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Role of Defending Life

From Scripture Advocate

When life is attacked either physically or spiritually, it must be defended from the enemy that would destroy, corrupt, or enslave. Within the war, facts and evidence will reveal the truth and the resulting benefits to life while the enemy will hide how falsehood harms life through deception, conspiracy, consensus, suppression of truth, and other dishonorable tactics and weapons that appeal to pride and the lusts of the flesh. The training is not merely learning how to recognize and fight the endless individual enemies and problems; it is becoming part of the long-term resistance to false mainstream ideas and concepts that are a core part of the enemies tactics. Wearing the armor of light is not just an academic exercise, but instead requires a high standard of living out what each piece of armor represents, knowing that your example will be hated by those who love, favor, and enjoy falsehood.

Understanding The War Summary

In the battle of good and evil, it is a simple matter to state that what is good are those things that help and benefit life and what is evil are those things that harm and destroy life. This includes the Kingdom of Heaven (good) and the Kingdom of Darkness (evil). In most cases, it is very easy to distinguish between good and evil in a battle. The evil side is the one who has attacked and the good side is the one on the defense. This is because the good side will do things righteously and fairly which should result in no fighting. The evil side will be unjust and try to take what is not his and thus attacks to steal and snatch away.

Knight Academy Summary

Path of the Righteous Warrior Summary

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