How Do You Recognize Heroes and Villains?
Short Answer: Heroes are the ones who help life, are fair, and even giving. Villains will harm life, steal, and selfish.
Now, as we go through the seminar, there will be several themes that will be recurring out one of which is the old Western town and I'm using the old Western town as representative of many different ages and cultures nations throughout history. The old West Town was settled by people who were going West because they had hopes of being able to attain land grow their own food raise their children securely safely or to try and make money in abundance summer farmers some were minors somewhere other occupations but they all came there and they work to help build the nation to better their lives in is what humans have done throughout history tried to improve their lives.
On the screen, you see two cowboys. One of them is a bad guy and one of them is a good guy - therefore a villain and a hero. At this moment, you only have a quick glance to go on - you know nothing else about them. But I will ask you, which is the good guy? Many think the one on the right has a kinder and gentler face while the one on the left has squinty eyes ... does that make the decision. Others consider the Hollywood style tradition that the light colored hat is the good guy and the dark colored hat is the bad guy ... does that make the decision? Realistically, it could go either way and in a few moments you will get to see a western showdown and find out which is which.
Historically, many people traveled west looking for freedom, land, security for their family, and a chance to improve their lives. They braved the hazards of winter, rugged terrain, and wild animals. Most had to struggle and work hard to clear the land, work in mines, create farms, or eventually settle towns. This western frontier town can actually represent many different ages, cultures, and nations throughout history. This town represents humanity in general because people have always tried to better their lives and build a nation. This is true even in today's society where those in the country, towns, and cities all go about their daily work trying to improve their life. Most likely, you spent much of the last 24 hours doing your daily chores and trying to better your own life. As we look across this town, one can almost envision what is was like as a busy place, full of activity including bakeries, butchers, banks, and even blacksmiths ... all doing their daily routines.
In these communities, many people have jobs doing tasks that others either cannot do or lack the time to accomplish the task. Working together they help each other have better and easier lives. Merchants sell things we cannot make such as lumber. The grocery supplies foods, fabric, and goods. The blacksmith is able to do the metalwork. It includes a baker and butcher for pastries and meat. Even the stage coach driver cares for the horses and transports people around.
On the other end of the spectrum, we have the heroes. These are the individuals that come and defend other people from those who would cause harm. They sacrifice their own life and their own safety and well-being to help other people. In this town, it is the sheriff that comes to the rescue. His job is to make sure that law and order are maintained and that lawbreakers will be caught - thereby helping the whole town to be better. By the way, there are differences between being lawful, being honorable, and being righteous - and hopefully by the end of this seminar you will recognize the difference.
Along the way, you'll also find the people that basically bring harm to life not that they're out to get you but that the activities are involved in I definitely take from you rather than help you in this is well represented by the saloon inside the saloon you not only have alcohol and the women but you have the gamblers who are quite adept at taking your money and fighting brawling and hold saloon of other activities that detract from life. Worse than that even are the ones that don't care about life and will kill and steal and destroy for whatever reason such as this bank robber right here to stealing from the bank and shooting his way out to avoid being captured he has no regard for life he is a threat to anyone and everyone in his way.
Consider that the thief represents evil and it is what people fear. I shall ask, how does it feel to be robbed? Have you been robbed in your lifetime? - I have. The first time was a gut wrenching feeling. Thievery makes life difficult. And that is what our adversary, Satan, basically is - he steals life and even eternal life.
If we turn our attention away from the western frontier town a moment, we can see that these same stories of help and harm, or heroes and villains repeat themselves over throughout history. Across many nations, many cultures, and many peoples. It even exists in the Heavenly kingdom. We can replace these two combatants with Yahshuah our Savior and Satan, our adversary. Evil attacks and good must defend itself and we who have Yahshuah have the ultimate righteous warrior, on our side who can defeat sin and death. He is the ultimate hero.
But the one thing none of the people can escape them or us is basically looking at health and I don't mean that in the fiery furnace burning Lake Dante's Inferno kind of false view of hell I am talking in its old-fashioned use to bury something in the ground in the old West they would put their potatoes and help for the winter maser planted their underground for people basically no one can escape eventually going to the cemetery in one form or another and what goes beyond the cemetery then is a judgment that affects eternal life and that brings us to the point that when were here in this entire seminar to encourage life or to defend life were not only looking at the life now but the life to come eternally.
I would now like to show you another pair of figures. The one on the left represents Yahshuah - our Savior and Messiah. The other is a representation of Satan, our adversary. In many ways, we have the same story happening in our lives as was happening in the old west town. Our adversary is trying to steal life from us, both now and eternally - he is the villain of the story. But we have a hero - a perfectly righteous hero - who is able to save us from death and grant eternal life.