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Creationist Notebook

From Scripture Advocate

This book has been discontinued. A downloadable PDF file of the interior of the book is being made available for historical reference and personal use. This file may be shared freely so long as it is not changed. Please refer to our Copyright page for other uses.

Publishing Data
  • Format = Paperback 8 X 10
  • Author = Todd Elder
  • Client = Self-Published - Createspace
  • Publish Date = November 6, 2013
  • ISBN-10 = 1493577323
  • ISBN-13 = 978-1493577323
  • Download: [[Media:|PDF]]

The ‘Creationist Notebook’ is designed as a reference guide and notebook to aid in the personal study of Creationism.

It contains an outline of many topics which support scientific creationism including the scriptural basis for Creationism, the scientific evidence for a young Earth, and the worldviews formed by Creationism and Evolutionism.

It also contains lists of books, DVDs, and websites which act as recommended resources and materials for continued learning about individual topics and creation in general.
