Does the Casino Industry Harm Life?
Because the casino is continually taking, encouraging the lusts of the flesh, and acts as a central locality for many vices and spiritual darkness it does indeed harm life for both the individual and the local community. The fact this is an 'adult' activity should be the first warning sign. The statistics about how it destroys lives, marriages, families, and communities should be another large warning sign.
About 1.2% of citizens around the globe suffer from a gambling disorder. It is estimated that 6% of women and 12% of men experince harm from gambling. within the United States, about 5 million people meet the criteria for compulsive gambling and 2 million meet severee gambling criteria ... less than 10% of them will seek help. It causes a general decline in overall quality of life. In each topic below, the problem is many times worse with gambling addiction.
Sports betting is gaining popularity among the younger generations, especially with the use of parlay betting.
Global gambling should reach 700 billion by 2028 due to smartphone use by low and middle income countries. Most of the revenue comes from people gambling at harmful levels.
It often promises positive economic impacts including job creation,
Slot machines are the most addictive. About 50% of slot players have a gambling problem. Slot machines account for a large amount of problem gambling with about 75% of problem gamblers.
Also, about 81% of gambling addicts will play online.
Harm to the Individual
Statistics suggest about 80% of U.S. adults gamble on a yearly basis. About 75% of college students report having gambled in the past year. About 5 out of every 100 struggle with gambling problem. Currently, as many as 750,000 young people between 14 an d21 have a gambling addiction ... some of this is started by the 'loot boxes' on video games.
It can be a source of mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, stress, and suicidal thoughts. This is increased by a huge sudden loss that can happen at a casino. financial problems that lead to debt, bankruptcy, difficulty paying billls, loss of home.
Gambling has the highest suiced rates of any addiction. Problem gamblers are up to 15 times more likely to attempt suicide than the general population.
Harm to the Family
It can cause strained family relationships, It is associated with neglect, domestic violence, and divorce.
Gambling addicts are likely to use cash advances from credit cards to gamble. A bad credit record can cause lower credit scores, denial of loans, mortgages, or bankruptcy.
It has been suggested that for every person who gambles at high-risk levels, an average of six other people are affected.
Harm to the Community
Gambling has been a way to launder money for criminals.
It is associated with increased crime rates even by individuals desperate to fund their gambling activity. In fact, an estimate 50% with gambling problems commit crims to support their addiction. , financial instability. It almost always includes the poor rather than the wealthy - or the lower socieconomic groups. In fact, low income households have an almost 100% higher rate of gambling than the general population. When the casinos start taking in more money, spending at the other local business will decrease.
Harm to the Government
Governments tend to look to gambling as a source of tax revenue. They may even use it to fund education or public services. However, the cost of having a casino in the neighborhood (as described in the sections on individuals, family, and community) are often overlooked and more than outweigh the benefits made from increased taxes.
It can also corruption in political activity or erode civil institutions.
They may also try to suggest it attaracts tourists to the region. However, for local casinos not located in an already touristed area, this just means more poor people coming and also causing more problems.
Harm to the World
Harm to the Economy
Harm to the Environment
Casinos are known to generate a large amount of trash. It is not just paper and plastic from gaming, but also food waste from restaurants and hotels.
Online Gambling has quickly grown into a huge industry and uses vast quantities of energy for the global use of online gambling. Online gambling may be increasing the number of problem gamblers due to the ease of accessibility.
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