New pages
6 February 2025
- 03:4903:49, 6 February 2025 Encouraging Life (hist | edit) [876 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{discontinued infobox}} {{published infobox |Paperback 5.25 x 8 in. |Todd Elder |Self-Published Createspace |2013 |1482796473 |9781482796476 |[[Media:|PDF]] }} As the first volume in the Elder’s Model of Creation series, “Encouraging Life” gives an introduction to a wide range of concepts from the scriptural, scientific, and social aspects of Creationism. These concepts are woven together to present a deeper understanding of the creation, the Creator, the cove...")
- 03:4603:46, 6 February 2025 Genesis Children's Outreach (hist | edit) [778 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{discontinued infobox}} {{published infobox |Paperback 5.25 x 8 |Todd Elder |Self-Published Createspace |2013 |1491246030 |978-1391246030 |[[Media:|PDF]] }} The Genesis Children’s Outreach is a local mission working to improve the lives of children in the Michigan Thumb’s region. It’s goal is to improve the lives of children physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually by applying the concepts of reality, relationship, responsibility, righteousness, and...")
- 03:4403:44, 6 February 2025 Creationist Notebook (hist | edit) [818 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{discontinued infobox}} {{published infobox |Paperback 8 X 10 |Todd Elder |Self-Published - Createspace |November 6, 2013 |1493577323 |978-1493577323 |[[Media:|PDF]] }} The ‘Creationist Notebook’ is designed as a reference guide and notebook to aid in the personal study of Creationism. It contains an outline of many topics which support scientific creationism including the scriptural basis for Creationism, the scientific evidence for a young Earth, and the world...")
- 03:3903:39, 6 February 2025 Zaqen Studio Graphics (hist | edit) [350 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Helping Ministries Defend Creationism and Scripture Mission: Working to produce computer generated graphics, animations, and also photographs to help people and organizations who support Creationism and Scripture. Vision: Continue to increase and improve the work available. Series Armor of Light Scripture Scroll Quote 3d render Themes")
- 03:3803:38, 6 February 2025 Covenant Keepers (hist | edit) [695 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Helping the Body of Believers obey It’s Savior Mission: Placing the commandments back above the traditions of man. Helping people understand the meaning and purpose of covenants within Scripture and exploring what it means to be obediently in covenant with the Eternal. Vision: Exploring what it looks like to follow the commands of Scripture rather than the traditions of the Rabbis or the traditions of the Bishops. Presenting a non-dispensational view of the relations...")
- 03:3703:37, 6 February 2025 Celebrating Salvation (hist | edit) [568 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Finding the Messiah in the Festivals of Scripture Mission: The biblical high days and festivals are memorials to the work of our Savior for the atonement, sanctification, and redemption of His people. Helping the believer find reason for joy and celebration as we explore the symbolic and prophetic meaning of each special day as they point to the work of our Messiah. Vision: Examining and comparing what Scripture says with the traditions of Christianity and Messianic Ju...")
- 03:3703:37, 6 February 2025 Path of the Righteous Warrior (hist | edit) [679 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Only the Kingdom of Heaven can Produce a Righteous Warrior Mission: For those who want to move beyond just a personal relationship with the Eternal and who choose to fight in the greater battle of good and evil. Helping People defend the Kingdom of Heaven and the Bible in a post-truth and wicked world. Vision: Learning and training to fight sin and darkness according to righteous methods. Taking the personal disciplines of worship and extending them to help other belie...")
- 03:3403:34, 6 February 2025 Encouraging Life Children's Mission (hist | edit) [552 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Mission: Helping with the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being of children in a local setting by providing resources and training for those who want to help families in their area. Helping them trust the Bible and building a relationship with the Creator. Vision: Providing resources to be used in local outreaches. Establishing local outreaches. Training volunteers to help children. Books: Encouraging Life Encouraging Life Seminar Workbook Gen...")
- 03:1703:17, 6 February 2025 Meeting in Fellowship (hist | edit) [804 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{discontinued infobox}} {{published infobox |Papaerback |Todd Elder |Covenant Keepers |2018 |1984275674 |978-1984275677 |[[Media:|PDF]] }} What does a fellowship look like when it follows Scripture rather than the manmade traditions of the Bishops (Catholicism) and the traditions of the Rabbis (Judaism)? This book begins to answer that question by reviewing some common issues that are dealt with during the transition period from tradition to Scripture. This is not...")
- 03:1203:12, 6 February 2025 The Sabbath Day (hist | edit) [5,423 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Elohim's Sabbath == As we read Scripture, one of the striking elements regarding the Sabbath is that it belongs to Elohim and that it was given to man for his sanctification. Elohim made the rest on the seventh day of the creation week and set it apart. He rested not because of tiredness or fatigue. Instead, He ceased His work of building up and creating the universe and the world because it was complete. Afterwards, observance of the Sabbath becomes part of mankind's...")
- 03:0503:05, 6 February 2025 Chronological Bible Notebook (hist | edit) [968 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{discontinued infobox}} {{published infobox |Paperback |Todd Elder |Scripture Advocate Publishing |November 14, 2017 |1979642117 |978-1979642118 |Media: PDF }} Originally a special edition for the Capon Bible Fellowship. Relationships grow by spending time together. There are few ways to better spend time with our Creator than reading His recorded message to His people. Reading the Bible in chronological order has the added benefits of clearly presenting the co...")
- 02:5702:57, 6 February 2025 Elder's Model of Created Kinds (hist | edit) [1,602 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{discontinued infobox}} {{published infobox |Paperback 6 x 9 in, |Todd Elder |Baraminology Quest |October 18, 2016 |0997307757 |978-0997307757 |Media: PDF }} Originally prepared for talking with teenagers as an introduction to Biology from a Creationist perspective. {{gallery box | title = Gallery | image = <gallery> file:Baraminology-book-covers.jpg|Book Covers file:Baraminology-book-contents.jpg|Contents Page file:Baraminology-book-page-sample.jpg|Page Sample <...")
5 February 2025
- 13:1213:12, 5 February 2025 Wanting to Join a Kingdom (hist | edit) [3,227 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The premise of all that I teach is a very simple rule ... but it has broad reaching applications. "The Scriptures are the accurate words of the King to His people". To be clear, what that does not mean is to go follow the traditions of man who say they speak for the king, but then contradict His message by making their own rules - Judaism, Catholicism, Protestantism, etc, etc, etc. To put this into a word picture: imagine wanting to join a kingdom and become a citizen o...")
- 13:1013:10, 5 February 2025 Which Guide Do You Follow? (hist | edit) [5,200 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |As Believers move forward on the Narrow Path to the Kingdom of Heaven, a great many broad paths are offered by the secular world ... these must be avoided. Even within the Believing Community / Christianity, many paths are offered by the differing councils, creeds, and catechisms that make up the many denominations and complicate our lives. Ultimately, the Bible should be our guidebook ... and it will give us the best path to the Kingdom.}} As believer...")
- 13:0513:05, 5 February 2025 Photography as Hobby, Career, and Documentation (hist | edit) [7,604 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "''' Exploring Life ''' During my late teens, I started exploring life ... largely through philosophy and science. At that time I had a strong desire to record things through art and this lead to trying out various art mediums such as sketching and oil paint. However, I ended up going with photography because it was [supposedly] quick and detailed. ''' Learning Basic Skills ''' When starting out, I had just a mild interest in photography. I had learned of a local camera...")
- 13:0113:01, 5 February 2025 Times of Error and Correction (hist | edit) [12,351 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Going to the Desert == It has been said that there is a difference between the Northern land of Israel and the Southern land of Israel. The suggested difference is that in the north, where the climate allowed a much greater amount of crops, vegetation, and comfort was where most of the physical and problematic events occurred. This would then be compared to the south and the more dry and barren landscape where most of the spiritual events occurred. I am not sure if th...")
4 February 2025
- 21:0821:08, 4 February 2025 Created Kinds, Baraminology, and the Creation Orchard (hist | edit) [1,232 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{warning box |This book has been discontinued. A downloadable PDF file of the interior of the book is being made available for historical reference and personal use. This file may be shared freely so long as it is not changed. Please refer to our Copyright Page for other uses.}} {{published infobox |Hard Back 8 X 10 |Creation Science League |March 12, 2017 |0997307730 |978-0997307733 }} From the time of Adam, mankind has been describing and classifying the surroundin...")
2 February 2025
- 04:4804:48, 2 February 2025 Logic Versus Faith Testimony (hist | edit) [8,171 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== A Thinker with Faith == One of the best ways to introduce my life and my pursuits is to discuss a test I took in my early thirties. It was a spiritual gifts test made up of two parts. Part one was for personality and it included four options. The second part had sixteen options related to spiritual giftings. Combined, these 4 personalities and 16 giftings could produce 64 different combinations. Before taking the test, the instructions mentioned that a thinker with t...")
- 04:4004:40, 2 February 2025 Religious Background and Denominations Testimony (hist | edit) [19,554 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |Short Summary: I grew up in the Protestant traditions. I had a short time with Messianic Judaism and with offshoots of the Worldwide Church of God. I have been in various Home Fellowships and visited other denominations while traveling. Currently, I would fall into the category of non-denominational, trying to follow Scripture, and finding fellowship wherever it appears across the broad spectrum of groups listed above.}} == United Church of Christ == =...")
- 04:1704:17, 2 February 2025 What Does It Feel Like to Face Death? (hist | edit) [18,591 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |When you are suddenly in mortal danger, you have only the choice to fight to live or to give up and die ... and one will find the desire to live to be quite strong. If you slowly come to look at death because of pain and suffering, it might seem a refreshing idea ... but it is really just running away from the issues that need dealt with and results in the loss of everything that could still happen good in life.}} == How Many Times Faced Death? == That...")
- 04:0804:08, 2 February 2025 How Do You Define Death and Life? (hist | edit) [3,527 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |According to Scripture, death is a punishment for sin. Therefore, eternal life is a reward for righteousness.}} == What Is the Meaning of Death? == I am going to open this paper up with the question: what is the meaning of death? Yes, I mean death. Far too often, people will go in search of the meaning of life, but it becomes too complicated because of our own personal wants and desires and a thousand philosophies and worldviews that others will offer...")
31 January 2025
- 17:1417:14, 31 January 2025 How Do You Recognize Heroes and Villains? (hist | edit) [7,060 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |Short Answer: Heroes are the ones who help life, are fair, and even giving. Villains will harm life, steal, and selfish. }} Now, as we go through the seminar, there will be several themes that will be recurring out one of which is the old Western town and I'm using the old Western town as representative of many different ages and cultures nations throughout history. The old West Town was settled by people who were going West because they had hopes of b...")
- 16:5616:56, 31 January 2025 What Is Scripture Advocacy? (hist | edit) [4,619 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "What does it mean to be a Scripture Advocate in the United States and the world today? What does it mean to stand for purity, truth, and righteousness in a post-truth world full of wickedness? The primary thing it means is going against the mainstream in religious, scientific, and societal standards ... because the acceptance of Scripture as an accurate guide to life and life eternal is now an extremely small minority view. ''' The Uniqueness of Scripture - A Savior '''...")
- 16:5416:54, 31 January 2025 Who Are the Companions in the Book of Life? (hist | edit) [8,418 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |Short Answer: If a person accepts the Messiah as Savior, I expect to see them in the Kingdom of Heaven. It does not matter if they are Catholic, Protestant, Messianic Jew, Adventist, or Non-Denominational ... they are companions in the Book of Life because they have chosen salvation through Yahshuah / Jesus.}} Throughout my writings, I distinguish many groups of Believers / Christians based on the traditions they follow. Please do not assume I am imply...")
- 16:5116:51, 31 January 2025 What Path Do You Choose? (hist | edit) [5,214 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |Short Answer: As Believers move forward on the Narrow Path to the Kingdom of Heaven, a great many broad paths are offered by the secular world ... these must be avoided. Even within the Believing Community / Christianity, many paths are offered by the differing councils, creeds, and catechisms that make up the many denominations and complicate our lives. Ultimately, the Bible should be our guidebook ... and it will give us the best path to the Kingdom.}...")
- 16:4616:46, 31 January 2025 How Should Christians Engage the Spiritual Aspects of Halloween? (hist | edit) [43,240 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |Short Answer: Does removing the religious aspects of Halloween traditions also remove the spiritual effects of those traditions? No. Participating in paganism, witchcraft, satanism, new age, or occult practices risks opening oneself up to demonic influence.}} == To Halloween or Not to Halloween? == We learn from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that what is true brings goodness, benefit, love, and closeness to Elohim while false brings separa...")
- 16:3916:39, 31 January 2025 Photography and Darkroom Testimony (hist | edit) [7,605 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "''' Exploring Life ''' During my late teens, I started exploring life ... largely through philosophy and science. At that time I had a strong desire to record things through art and this lead to trying out various art mediums such as sketching and oil paint. However, I ended up going with photography because it was [supposedly] quick and detailed. ''' Learning Basic Skills ''' When starting out, I had just a mild interest in photography. I had learned of a local camera...")
- 16:3316:33, 31 January 2025 Error and Correction Testimony (hist | edit) [12,557 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Going to the Desert == It has been said that there is a difference between the Northern land of Israel and the Southern land of Israel. The suggested difference is that in the north, where the climate allowed a much greater amount of crops, vegetation, and comfort was where most of the physical and problematic events occurred. This would then be compared to the south and the more dry and barren landscape where most of the spiritual events occurred. I am not sure if th...")
29 January 2025
- 16:3716:37, 29 January 2025 What Is Advantage Play? (hist | edit) [3,849 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{answer infobox |Short Answer: Within the casino, advantage play is using a skill like card counting or dice control to actually change the odds in your favor. Similarly, in living life, we can change 'the spiritual odds' in our favor by seeking the blessings that come from having a Savior and playing the rules of the Kingdom of Heaven rather than having the curses that come by playing the rules of the world and the Kingdom of Darkness.}} === Changing the Odds === Why...")
- 16:3116:31, 29 January 2025 What Are the Best Ways to Play Casino Games? (hist | edit) [8,109 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Short Answer: If you are playing for entertainment, then you can simply play with the games and betting strategies you enjoy. If you are playing to win, you have very limited options involving card counting, dice control, and discipline with must-hit-by slots ... skills that most people do not sufficiently have for significant wins. Even with these skills, winning at these games requires a long-term strategy, highly repetitive actions, and a significant starting bankroll...")
- 04:1904:19, 29 January 2025 What Does the Bible Say about Gambling? (hist | edit) [5,227 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (start)
- 03:5903:59, 29 January 2025 Disciplines of Worship Summary (hist | edit) [5,436 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (start)
- 03:5703:57, 29 January 2025 Names and Titles of Elohim Summary (hist | edit) [6,613 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (start)
27 January 2025
- 23:3123:31, 27 January 2025 Learning to Follow the Good Shepherd (hist | edit) [11,648 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (starting)
26 January 2025
- 04:5204:52, 26 January 2025 Traditions of the Bishops (hist | edit) [6,284 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The central theme of salvation within Scripture is the acceptance of the Messiah as the Savior of a person's life. Those who accept the Messiah become companions in the book of life. However, the Christian religion has many traditions and beliefs that have added to or changed the commandments found in Scripture and therefore distinguish Christians from other believers in the Messiah. == Catholic and Protestant Culture == The Christian religion has several core beliefs...")
- 04:5104:51, 26 January 2025 Traditions of the Rabbis (hist | edit) [6,352 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The central theme of salvation within Scripture is the acceptance of the Messiah as the Savior of a person's life. Those who accept the Messiah become companions in the book of life. Messianic believers generally try to keep the commandments and laws as part of the covenant relationship. However, Messianic Jewish believers follow the culture and sanctified traditions of the Rabbi's, who are not priests and who rejected Yahshuah as Savior, and the Oral Torah as found in t...")
- 04:2804:28, 26 January 2025 Observing His Rest (hist | edit) [875 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (start)
- 03:5903:59, 26 January 2025 Scripture Advocate Summary Pages (hist | edit) [12,857 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Starting important page)
25 January 2025
- 03:3203:32, 25 January 2025 What Is Intelligent Design? (hist | edit) [6,508 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (start)
- 02:5302:53, 25 January 2025 Think Creation (hist | edit) [531 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (start)
- 02:5302:53, 25 January 2025 Baraminology Quest (hist | edit) [25 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (start)
- 02:5202:52, 25 January 2025 Creation Science League (hist | edit) [25 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "start")
- 02:5002:50, 25 January 2025 Todd Elder (hist | edit) [2,936 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Todd Elder Testimony Projects [[creation Science League] Baraminology Quest Think Creation category:Elder")
24 January 2025
- 04:3904:39, 24 January 2025 Mantle of Zeal Summary (hist | edit) [26 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (start)
- 04:3804:38, 24 January 2025 Ancestry and Family Tree Summary (hist | edit) [7,301 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (start)
- 04:3804:38, 24 January 2025 Desire for Truth Summary (hist | edit) [25 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (start)
- 04:3704:37, 24 January 2025 Logic and Faith Summary (hist | edit) [1,113 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (start)
- 04:3704:37, 24 January 2025 Shoes of Peace Summary (hist | edit) [25 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (start)
- 04:3604:36, 24 January 2025 Personal Battlegrounds Summary (hist | edit) [33 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (start)
- 04:3604:36, 24 January 2025 Religious Traditions Summary (hist | edit) [4,247 bytes] Elder (talk | contribs) (start)