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Path of the Righteous Warrior Summary

From Scripture Advocate

Relationship with the King

Peace comes with the security of being loved by the Eternal and knowing He is protecting your life. Relationships grow by spending time together and following the proper roles. With the Eternal, this means learning His word in Scripture and spending time in worship. It means learning who He is and what He has done. Respecting His position and honoring Him. Accepting His love and care is a choice we make, both now and eternally. It is an active relationship, not a set of religious traditions.

Reality of the Kingdom of Heaven

In the battle of good and evil, it is a simple matter to state that what is good are those things that help and benefit life and what is evil are those things that harm and destroy life. This includes the Kingdom of Heaven (good) and the Kingdom of Darkness (evil). In most cases, it is very easy to distinguish between good and evil in a battle. The evil side is the one who has attacked and the good side is the one on the defense. This is because the good side will do things righteously and fairly which should result in no fighting. The evil side will be unjust and try to take what is not his and thus attacks to steal and snatch away.

Responsibility to the Covenant

To become a skilled warrior requires training and education. Competition [including debate] is useful for honing skills, but it is merely practice and does not fight the actual war. One must seek [prayerfully] to determine which battlefront our Great Commander would have us fight on. There are many battlefront. We cannot fight on all of them. He knows where we belong. Defending what is good. follow the leader battlefront training competition weapons education

Righteousness in the Messiah

Generally, evil will use any weapon available to achieve it's goals and even a large amount of "collateral damage" will not stop it from using such weapons. The side of good is righteous to all involved and will make even great efforts to protect the innocent. In the battle of good and evil on cannot follow the methods of evil to achieve good. Righteousness, justice, fairness, and mercy are attributes of the Kingdom of Heaven. These qualities must be followed. The end does not justify the means nor is it situation where one must win at all costs. The ultimate triumph will come at the time of judgment. The war will be over. Our battles will be viewed for our actions and our example. strategy and tactics not deceptive honorable secrecy

Resisting Evil in the World

On a personal level, one must fight for purity and resist the lusts of the flesh and the outside attacks of temptation. One of the greatest weapons of evil is lying. Therefore, one of the greatest battle grounds is defending and upholding truth while showing what is a lie. Lying can come in many forms including fake, fiction, false, fallacy, fantasy, and fraud. All of these forms lead people astray and away from His truth and righteousness. Therefore, in defending truth, it should be done in a way that leads people back to the Almighty. knowing enemy active defense : fear, pride, distraction :

Remembering Testimony

A believer's testimony should not neglect the pain and suffering caused by unrighteousness in their life before becoming a believer. It is often this same trouble, and the realization that this would not be if righteousness were in the world, that brings a person to their knees seeking repentance and forgiveness, and righteousness that leads to eternal life.

Ready for Action

Winning the battle means helping others know the Almighty, encouraging righteousness, and even knocking down the strongholds of evil [including Evolutionism]. The salvation of people is far more valuable than our own comfort and possessions.

Righteousness is the true key to all the others. If you have righteousness, then you will have peace, and truth, and blessing, and spirit, and testimony, and life, and honor. The gift of righteousness from the Messiah and the righteousness of our own actions build life while unrighteousness tears it down. The Path of the Righteous Warrior exists because we want the righteousness that helps life rather than the harm that unrighteousness brings.