Understanding the Conflict
Discovering the Conflict
After a few years, I was given a copy of a copy of a copy of a Kent Hovind video and although Kent Hovind was not the most scientific nor theologically accurate of the creationist speakers, he did have the benefit that he allowed people to copy his material and redistribute it. And this video is good enough to make me realize that there was a significant difference between the word of the Almighty which I said I believed and the theory of evolution which I had been taught all my life. This would become another one of those defining moments in life.
I have been taught evolution all through my school career including grade school, junior high, high school, and college. I had also been teaching evolutionary principles through my volunteer position in the Ohio State Park system in public programs. Evolution was a topic I knew well. Creation, on the other hand, I did not know very well. In fact, I am not sure what the church denomination I grew up in would even have said about the topic. Once again, the search was on for more information to try and clear up this discrepancy.
It took about two years of research and reading from many different creationist and evolutionists authors, but I came to the realization that all of the weight of evidence fell with creationism and that the theory of evolution was full of holes and problems scientifically. Even in college, evolution admitted to a number of problems, but typically the response was with more research they would be able to figure those problems out. Instead, the more they have learned about the physical world and history, the more problems there are with evolution. For us after a couple of years, I became a creationist. It would not be for a few more years, but I would start working on teaching creationism or fully applying those concepts to my life. However, this search had strengthened my faith an award of Elohim.
And and and it was probably about this time, that I decided to read through the Scriptures, in its entirety, in chronological order. I found a list of that went chapter by chapter man did so in about a six-month period. This was perhaps one of the best things I could have done for understanding them in the history of mankind, the history of Israel, and the Almighty's relationship with mankind. Especially his people Israel. Never before, had all of the events and actions in Scripture fit together so well. You could go along and follow as prophecies remade its blessings as cursings is other a future telling would happen, and then see the results of obedience for disobedience in the prophecies coming true and how well it all fits into history.
The Creator spoke the Heavens and Earth including plants, animals, and man into existence. Therefore, they do not have any common ancestry nor was any evolutionary processes involved and any similarities in functions of the body come from a common intelligent designer.
The opening concepts of Genesis are foundational to the relationship of the physical to the spiritual and gives meaning to both life and death so it is little wonder that the enemy would attack with great deceptions and unfair tactics in both theology and science.
Do We Believe the Bible?
Physical and Spiritual At the end of the first week of creation, it is already evident that there is a physical realm that we live in and a spiritual realm that coexists with it. Although there are few passages to work from, one does find different kinds or levels within the Heavenly realm. As such, the problems that people have should be dealt with in both physical and spiritual methods. The spiritual side of life includes (but is not limited to) angels and demons, blessing and cursing, and miracles and magic.
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