The Creator Summary
The Creator
The Almighty created the Heavens and the Earth including the plants, the animals, and mankind. He spoke them into existence in a literal seven day act of creation. There are many philosophies, cultures, and ideas that want to take attention away from the Almighty and have believer’s forget the truth about creation and life. By knowing and understanding His word, believers can stand strongly in the truth and resist what is false.
Who Is the Creator?
What Is Intelligent Design?
Intelligent Design is defined as the necessity of an intelligent cause for anything with high levels of complex and specified information. In the scientific arena, it searches for empirical evidence and signs of intelligence through information systems including specified information (ie. patterns) and complex information (ie. unlikely to occur by chance). Research often focuses on the field of biology and the complexity of living organisms.
The Bias of Methodological Naturalism
Methodological Naturalism is the application of philosophical naturalism to the processes of scientific research.
The Bias of Methodological Creationism
Methodological Creationism is the application of the faith-based beliefs of Creationism to the processes of scientific research.