Disciplines of Worship Summary
Disciplines of Worship
The disciplines of worship ask a person to humble themselves and let the Almighty be the Master. This type of worship allows the One Most High to work in a believer's life in ways not otherwise possible. A rich and full relationship is the reward for those who learn to worship as He has instructed and do not follow man made traditions.
Deciding Discipline: Within Scripture, the Almighty has instructed us on how to have a close relationship with Himself. The disciplines of worship are not an end to seek after, rather they are a means to a close relationship to the One Most High. The results of learning these disciplines include knowing His will for our lives, living in His blessing, and being effective in our work for the Kingdom of Heaven.
Wonderful Worship: Worship is an amazing thing and works on so many different levels. One level is how it effects us physically. We know that this happens. We read about it in the Bible, we sometimes see it in others, and we may do it (allow it) in ourselves. We probably all know people who seem to get into the action (act) of worship very easily and will raise their hands, dance, or even shout ... while others of us just stand around wondering what we should be doing.
Personal Qualities for Worship
Fervent Faith: Without faith, very little is possible. Faith is the most difficult of the disciplines. We are constantly challenged by our flesh and logic to trust in the Almighty's promises of love and care. We are further challenged by patiently waiting on actions to occur in the spiritual that we cannot see.
Honest Humility: The act of humility simply means to not lift oneself up or to not praise oneself. Genuine humility does not require putting oneself down which often leads to a form of false humility which is a lie. Humility is a prerequisite to all forms of worship and can sum up the fruits of the Spirit as well.
Routine Righteousness: There are two levels of righteousness in the Scriptures. The first is the Righteousness of the Messiah that leads to Salvation. This is very different from the righteousness of our actions that lead to the Almighty's blessing in our life. Our righteousness is to follow the example of our Savior. In this regard, our righteous actions can be viewed as a fruit of our salvation.
Standard Simplicity: Simplicity is an important element in the modern world. Understanding simplicity enables a person to place priorities and possessions in proper order. It allows a person to discern between the important and the urgent and to realize what is complicating life needlessly. It produces time to use with Scripture and the Almighty.
Private Methods of Worship
Powerful Prayer: Prayer is the greatest form of worship. When we speak to the Almighty, we are working in the spiritual. This is directly in contrast to attempting our own actions in the physical. Seeking His solution to our problems shows how much greater are His ways than ours.
Frequent Fasting: The time of fasting is not always much in quantity, but it is high in quality since it focuses on the spiritual aspects of life and the One Most High. While fasting is a physical act of not eating food, the spiritual effects are astonishing and can be summed up in the word 'intensifying'. Our perception of the Almighty's will for our lives and our prayers to Him both become more intense.
Public Methods of Worship
Potent Praise: To praise the Almighty is to publicly give honor to authority where it is due. Elohim is our master and guide, the one who makes provision through all our life. When we speak to others of the wonderful things He has done in our lives, we are sharing the praise that He deserves.
Telling Testimony: The sharing of personal testimonies, the events which one has experienced and witnessed in life, is one of the best ways possible to encourage other believers or open the gospel message to non-believers. Sometimes, by recalling for others what the Almighty has already done in our lives, it can encourage and strengthen the faith of oneself to move on to even greater events in life.
Persevering Persecution: In many places of the world, persecution for one's religious beliefs is a reality. Wherever one lives, the physical and mental preparation for this event is a necessity for a believer in the Messiah. An active relationship with the Almighty, before trouble comes, is what carries a person through the tough times.
False Methods of Worship
Within the Scriptures, it is often and in many ways stated not to worship false gods or follow the ordinances of the surrounding nations such as Egypt or Canaan. The Messiah also states that people are to obey the commandments. Sadly, through the centuries this has not been applied to the body of believers. Sometimes quickly and sometimes slowly, false forms of worship have crept into religious practices and some have even become commonplace. This often occurs through absorbing man made rituals and traditions from other cultures or religions, while adding a surface layer of meaning toward the Almighty, and then mixing it with true worship.
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