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Gambling with Eternity Summary

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Warning: Wagering, betting, and gambling are not sinful by themselves ... but the casino industry can be called evil because it purposefully causes people to lose bets and pulls together many sins and lusts of the flesh into one place. Gambling in a casino is a dangerous activity. It can be addictive. The following articles use losing at the Casino as an extended metaphor to living in a fallen and sinful world. Most of these articles describe the terrible effects of casinos on life and communities. Furthermore, there is nothing in the Casino Industry that honors the Eternal, but much that dishonors Him and fuels the lusts of the flesh.

Wagering, betting, and gambling are not sinful by themselves ... but the casino industry can be called evil because it purposefully causes people to lose bets and pulls together many sins and lusts of the flesh into one place.

What Is Gambling? If we gamble our lives on philosophies and worldviews, rather than the truth of the Bible and the need for a Savior, then we risk our physical and spiritual well-being in this lifetime and we completely lose out on eternal life. Following after knowledge, magic, money, power, fame, beauty, entertainment, and many other such things may bring some form of pleasure in this world, but it cannot bring peace to the soul nor a loving relationship with the Eternal.

Are We Gambling With Eternal Life? If we gamble our lives on philosophies and worldviews, rather than the truth of the Bible and the need for a Savior, then we risk our physical and spiritual well-being in this lifetime and we completely lose out on eternal life. Following after knowledge, magic, money, power, fame, beauty, entertainment, and many other such things may bring some form of pleasure in this world, but it cannot bring peace to the soul nor a loving relationship with the Eternal.

Why Understand Randomness and Statistics? Randomness and statistical patterns happen behind the scenes and are often counter-intuitive. Because of this, many gamblers either ignore them or they do not genuinely understand what they mean and how it effects their game. This will cause many losses and much pain because they take on far too much risk for their bankroll. Similarly, the spiritual aspects of life (angels & demons, blessings & cursings, and miracles & magic) also happen behind the scenes. Many people ignore these things and do not understand how much of an impact on their life they can have and, therefore, take on far too much risk with their physical and spiritual life. Because of this, they suffer needlessly.

Is the Casino Entertainment? The goals of entertainment and winning are incompatible at the casino. For the small percentage of people who have enough money that it will not hurt them to lose it all, perhaps it can be entertainment. A small portion might also be able to enjoy the stage performances, the meals, the alcoholic beverages, the escorts. Some criminals may find it a good place to launder money. For mathematicians, it might be an expensive way to play with statistics. However, for the majority of the people who are trying to win money, this is a dreadful place as losing money is not fun and the number of games that can be played where you can even begin to attempt to win are very few in number and require strong discipline and skills.

How Does the Casino Industry Work? Casinos are designed to be businesses for profit. They are not there to lose money. They take games of random chance (like roulette, craps, blackjack, and slots) and by knowing the odds and adjusting the payback they are able to create a 'House Edge' that ensures they will make money over time. In effect, this means they are purposefully setting the customers / players up to lose money. They advertise themselves as entertainment and often show people have great fun ... but it does not meet such expectations because losing money simply is not fun.

Does the Casino Industry Harm Life? Because the casino is continually taking, encouraging the lusts of the flesh, and acts as a central locality for many vices and spiritual darkness it does indeed harm life for both the individual and the local community. The fact this is an 'adult' activity should be the first warning sign. The statistics about how it destroys lives, marriages, families, and communities should be another large warning sign.

What Is Casino Culture? The public side of casinos can vary a lot depending on location. In touristy areas, a casino will attract wealthier customers and therefore have higher table minimums, be placed next to a nice hotel, and close to a restaurant like a steakhouse. In small towns, many clients may be local people and the table or slot minimums can be smaller. Either way, the people going inside tend to be ready for fun, the people inside are obsessed with the action of the game and suspicious of anyone around them, and the ones leaving often looked either dazed and stoic or noticeably about to cry. It is a highly competitve environment, with continuous noise, staff with an unusual cold formality, and the slightly concerning ever present security guards in the background.

What Are the Guidelines for a Casino Budget? First, make sure you have discretionary income to use - that is the money left over after taxes, rent, food, utilities, clothing, savings, etc. When you enter the casino, the 1% rule is a good place to start [ex. if you want to play a $10 table, have at least $1,000 dollars available]. If you really want to stretch your dollars, enter tournaments as a small buy-in may give you many more times in chips, will give you significantly more play time, and the competition will show you where you are weak so you improve. Lastly, remember the casino will try everything it can to get you to spend more than you plan ... so do not take any extra money, credit cards, or other source of further funding.

How Does the Casino Psychologically Manipulate People? The casino will go beyond just setting a house edge to win money. It will also manipulate the person into spending more money or taking greater risks than they ordinarily would choose. It includes obvious factors like free alcohol. It includes more subtle factors like having no clocks so a person loses track of time. It also has built-in features like the slots hitting bar-bar-half bar ... because studies show that almost winning is more psychologically addicting than actually winning. In a similar fashion, the devil knows how to manipulate and tempt people and get them to do things they ordinarily would not choose.

What Are the Best Ways to Play Casino Games? If you are playing for entertainment, then you can simply play with the games and betting strategies you enjoy. If you are playing to win, you have very limited options involving card counting, dice control, and discipline with must-hit-by slots ... skills that most people do not sufficiently have for significant wins. Even with these skills, winning at these games requires a long-term strategy, highly repetitive actions, and a significant starting bankroll.

What Are the Best Betting Strategies? The best betting strategies do not react to winning or losing a previous hand; instead, they are focused on the long-term averages and variance. Remember, even with a good strategy, you are only marking the risk you are willing to take with randomness ... it has no bearing on the house edge. Many bad strategies exist because of faulty understandings of statistics and randomness.

What Is Advantage Play? Within the casino, advantage play is using a skill like card counting or dice control to actually change the odds in your favor. Similarly, in living life, we can change 'the spiritual odds' in our favor by seeking the blessings that come from having a Savior and playing the rules of the Kingdom of Heaven rather than having the curses that come by playing the rules of the world and the Kingdom of Darkness.

*Defying the Odds Over the course of two years, I was instructed in prayer to learn about gambling and the casino. The first year, had only a few visits and focused entirely on the physical problems and the spiritual dangers of the casino. The second year had several trips as I practiced playing the games and found I had moderate card counting skills and mild dice control. By this time, it was revealed that the long-term goal was to use the casino as a source of funding for helping the poor ... a concept that has some irony and an achievement that will require the miraculous

Are You a Problem Gambler? Are you a gambling addict? Have you ruined your life or the lives of others around you? Are you a black sheep in your circle of friends? Our Savior still loves you. Healing and peace are still possible. A better life is possible both now and eternally. You might never beat the odds against the casino, but you can join the ultimate winner who has defeated death and grants eternal life.

Gambling With Eternity
Casino Bible, Religions, Eternity, Statistics, Entertainment, Casino, Harm, Culture, Budget, Manipulation, Games, Betting, Advantage, Success, Help

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