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Life Is Precious

From Scripture Advocate

Twenty years ago, I was suicidal and I started a quest to see if there was meaning to life. At this time I can say yes, there is meaning to life ... and understanding His creation has allowed me to appreciate it all the more. Perhaps the greatest thing I have learned about actually living life, rather than having only a lifestyle, is learning to love. Relationships have become important while physical things like possessions and wealth are not a concern. When life becomes the focus, the many virtues mentioned in Scripture become more clear in why they help so much physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. These are concepts that cannot be appreciated by a secular world and they simply do not fit into an evolutionary point of view on life.

For myself, the journey to explore life continues. The final conclusion to the meaning of life is still out there. However, at the base of it all is an understanding of the Almighty's role as the Creator and our role as part of His creation which helps to focus the value of life.

Life is precious! The answers to the great questions of life begin in a relationship with the Creator. Without this relationship, the value and beauty of life is easily lost or overlooked. Only after this relationship is established can life truly improve and grow in depth and meaning. The ways to truly encourage life include knowing the reality of creation, having a close relation-ship with the Creator, being responsible in the covenant relationship, having a righteousness that comes only through accepting the Messiah as Savior, and resisting the evil that exists in the world.

What encourages life? Two of the simplest answers are love and righteousness and these come from the Creator. If a relationship is built with the Creator, then love and righteousness will follow. Then life, both for oneself and those around, will increase rather than decrease. Our Creator has given us His word and He has shown us how to have a close relationship with Him. Now it is up to each person to make the choice to pursue that relationship and start experiencing life as never before.

I accept that people are born into a fallen world that is far from the Creator. I have chosen to join the covenant relationship with Elohim and become part of His chosen people Israel. I accept that I am not perfect, have sinned, have broken the covenant, and am deserving of death. I have also accepted Yahshuah the Messiah as Savior and Redeemer so that I may have close relationship and eternal life. At this time, my life belongs to Him and I will try to follow where Elohim leads in this walk of faith.

Life in Abundance

In recent years, I have camped in a variety of environments. These environments have included prairie fields, deserts, forests, coastlines, and cities. The viewing while traveling has included caves, glaciers, rivers and mountains. Throughout it all, what has caught me by surprise is the amount of life, or lack thereof, that can be found in each location. An abundance of life requires a somewhat delicate balance of basic physical needs.

One of the great basic needs for life is the food which comes from plants ' and plants require water for growth. The worst place I have been, with virtually no life, is deep down in caves. Even if the rock formations are interesting, colorful, and part of the Almighty's creation, caves are a barren place that feels empty. A few animals live within the openings of caves, but deep within it is just rock.

At the other end of this, so far in my experience, is the subtropical rain forest. Such an abundance of water! Thunderstorms each day for much of the year. Plants of all type, from vines to shrubs to giant trees, grow at such a rapid pace. These provide for shelter, food, and other uses. For people, in these warmer climates, one is able to just reach out and grab fresh bananas, grapefruit, coconut, and so many other fruits. Where there is an abundance of food, so follows an abundance of animals to see and hear. The colors are vibrant. Here is life in abundance.

Tragically, so much of this world has been wasted by sin and selfishness. It has been deteriorating, becoming uninviting, and even uninhabitable for mankind. The worst places, uninhabitable even by animals. It is evident that the Almighty's creation was meant to support life! We probably do not know just how abundant life was before the fall or even before the flood. We can see only a hint of it now ' but that hint gives hope for the future and a small taste of what the new Heavens and Earth might be like.

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