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== Recommended Reading and Resources == | == Recommended Reading and Resources == | ||
*[[Creation Science Books]] | |||
*[[Creation Science Magazines, Journals, and Articles]] | |||
*[[Creation Science Museums]] | |||
*[[Creation Science Websites]] | |||
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Revision as of 05:22, 15 February 2025
The opening concepts of Genesis are foundational to understanding the relationship between the Eternal and man, recognizing both the physical and the spiritual, giving meaning to life and death, as well as defining sin and the need for a Savior. It is little wonder that the enemy would attack Genesis, in both theology and science, in every way possible to cause Believers to stumble or to doubt the truth of the bible.
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Do We Believe the Bible?
We live in a secular world that does not care what the Bible says. Materialistic science, humanist philosophy, and pagan religions have had a startling effect on those who call themselves believers in the Bible. Approximately ninety percent of believers have accepted Evolution or some form of Theistic Evolution ... which means only ten percent of believers accept that the Eternal created the earth and man kind only six thousand years ago. If we cannot believe what Scripture says at the beginning, how can we believe anything else?
- Understanding the Conflict
- Why Is Creation Important for Believers?
- What Is the Creation and Evolution Debate?
- What Are the Problems with Theistic Evolution?
Beliefs of Creationism
Creationism is the belief that the entire universe and all of life were created in a special act by a Creator. This is based on the concepts contained within Scripture with an emphasis on the Genesis account of a seven day act of creation. It states that the creation was originally made in a good condition and that over time it is deteriorating and getting worse due to the fall of man and the action of sin. Understanding creationism helps us to not only define life from a scriptural perspective, but to also know what is helpful or harmful to life.
- Is Creationism a Salvation Issue?
- How Is Life Defined in the Bible?
Defending Genesis
Most of the world will scoff at the historical accounts within the book of Genesis. However, evidence for it's accuracy can be found through the cultural history of the nations, the archaeological record, as well as the scientific disciplines of astronomy, biology, and geology. Mature believers will also have their own testimony and the effectiveness of prayer as personal evidence of these truths.
- Is Science Losing in the Creation and Evolution Debate?
The Creator
The Eternal created the Heavens and the Earth including the plants, the animals, and man kind. He spoke them into existence in a literal seven day act of creation almost six thousand years ago. Science is only beginning to fathom the incredible complexity of life and the universe and allow us to appreciate all-the-more what He has done.
- Who Is the Creator?
- What Is Intelligent Design?
From Garden to Flood
The early chapters of Genesis share major events including the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, Noah's Flood, and the Tower of Babel. Through these accounts, we are given an introduction to the concepts of Created Kinds of plants and animals. It also shows the destructiveness of sin and the separation it causes between man and the Eternal as well as between nations.
- What Does Scripture Reveal about Creation Week?
- What Are Created Kinds?
- What Does Scripture Reveal about Animal Kinds?
- What Does Scripture Reveal about Plant Kinds?
- What Does Scripture Reveal about Man Kind?
- What Does Scripture Reveal about Noah's Ark and the Ark Kinds?
- What Occurred During Creation Week?
- What Are Created Kinds?
- What Do We Know about the Ark Kinds?
- What Do We Know about Flood Geology?
Living in a Fallen World
Many things have changed since sin has entered the world. It has become difficult to fulfill the responsibility to both serve and master the Earth. Man is neither righteous nor loving. Instead he has become selfish and pursues things that are destructive to life. About 4,500 years ago there was a worldwide flood covering the face of the earth for about one year. This caused many of the large scale geological features on the surface of the earth, made dramatic changes to the atmosphere, and set into place the modern hydrologic cycle. This theory would predict the rapid formation and catastrophic deformation of sedimentary layers all over the earth. It also predicts the sudden appearance of many well developed languages throughout the Earth.
Man Kind is defined as the all humans past and present, both male and female, which were initially created in Adam and Eve and placed in the Garden of Eden as described in the Genesis account of creation in the Bible. Creation was made to be inhabited and the Earth was placed under the authority of man kind who is made in the image of the Creator.
The creation of man is told a little differently than the plants and animals. While he is still spoken into existence, he is made in the image of Elohim which includes being given a spirit. Then, rather than reproduce after his kind, he is instructed to fill and subdue the Earth. The first commands given to man were to be fruitful, to multiply, and to subdue the Earth (Gen 1:28). These can be recognized as commands rather than a position or task to fulfill because these words are given in the imperative verb form instead of being a simple noun or adjective form.
- What Is Man Kind's Place in Creation?
Creation Restored
Typically, the Believer thinks about the Messiah in terms of being his or her personal savior. While this is true, He is also the redeemer of all of creation. Creation is currently in a fallen state and man cannot bring it back to where it should be. Man himself is fallen and in need of redemption and restoration. This is a job that must be done by the Creator Himself. The Creator is eternal, but this creation is not. Several passages of Scripture talk about how things now known will grow old, wear out, and later are changed. The Almighty has promised a new Heavens and Earth. All of creation waits for this current time of vanity to end.
- What Is the Future of Creation?
Evolutionism and Society
Evolutionism, not to be confused with the Theory of Evolution, is defined as a philosophical, and sometimes spiritual, belief or set of concepts and forces regarding the processes that shape and form life. It is a belief that, over billions of years, all life forms have evolved to their current form (from basic molecules to man) by means of natural processes which cannot be witnessed. Concepts, like abiogenesis, which contradict the known laws of physics are generally believed to be true, despite being statistically impossible.
We live in a post-truth and probably also post-science society. What do you expect when science has gone the way of desired consensus rather than following the evidence or being based on facts for so long? What do you expect when evolutionary thought is supported not so much by evidence, but by squashing and muting the opposition?
- What Are the Beliefs of Evolutionism?
- What Does the Model of Evolution Lack?
- How to Define Uniformitarianism?
- Do Ring Species Demonstrate Evolution?
Exploring Our World
Creation Science
The Creation and Evolution debate continues to rage onward and the field of Baraminology (the study of Created Kinds) continues to be one of the front-line battlegounds. This battle is not trying to prove creationism in order to get people to believe, but rather to defend believers from the attacks of evolutionism. Good testable science models, in support of the Genesis account of creation, and their results are needed more than ever in an increasingly secular world.
- What Has Science Discovered about the Genesis Kinds?
- What Has Science Discovered about the Animal Baramin?
- What Has Science Discovered about Plant Baramin?
- What Has Science Discovered about Human Baramin?
- What Is the Evidence for Creation?
- What Is Baraminology?
- What Is the Creation Orchard?
- What Do We Find in the Fossil Record?
Elder's Model of Created Kinds
For too long the secular science community has been able to accuse the creation science community of not being able to define a created kind or to produce testable observations. Elder's Models pf Created Kinds attempt to fill that void with concepts to examine the expected condition of morphology, phenotypes, and genotypes over time. These concepts include Environmental Acclimation, Katagenos Species Concept, Heritage Mating, Natanzera Classification System, and Floral Formula Discontinuity Systematics for Angiosperms.
- The Great Risk of Stagnating
- Developing a Testable Scientific Model of Created Kinds
- Navigating Perspectives and Models
- Defining a Created Kind
- Niche Modeling at the Kind Level
- Morphology and the Katagenos Species Concept
- Phenotypes and Environmental Acclimation
- Genotypes and Heritage Mating
- Timeline of Speciation and Respeciation
- Taxonomy and the Natanzera Classification System
- Flowering Plant Kinds Research
- Elder's Model of Created Kinds
- Fossils in the Hydrogeologic Column
- Reaching the Next Generation of Creationists
Life is Valuable
The topic of Creationism is not a salvation issue. However, anything, like Evolutionism, that causes doubt or difficulty with understanding or believing Scripture is yet another stumbling block that inhibits a person from becoming a believer or a stronger believer. Without the solid basis of creation for the good news, salvation, and eternal life the preciousness of life is easily overlooked or ignored.
- How to Answer the Great Questions of Life?
- ?? My Experience in the Creation Science Movement
One of the best ways to encourage life is to boldly confront the issues raised by the great questions of life rather than fearing or shying away from them. If we do not have the answers to these questions, then our lives will generally become reactive to situations and people rather than proactive towards a goal. Reactions to family, friends, work, and society may produce a lifestyle we are comfortable with, but a lifestyle is not life itself. When we know the answers to the questions of life, it will produce a sense of purpose and meaning that can give us goals and projects on which to move forward. It is a means to life abundant and a life with blessing.
Recommended Reading and Resources
- Creation Science Books
- Creation Science Magazines, Journals, and Articles
- Creation Science Museums
- Creation Science Websites
Creation Navbox | |
Genesis | created kinds |
Creator | Intelligent Design, |
Creation Science | created kinds |
Evolutionism | created kinds |
Elder's Model | Stagnating, Model, Perspectives, Kind, Niche, Morphology, Phenotypes, Genotypes, Timeline, Taxonomy, Plants, Fossils, Generations, [[]], [[]], [[]], |
Baraminology | created kinds |
Evolution | Rings, [[]], |