What Does Scripture Reveal about Plant Kinds?
The plant kinds are defined as the distinct types of grasses, herbs, and trees that were created by the Creator as described in the Genesis account from the Bible. The plants are quite different from animals and man on many levels. When the plants were formed on day three, He was designing something that would be used for food, produce oxygen, capture and store energy, and so many other things.
Understanding Grasses, Herbs, and Trees There are many ways that man can classify or group plants together. However, within the Creation account, there are three major types of plants given: grasses, herbs, and trees. At first glance, this may not seem significant, but each of these types of plants have unique characteristics which demonstrate the great planning of our Creator and distinguish one from another.
Living Beings The modern concepts within Biology, the study of life, are based on secular views of life which are hidden in evolutionary terminology. Evolution considers plants, animals, and man to all be alive and related to one another. Within Scripture, a very different view of life is given. A simple look at the differences between the body, soul, and spirit shows that life is much more than just functions of the body which act as a response to a stimulus.
Are Plants Alive? Because it contrasts with the modern evolutionary concepts of biology so much, the point that plants are not considered alive within a scriptural viewpoint should be clarified.
The Purpose of Plants is Primarily Food During the Creation Week, our wonderful Creator made plants, animals, and man. As one explores each of these categories, it becomes obvious and clear that plants are more basic than animals and man and that they serve a different purpose. When the plants were formed on day three, He was designing something unique that would be useful for man on many levels including producing food, oxygen, building materials, and even stored energy.