What Are the Guidelines for a Casino Budget?
Short Answer: First, make sure you have discretionary income to use - that is the money left over after taxes, rent, food, utilities, clothing, savings, etc. When you enter the casino, the 1% rule is a good place to start [ex. if you want to play a $10 table, have at least $1,000 dollars available]. If you really want to stretch your dollars, enter tournaments as a small buy-in may give you many more times in chips, will give you significantly more play time, and the competition will show you where you are weak so you improve. Lastly, remember the casino will try everything it can to get you to spend more than you plan ... so do not take any extra money, credit cards, or other source of further funding.
How you manage your money really depends on what your goals are, both in and out of the casino. There is a saying that the commoner 'works for his money' while the rich 'make their money work for them'. There is some truth to this. However, both of them are still dealing with money. This is life in the Kingdom of Darkness. This is trying to live in the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. It is a difficult task.
In the Kingdom of Light, money is not important. The needs of the person for food, shelter, and clothing are satisfied. Trying to build up wealth for security is unnecessary. In fact, sharing it with others who are poor is a better use for money than storing it up. What is important are those things that help the soul.
Spiritual Money Matters
There is a well known financial planning system that first tries to get people out of debt, then to build up savings, and finally to gain property and investments. It is a good plan in the physical. That is how society would view financial planning. However, it has a huge flaw that it does not deal with which will ultimately make many people fail in such an attempt. It ignores the spiritual aspects of the situation. If a person idolizes money, if they are fearful and use money to feel secure, if they are effected by demonic influence of greed and avarice, then all of this planning and all of the gains following their program that are made short-term will be lost when something triggers that spiritual problem. This may or may not involve gambling.
I am not saying that all addictions are caused by demonic activity, but I will say that more problems and addictions are caused by sin and demonic influence than most people give credit for. With a gambling addiction, as with any addiction, one has lost control. No amount of logic and reason will prevail. If the addiction Is not broken, then one will continue to lose and lose and lose. If the spiritual aspect is not dealt with first, they are in a losing situation. Just like if the house edge is not removed, they are in a losing situation within the casino.
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