What Does the Bible Say about Gambling?
Short Answer: Wagering, betting, and gambling are not sinful by themselves ... but the casino industry can be called evil because it purposefully causes people to lose bets and pulls together many sins and lusts of the flesh into one place.
The Bible does not directly say much about gambling. In fact, there is nothing to suggest that gambling in-and-of-itself is a sin. However, it can be closely associated with many sinful activities which all come together at the casino. Where money is involved people will covet, lie, cheat, steal, and even become idolatrous ... both casino and player alike. This is the powerful reason why the casinos have such strong security and the governments have such strong gaming commissions and gambling oversight committees to ensure things are legitimate and no cheating or illegal activities are done by either side.
Casting Lots It is Intersting to note that, within the Bible, there are situations where people make a decision by casting lots. These are done both to determine Elohim's will and to determine a pagan god's will. It is something that can be used for good or evil.
Terrible Rules
Indirectly, the Bible has much to say about how a fool and his money are soon parted. It is one thing to have a friendly bet with someone about who can chop the most firewood in an hour. It is entirely different thing to enter a building whose games are designed to make you consistently lose bets. Let that sink in … this is, perhaps, the most simple and striking accusation against the casino … the games are designed to make you lose your bets (it is called the house edge). Even with perfect play and strategy, you will still lose your money (just a little more slowly). Why would anyone bother to go there? It is foolishness. Inside the casino, you are stuck playing by terrible rules.
Life is much the same. We are in a fallen and sinful world. If we try to play according to the world's rules, rather than follow the rules of the Kingdom of Heaven, we are stuck playing by terrible rules and we will consistently be losing. The selfish and unloving attitudes of the non-believing world (and sometimes among less mature believers) will harm life rather than help. Furthermore, our enemy, the Devil, knows how to manipulate and tempt people into playing by the rules of darkness which bring destruction.
Boring Games Have you ever tried playing these games without any money involved? You are dealt your cards, there are no rounds of betting, you simply show your cards, and the person with the high card wins. It gets boring very quickly.
Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: 27 Neither give place to the devil. KJV Ephesians 4:26 There are a great many temptations (and opportunities) to do wrong or commit sin in a casino. This is true of any location or activity that involves money. However, negative emotions tend to run strong inside casinos. It is a thoroughly unfriendly and competitve environment and the list of possible temptations is long.
Luck Luck is a topic that gets tossed around frequently in the casino. As a believer, you do not have the luxury of blaming 'luck' ... you cannot believe in luck. You must accept the Sovereignty of the Eternal. To place any type of power in the concept of Luck is idolatry. Luck does not exist. Yes, there may be effects of blessing and cursing in your life or in the casino. There is even a slight possibility the casino is using witchcraft. But none of that is Luck.
Theft Theft is a strong word and it is a strong action. Hopefully you will never encounter a casino that cheats. Hopefully, you will never try to cheat the casino. As believers, we should hold ourselves to a very high standard. But cheating (a type of theft) does occur. The internet is full of such stories ... some of which have verifiable evidence.
Covetousness Coveting is, perhaps, the biggest problem in a casino. If you doubt this, just ask yourself how easy it is to be cheerful for someone next to you who won a prize while you are sitting there losing money? Can you congratulate them? Or do you stew in covetousness and jealousy. Or what about the strong glares from other players who seem to assume you are out to steal their money? The casino seems more than willing to encourage this lust of the flesh every way it can.
Addiction Scripture states that we cannot serve two masters. Like other lusts of the flesh, gambling can be addictive ... and then we have another master over us. A master that typically drives our lives into ruin as money continues to be lost - followed by cars, houses, and sometimes even families. There can definitely be a spiritual (demonic) element to this and fighting addiction needs strong action.
Conclusion Therefore, a person going to a casino must always remember it is a dangerous place. Even if he is there to do good, the casino will be doing everything it can to make him fall and succumb to the lusts of the flesh, the temptations of money, and even idolatry. Wagering by itself may not be a sin, but as with many things, like anger, it can lead to sin.
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