonomic studies made within a creationist framework. The field of Baraminology makes an attempt to determine what the original created kinds were as well as connect different species within a kind today. One method of this work deals with reproduction, which is a very strong indication that two plants or animals are related. A second method is statistical analysis of characteristics of the plants or animals to determine if they are similar. The statistical approach is not as strong for evidence, but is especially useful in working with fossils.

How to Define Kinds and Species?

Comparing and contrasting various definitions of species and species concepts with an emphasis on the Katagenos Species Concept.

How Do You Classify Baramins?

Working within a creationist framework, the taxonomy and classification of created kinds is used to determine the taxonomic rank of Kind and the species that fall within a kind. Comparing and contrasting various classification systems with an emphasis on the Natanzera Classification system.

What Are the Animal Baramins?

Animals are generally defined by have having eukaryotic cells (containing a nucleus), ingesting food rather than producing it, lacking cell walls so cells can join together to form tissues and organs, and the capability of motion.

What Are the Plant Baramins?

Plants are typically defined as multi-cellular organisms which lack locomotion and have eukaryotic cells, cell walls, and chloroplasts which allow for photosynthesis.

What Is the Human Baramin?

In recent decades, evolutionary archaeologists have uncovered many fossilized remains that they consider to be transitional species between ape and man. Creationist researchers look at these same fossils and and sometimes place them among the apes, with humans, as frauds, or as uncertain where they belong. Ultimately, the question has to be asked, just how much variation is possible within Man Kind?

What Are the Other Baramins?

Fungus Baramins

Fungus are spore producing items which include mushrooms, yeast, and molds. They do not produce their own energy through photosynthesis, but instead derive nutrients from the organic matter of plants and animals. They can be unicellular, multi-cellular, or even multi-nucleated. Most fungi are beneficial, yet some can cause disease in man, animal, or plants.

Prokaryote Classification

Prokaryotes do not contain a nucleus.

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