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Are You a Problem Gambler?

From Scripture Advocate

Physical Help for Gambling Addiction: There are many services to help gambling addiction including:

Do you have the symptoms of a gambling problem? Are you a serious gambling addict? Have you ruined your life or the lives of others around you? Are you a black sheep in your circle of friends? Our Savior still loves you and, therefore, healing and peace are still possible. A better life is possible both now and eternally. There are resources, both physical and spiritual, available to help you overcome this problem or addiction. You will, more-than-likely, never beat the odds against the casino, but you can join the eternal winner and defeat both sin and death.

Gambling Addiction Statistics

Gambling is on the rise. Globally, it is estimate to become 700 billion dollar industry by 2028 with an estimate 81% of gambling addicts playing online. This is, in part, due to access by smartphone use. With younger generations, sports betting is gaining popularity especially through the system of parlay betting.

Statistics reveal how deep the problems are. About 12% of men and 6% of women will suffer harm from gambling. About 1.2% of people around the world have a gambling disorder. Within the United States, about 5 million have issues with compulsive gambling and 2 million have severe gambling issues. Traditionally, slot machines are the most addictive with about 50% of players having a gambling problem.

In general, only 10% of people with a problem will seek help. In many countries, there can be a social stigma or an embarrasment just to ask for help and even more to admit a gambling problem. However, the loss of quality of life necessitates moving forward and getting that help. You will not likely overcome a true addiction or spiritual influence by yourself.

The biggest signs of a gambling problem or addiction are: 1) continuing to gamble even though it has negative consequences 2) Using money that is needed for basics like food, housing, or education.

From a Harsh to a Good Life

The casino is a harsh place to try and live ... it is designed to be that way. Similarly, real life has many struggles. The reality is that we are in a fallen world and it is extremely difficult to live. It is not meant to be that way. When we join the Kingdom of Heaven, life improves ... maybe a little, maybe a lot. But was we grow and improve our relationship with the Eternal, we see more and more what it is like to live in the Kingdom of Heaven rather than the Kingdom of this World. That relationship is the path to something more. As we join the covenants, we are able to partake in His promises. As we get rid of demons and spiritual barriers in our life, we are able to grow and have peace.

You take people from a system, like the casino, where they are struggling to survive, or slowly losing, and will ultimately sufffer a major loss ... to one where they are cared for, can slowly improve, and have a massive win when eternal judgment comes. You take them from a great risk, to a great reward.

I am not saying that all addictions are caused by demonic activity, but I will say that more problems and addictions are caused by sin and demonic influence than most people give credit for. With a gambling addiction, as with any addiction, one has lost control. No amount of logic and reason will prevail. If the addiction Is not broken, then one will continue to lose and lose and lose. If the spiritual aspect is not dealt with first, they are in a losing situation. Just like if the house edge is not removed, they are in a losing situation within the casino.

Resources for Help

Emotional / Psychological Help

Spiritual Help

I would like to say it is as simple as going to a local congregation and asking for help. But many modern churches are not equipped to deal with the spiritual side of addiction, the effects of demonic influence, the curses or magic that may influence such behavior or losses, and the ever-possible idolatry of money. It can be difficult to find a healthy church that can deal with these things because there are so many churches that have fallen into false spirituality and even witchcraft. I would caution against going to any groups that label themselves as Pentecostal or New Apostolic Reformation. Look for a church that is known for successfully helping and healing people. You may have to go some distance for this, but it is well worth it. Spiritual cleansing is far more impactful than most people would give credit.