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Which Guide Do You Follow?

From Scripture Advocate

As Believers move forward on the Narrow Path to the Kingdom of Heaven, a great many broad paths are offered by the secular world ... these must be avoided. Even within the Believing Community / Christianity, many paths are offered by the differing councils, creeds, and catechisms that make up the many denominations and complicate our lives. Ultimately, the Bible should be our guidebook ... and it will give us the best path to the Kingdom.

As believers in Yahshuah as Savior, we want to spend our lives walking the path toward the Kingdom of Heaven. Multiple passages in Scripture tell us to take the narrow path and to follow where our Shepherd leads us ... trusting He will take us where we want to go.

However, sometimes choices come up before us. They may be tests, trials, or perhaps simply because we questions. Whatever the reason, when there is a choice to make, many people will give advice or claim to have the answers to our questions. They want to make that decision for us.

The big question is, when we come to the crossroads and have that choice, how do we make that decision? Which path will we follow?

We know that our guidebook tells us to go straight. But what happens if we question the guidebook? What happens if it seems like the person or group giving advice might know the local roads better or claim there is a better way?


What happens when we hear Messianic Judaism calling to us saying to come follow their path. What happens if we accept all of the rabbinic traditions from the Talmud, and from Kabbalah, and from the Zohar? Will we get to the heavenly kingdom by saying ritual blessings and focusing on the physical descendants of Jacob? Are the rabbis not the same people who Yahshuah rebuked and who have rejected Him as Savior? Where can their road lead to?


What happens when we hear Christianity calling to us saying to come follow their path. What happens if we accept all of the traditions of the bishops that are based on councils, creeds and, catechisms. Will we get into the heavenly kingdom by following worship of icons and the promises of a pope? Are these bishops not the same one who claim a dispensation, take on pagan forms of worship instead of celebrating the festivals, and who even claim the authority to change the sabbath to the first day of the week? I ask, Where will this road lead us?


What happens when we hear oriental groups call out to us saying to follow something like buddhist meditation. What happens if we leave the road, climb that mountain, and reflect on our inner self, thinking we must find peace before continuing our journey? We must ask if this journey will take us closer or farther from the kingdom of heaven?


What happens if we hear one of the native cultures calling to us by the wayside saying to follow their path? What happens if we go down by the waters and wait until we contact and receive instructions from an animal spirit guide? What if we feel we must understand the reason for our journey before we can move on? Will we ever reach the kingdom of heaven by such practices?


What happens when whe hear the athiest or agnostic calling to us saying to follow their path? What happens if we accept that there is no kingdom at the end of our road and that we should just turn back, join secular society, and follow after money and pleasure? Can this get us into the Kingdom of Heaven?

The Straight Path

In the end, which way do you choose? and how do you decide? The fact is, we have many possible choices, but as believers, we want the truth, we want righteousness ... so we need our guidebook, the Scriptures. Our Guidebook will tell us the truth and give us a straight path. So, the answer is to go straight forward and to ignore the traditions of man whatever their source.

The answer should be obvious. These other paths cannot take us to the Kingdom of Heaven. They can only guide us away, some more quickly than others.

Many people are confused why the Christian Church and the Messianic Jewish congregations are so different from what is stated in Scripture. Since we are all believers in the Messiah as Savior, should we not all look alike? Well, a brief look at history shows that both Christianity and Messianic Judaism are built largely on the traditions of man rather than scripture. It is obvious that they follow the Rabbis and the Bishops rather than the Messiah because they do not keep the Messiah's commandments. In fact, many of these traditions belittle the Messiah's role as Savior.

When we come down to basics, neither a rabbi in a synagogue with the Talmud nor a bishop in a cathedral with a creed are equal to the priesthood in the tabernacle with a covenant relationship to Elohim. We should follow our High priest, Yahshuah and follow the words of instruction we have in Scripture.

It is these traditions of man that divide The Eternal's people. There is great danger for the believer, both physically and spiritually, in following these traditions. Instead, it is His word in Scripture that can bring them back together and show the best path to Eternal life and blessing.