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How Do You Define Death and Life?

From Scripture Advocate

According to Scripture, death is a punishment for sin. Therefore, eternal life is a reward for righteousness.

What Is the Meaning of Death?

I am going to open this paper up with the question: what is the meaning of death? Yes, I mean death. Far too often, people will go in search of the meaning of life, but it becomes too complicated because of our own personal wants and desires and a thousand philosophies and worldviews that others will offer around us. Looking at the meaning of death takes all these extras out of the equation. It simplifies things.

There can be many approaches to the study of this topic, but ultimately it usually comes down to one of two answers. A) death is found to be meaningless or B) death is found to be a punishment for unrighteousness (otherwise known as sin). If the meaning of death is meaningless, then the result is that the meaning of life is also meaningless and that we happenstantially exist with no purpose. If the meaning of death is a punishment for unrighteousness, then the meaning of life is a reward for righteousness and there is purpose for life being the way it is. independent of of whatever people may individually consider worthwhile to do, but these activities do not change the ultimate meaning of death and life.

If life is meaningless, truth and falsehood generally boils down to simple facts and the physical laws of nature such as chemistry and physics. However, if life is a reward for righteousness, then truth and falsehood have much greater consequences not just in the physical, but also in the spiritual. In this paper, we are going to explore the topics of truth and falsehood and we will explore it from the perspective of life is a reward for righteousness and all the implications that follow both physically and spiritually, and the enemy (the accuser) who wields the power of death.

If Hell Is True

If the Bible and the narratives, Yahweh, Christ, apostles, figures, events, places, miracles are just invented by man, then everything Is just an illusion. People for thousands of years have just worshiped a fictitious being. All the miracles reported, millions, are just self-delusional. All those that claim to have had supernatural experiences, NDE's where they saw God, etc. All just fiction. Maybe due to mental health problems etc.

If God is fiction, and if those that have dedicated their entire lives to serve that God, and even die for him, have done it just because they were gullible, then this applies as well to those that follow the devil. Then Satan is also just a fictional character, invented by the fertile fantasy of man. And so all those that dedicate their lives to witchcraft.

Why are the satanic churches all over the globe? In the U.S., Europe, Asia, Australia, South America. An entire culture, around Satan, Lucifer, demons, witchcraft, witches, paganism, heathens, etc.? Why is culture permeated by satanism ? Hollywood movies? Death metal music?

I think the best answer is because it's probably true. Satan is real. And people worship him and have supernatural experiences. It can be easily seen on YouTube.

Truth is, we live in a fallen world, evil is not just performed, but many consider evil as good, and it is expressed in many forms and ways. That includes false religions.

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