Todd Elder
Todd Elder

Learning to Follow the Good Shepherd
Author - these are topics I have had to deal with, experiences I have had - I am pursuing righteousness, truth - I want to see the KOH as much as possible while on this earth - giving up fiction - surrounded by world full of wickedness ... but they are all family - -> testimony -> apology letter ::
An Apology to Old Friends and Acquaintances
Encouraging Life Children's Mission
Baraminology Quest text
Think Creation text
An Introduction to Elder's Model of Creation
Created Kinds, Baraminology, and the Creation Orchard
Elder's Model of Created Kinds
Baraminology Quest Seminar Notebook
Encouraging Life Seminar Notebook
Katagenos Species Concept and Classification System
Path of the Righteous Warrior Seminar Notebook
Encouraging Life Pocket Seminar
Floral Formula Discontinuity Systematics for Angiosperm Holobaramin