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From Scripture Advocate


Abiogenesis Literally life from non-life. In biology, the concept that atoms, molecules, and proteins randomly came together to form the first living thing capable of reproduction. A required transition from the Natural Origins of the universe to the Theory of Evolution.

Absolute Truth something that is always true and valid, in all times, in all places. a fact. [opposed to relativism]. /healing/


Advantage Play

Agnosticism The belief that you cannot know if there is a god(s). Another minority of about 5% of the world. /Harmful/

Almighty A title for Elohim describing the attribute of unlimited power and omnipotence.


Anagenesis Concept that species arise directly from pre-existing species [compare with cladogenesis]

Angel A spiritual being doing the work of the Kingdom of Heaven

Apobaramin Cladistics term for multiple holobaramins

Archaebaramin Cladistic term for the original members of a baramin

Artifical Environments A fake or false world, very common in video games or science fiction. All of the time spent in a false world means neglecting doing things in the real world and for real life. /Very Harmful/

Atheism The belief that there is no spiritual aspect of life and, therefore, no god(s). An extremely vocal minority of about 5% of the world's population that tries to control / manipulate public sentiment through deception / consensus. /Very Harmful/

Autotroph An organism which produces nutrition from simple elements like sunlight and carbon dioxide [compare with heterotroph]


Baramin Scientific word for the Biblical concept of a created kind - the group of an original organism supernaturally created by Elohim and it's descendants which have limited variation.

Baraminology Literally the study of created kinds. The taxonomic study and classification of the created kinds of animals.

Believer A person who has faith in the Messiah and accepts Him as Savior.


Betting Strategy

Bible A collection of books and writings considered to be authoritative for religious belief. The Catholic Bible typically has 72 books and the Protestant Bible typically has 66 books.

Bishop Christian clergy or overseer with a position of authority and who are often the source of traditions and ceremonies. Bishops in non-Protestant groups often are assumed to carry the authority of apostolic successsion.

Blessing The act of speaking good things which is a spiritual benefit or favor upon another.

Body of Messiah All of the believers in the Messiah as Savior whether Christian, Messianic Jew, or other group from around the world.

Buddhism A mystical and pseudo-religous system of elightenment that is akin to witchcraft and working with the demonic. Often leading to an aesthetic lifestyle and searching for 'not wanting' things. Techniques are often incorporated into other pagan forms of worship. /Very Harmful/



Casinos A business designed to make money by causing people to lose bets and using psychological manipulation to get them to lose as much as possible. /Very Harmful/.



Catholic Priesthood A false priesthood usurping the concept of a New Testament priesthood after the destruction of the physical temple in AD 70. It replaces the true Melchizedek Priesthood of Heaven and the proper New Covenant. /Very Harmful/

Censorship Can block flow of information. Or flood people with disinformation and distractions. suppress or prohibit (books, film, news, etc) considered obscene, politically unacceptable or threat to security. block from being read, heard, or seen. to review and choose to remove or hide parts of it considered unnacceptable. : an authority limits the ideas that people are allowed to express - prevents books, films, artwork, documents, etc ... suprression o fpublic communication :

Children of Jacob The physical descendants of Jacob who may or may not be believers in the Messiah.

Children of Israel The spiritual descendants of Israel (Jacob's new name) who are believers in the Messiah which can include both literal descendants and those grafted or adopted into the Nation of Israel.

Christ Originally a Greek term used of many gods to signify an anointed one. Currently, it is mostly used in Bible translations in place of the Hebrew word for Messiah.

Christian Believers in the Messiah as Savior who follow the traditions and teachings of the Christian church including the interpretations and traditions of the Bishops.

Cladistics Classification of organism based upon branching descendancy from a common ancestor

Cladogenesis Concept that species arise by previous species splitting [compare with anagenesis]

Clergy The elect people who act as priests in the Catholic and Protestant priesthoods ... often seminary trained and in charge of large numbers of people in a congregation. System prohibits / inhibits everyone from growing and becoming a mature believer. /Harmful/


Communion Meal A fellowship meal and observance of the Last Supper, sometimes called the sacrament of the Eucharist. Sometimes, but incorrectly, considered to be the Passover Meal. It signifies the betrothal of believers with the Messiah and a reminder of His future return for His bride.

Companions in the Book of Life A descriptive phrase referring to believers in the Messiah. Their salvation is shown by having thier names written in the Book of Life.


Competition Although it can be used as a training technique, in reality it is often a small scale war with winners and losers but which does not typically result in death. /Harmful/

Consensus A basic belief that the majority is correct and the minority is wrong. A fallacious argument used to justify scientific or government actions that often proving to be incorrect. /Harmful/ :: general agreement : judgment arrived at by most concerned : wide agreement : majority opinion :

Conspiracy  : secret plan by group to do something unlawful or harmful or illegal or evil :

Conspiracy Theory  : belief some secret organization is responsible for an event or pheonmenon : explains event as result of secret plor by powerful conspirators, often political : result of a secret plan by powerful people :

Continuity The reproductive and genetic connections that occur within a kind. One way of stating micro-evolution that has occurred.

Counterfeit Something that is false, but typically imitates something that is real. Usually used in deception. /Harmful/

Covenant A binding agreement between Elohim and mankind containing commandments and regulations which carry both a physical and spiritual significance.

Creation That which was made to exist, both physically and spiritually, by the Creator.

Creation Science A deliberate attempt to test scientific models that are based on the Creation account in the Bible which came about in response to the secular takeover of science.

Creator A descriptive title of the One Most High which describes His position as maker of the universe.



Cursing The act of speaking bad things which is a spiritual hurt upon another.


Day Age Theory The concept that the days of creation found in the book of Genesis were actually long periods of time. Some versions include the evolution process in these time periods.


Death The ceasing of life in a person (or animal). Physically the end of metabolic functions. Spiritually removal from Elohim.

Deception Intentionally trying to mislead people. /Harmful/

Deism belief in a creator God that denies His intervention in the history of the universe since its creation

Demon a malevolent spirit or devil, generally thought to influence or possess a person toward evil.


Discontinuity The reproductive and genetic isolation from one kind to another. One way of stating that macro-evolution does not occur.

Discretionary Income After taxes and needs. Can be used for entertainment. The funds responsible gamblers play with. (see also disposable income).

Disinformation  : false information deliberately spread to deceive people : an adversarial activity - actors emply deception and media manipulation tactics to advance political, milityary, or commercial goals : intended to mislead : propaganda by government to rival power or the media : deliberately spread : can include planting rumors in order to invluence public opinion or obscure the truth : coordinated effort to manipulate :

Dispensation A concept suggesting that the Almighty has temporarily released or given exemption to His people from some of the covenant laws. Typically, a release from the ceremonial and civil laws but not the moral laws. This concept sometimes includes different forms of salvation during different time periods.

Disposable Income


Easter Holiday Originally a pagan festival in honor of the Goddess of Spring held in Aprail. Currently, an annual Christian holiday focusing on the resurrection of the Messiah. Dates vary, but the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox is common.

Elohim A descriptive title from Hebrew meaning our Mighty One or Powerful Leader. Often translated into 'God' in English Bibles.

Enemy a person, group, or nation that is actively hostile, hateful, oppressive toward another. /harmful/



Environmental Acclimation The biogeographical adaptations of an individual within a species or population caused by the local environment.

Ephraimite Identity A concept that some or all believers of the Messiah from around the world are the literal descendants of the Northern tribes of Israel. Sometimes this is used to suggest a right to live in the land of Israel.


Esoteric Understood by or confined to only a small group with special enlightened knowledge often associated with mystical practices and / or secret societies /harmful/

Ethnicities a population or group with a similar descent, cultural background, or shared attribute (language, religion, etc) that distinguishes them from others

Eugenics philosophy and movement searching for supposed good genes and improving gene pool by selection and deselection of certain traits

Eukaryote Cells contain a nucleus - includes animals, plants,fungus, and some algae [compare with prokaryote]

Evil immorality and wickedness and cruelty and sinful, especially when regarded as a supernatural force, causing (unnecessary pain and suffering) /harmful/

Evolution A theory stating that all plants and animals developed from earlier and more simple forms by slight variations in each generation.

Evolutionary Science a biased form of science made to find evidence for materialism, humanism, etc. It has the power of consensus behind it regardless of the actual scientific evidence. /harmful/


False not true nor correct

False gods

False Prophet

Fake not genuine, counterfeit, deceptive, pretend, simulate, pretend, artificial, not authentic, actual (not possible or potential)

Fiction imaginative, , feigned, invented, made-up,

Fantasy extravagant and unrestrained imagination, woundrous, strange fancies, mental image, daydream

Fallacy Error in logic, mistake, deceptive or misleading notion, unsound argument, erroneous reasoning, logically unsound :: failure in reasoning, mistake on unsound argument :

Fraud Intentional falsehood, deception, misleading, not honest, inaccurate, trickery, dishonest, deceit, deception!, sham,

Fellowship A group of believers gathering together for worship and helping each other.

Festivals The three assemblies of Israel to take place in Jerusalem and which focus on the prophetic work of the Messiah.

Floral Formula A concise format for describing the parts of a flower.


Fossil Record

Freemasonry a fraternal secret society (also the largest), possibly starting from the 14th century guilds: It claims not to be a religion and to help improve people and be charitable - but leaked information shows demonic and gnostic beliefs and activities and curses /very harmful/ see also secret society.



Gap Theory A concept suggesting that there was a large amount of time between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2. During this time it suggests that Lucifer rebelled or that mankind prior to Adam and Eve were destroyed.

Gap Theory A concept suggesting that there was a large amount of time between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2. During this time it suggests that Lucifer rebelled or that mankind prior to Adam and Eve were destroyed.

Genetics the study of inheritance of characteristics

Genotype the genetic composition of an organism


Geologic Column


God An English term commonly used in place of the Hebrew title Elohim when translating Scripture.


Governments a ideaology based on false presuppositions (lies) - should have limited role and influece like protecting borders :: Elohim leading is better



Heathen a non-Abrahamic religion [Germanic version of Latin pagan].

Heavenly Father A descriptive title for Yahveh which describes one aspect of His relationship with mankind.

Heterotroph An organism which receives nutrition from complex organic substances [compare with autotroph]

Hinduism developed from Vedic religioun - including mantras, religous and cultural traditions of South Asia - a collection of religion,c culture, and philosophy of ancient India : includes karma, reincarnation and a surpeme god with multiple manifestation as a variety of deities :

Holidays A religious holy day of the church. It often includes special ceremonies or celebrations with religious tones often made by manmade tradition.

Holobaramin Cladistic term for a single entire baramin – all members are related by ancestry


House Fellowship

Humanism belief mankind is measure of all things; based on relative truth and morality and rejecting supernatural authority



Interpretation In regard to the translation of Scripture, the addition of concepts or beliefs to the text that are believed by the translator but which do not appear in the original text. Often done by word choice or inserting extra words into the translation.


Israel [Has manh meanings in modern usage.] In this book, the chosen people of the Almighty whether direct descendants of Jacob or people from other nations who have joined with them.


Judaism The Jewish religion following the rules, rites, and traditions of the Rabbi's as found in the Talmud.



Karaite Judaism

Kingdom of Darkness A reference to the Kingdom and followers of Satan

Kingdom of Light A reference to the Kingdom of Heaven and those who follow Elohim



Last Supper The final meal of the Messiah with His disciples in which he made a wedding betrothal with believers and promised His future return.



Lie An intentional deception / falsehood often used to hide something evil or to mask something bad and make it look good. They can come from family, entertainment, experts, government, and religion. /Very Harmful/

Life Not the same as able to take in food, get energy fromiit, grow, adapt to surrounding, and reproduce their kind.

Life biblical nephesh chayyah - organism siwth a life spirit

Life biological contains genetic information, can reproduce, grow, metabolism and homeostasis, respond to environment

LORD An English term commonly used in place of the Hebrew name Yahveh when translating Scripture.

Lucifer The name of Satan, especially before the angelic rebellion.


Macro-evolution The evolutionary concept that large scale changes (such as change in form) occur over long periods of time due to increasing genetic material and mutations.

Magic The spiritual workings done by the Kingdom of Darkness and accomplished by demons; often considered by witches to be their own psychic energy.

Malinformation  : false information deliberately spread to cause harm : intent is more than just disinformation :

Master A descriptive title of the Messiah regarding His position above all believers.

Materialism Philosophical concept suggesting that matter is the only reality and that everything in the universe can be explained can be explained only in terms of matter.


Melchizedek Priesthood


Messiah Literally the Anointed One from the Hebrew word Maschiach. The Savior and Deliverer who returns mankind from sin back to righteousness and close relationship with the Almighty.

Messianic Judaism Believers in the Messiah who follow the traditions and teachings of the Jewish Rabbis in their interpretation of Scripture as found in the Talmud.

Micro-evolution Small scale changes (such as fur color) caused by genetic drift of existing DNA within a population.

Mighty One A title for the One Most High which signifies His strength and ability.

Miracle The spiritual workings done by the Kingdom of Light.

Misinformation  : false information inadvertently spread : inaccurate information - getting the facts wrong :

Monobaramin Cladistic term for a single (but not necessarily entire) represented baramin.




Morphology the study of form and structure

Mutational Load of Biological Life






Natural Philosophy A philosophy based on the concept that everything can be explained by natural processes and materials and that nothing spiritual is needed.

Naturalism belief denying event or object has supernatural significance ; especially doctrine scientific laws are adequate to account for all phenomena


New Apostolic Reformation

New Covenant Theology As applied to the Christian church, a dispensational view of the Almighty's people requiring the observance of the moral laws but not requiring the ceremonial or civic laws included within the Sinai Covenant.

Nicene Christianity



Occult that which tries to remain hidden.

Old Earth Creationism A concept suggesting that the Almighty created the Earth, but did so over a long period of time. Often used to mix Creationism with Evolution and allow the Earth to be billions of years old.

One Most High A descriptive title of Elohim describing His place above all else.


Oral Torah The traditional rules and regulations that Rabbinical Judaism considers to have been handed down orally from the time of Moses until it was written in the early centuries AD. Considered to be equal with Old Testament Scripture.


Pagan a non-Abrahamic religion [based on Latin, similar to Germanic heathen]

Paganism worship of nature often involving polytheism.

Palaeobaramin previous baramin populations



Parents the one's given authority over a child - supposed to be the good guys and take care of / protect the young - and teach truth : tragedy when not doing their responsibility


Phenetics grouping organisms based on overall similarity

Phenotype the physical characteristics of an organism

Philosophy an ideaology based on false presuppositions (lies) - can be any topic - but influences wordlviews and actions

Phylogenetic the relationship between members of a group and the development and derivation of a group from its ancestors

Polybaramin Cladistic term for multiple (but not necessarily entire) represented baramins.

Polystrata Fossils


Post-Truth a group, society, or government that has chosen to not follow reality but to ... where objective facts are less important than emotional opinions or personal belief ... facts have lost significance in public realm ... prioritizing personal beliefs over factual accuracy ...

Post-zygotic Barrier Something that prevents a fertilized egg from developing into a fertile adult

Pre-Adamite Civilization The concept suggesting that mankind existed before Genesis 1:2 and that this civilization was wiped out.

Presupposition belief accepted as true and foundational to worldview

Pre-zygotic Barrier Something that prevents fertilization


Prokaryote Cells do not contain a nucleus nor organelles [compare with eukaryote]

Propaganda biased or misleading information : promoting a particular cause, point of view, or political ideology : spreading ideas or information or rumor to help or injure an institution, cause, or person : communication to influence or puersuade and audience toward an agenda : persuasive mass communication - framing issues 9n in way that strongly favors particular interests : [ersuading the masses with mis, dis and mal information ] :

Provider A descriptive title of Elohim regarding His care of His people by meeting their needs.



Rabbi An ordained teacher or congregational leader in Judaism.

Rabbinic Judaism

Real true (not merely ostensible, nominal, or apparent), existing as fact, actual rather than imaginary, ideal, or fictitious; genuine,

Reality state or quality of being real, real thing or fact, or event: philosophically - exists independently of ideas concerning it -



Relativism truth (an knowledge and morality) changes according to culture, society, and historical context. denies objectivity. true and fals, right and wrong, standardds of reason must be judged in relation to other things. in extreme, all points of view are equally valid.



Sabbath The rest that was given by the Almighty on the seventh day of creation and used as a mark of His people within the covenant relationship.

Sacrifices Often, an animal offering made to Elohim which is killed in place of the person who has committed a sin. Typically symbolic of the work of the Messiah.

Salvation The atonement and redemption of mankind from the bondage of sin and death. A return to eternal life.

Sanctification To make set apart or special. The process of becoming pure and free of sin.

Satan A descriptive title for Lucifer regarding his position as adversary to mankind.

Savior A descriptive title of Yahshuah the Messiah regarding His work to save people from sin and death.

Science The process of or body of knowledge gained from the observation, study, and experimentation of the physical world or universe.

Scientific Naturalism A scientific endeavor to prove Natural Philosophy.

Scripture The writings that record the relationship of Elohim with mankind. In Judaism, it is considered to be only the Old Testament books. In Christianity, it is often considered the Old and New Testament books and sometimes also the Apocryphal / Deutero-canonical books.

Secret Society an oath-bound group, devoted to fellowship, moral discipline, mutual assistance - that conceals rituals, customs, and activities - often teaching members through veiled allegory and illustrated by symbols /very harmful/ see also freemasonry.

Secular A belief that anything spiritual, religious, or supernatural does not exist.

Seder The meal used by Rabbinical and Messianic Judaism, in place of the Passover meal, which emphasizes freedom from slavery.


Sinai Covenant The covenant made at Mt. Sinai with the Nation of Israel and often, but incorrectly, referred to as the Old Covenant.


Son A descriptive title of Yahshuah the Messiah regarding His place below His Father Yahveh.

Special Spirit

Spiritual Israel The concept suggesting that the Almighty's people were originally the physical descendents of Jacob but which are now replaced by the believers in the Messiah.




Suicide The act of ending one's own physical life ... usually in response to pain or difficult situations. Very short sighted because the soul will continue and eventually face consequences. Perhaps an act of disobedience against the Creator of life.


Systematics the study of identification, taxonomy, and nomenclature of organisms


Talmud The written rules and regulations of Judaism written by the Rabbis in the early centuries AD.

Taxonomy the science of defining groups of organism on the basis of shared characteristics

Theistic Evolution A concept suggesting that Creation and Evolution can both be correct by allowing the Creator to make His creation through the process of Evolution.

Theistic Evolution A concept suggesting that Creation and Evolution can both be correct by allowing the Creator to make His creation through the process of Evolution.


Torah The first five books of Scripture (also known as the Penteteuch, or books of Moses) as named in Rabbinical Judaism.

Tradition A set of customs, rites, and practices passed down from one generation to another.

Translation The changing of a written text from one language into another.


Truth that which corresponds to reality, actuality, real events, facts,

Two Houses of Israel Generally based on the Scriptural prophecies of the two houses of Israel coming together again in the future. As a theory, it specifically refers to groups that try to figure out who is who in today's world and add specific details or timings as to how and when this reunification will happen that are not found in Scripture.



United States



Virtual Reality a false reality, often simulated reality, basically possible because of powerful electronics - virtual worlds keep people from progressing / living in real world - spending large quantities of tiem and effort and expense in a virtual world takes all that waay from what could be done in real life - often allowsf for immoral behavior without consequences and causes de -senitization







Witchcraft occult paganism attempting to achieve personal intents through demonic methods.


Worldview an ideaology based on false presuppositions (lies) - leads to actions and decisions - false wordlviews will often harm life rather than help it



Yahshuah The Hebrew name of the Heavenly Son and the Messiah. Often translated into English as Jesus.

Yahveh The Hebrew name of the Heavenly Father. Often translated in English as LORD.

Young Earth Creationism The literal understanding of the Scriptural account of Creation dating the age of the Earth to be approaching 6,000 years.


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