Evolution in Science and Society Summary
Evolutionism, not to be confused with the Theory of Evolution, is defined as a philosophical, and sometimes spiritual, belief or set of concepts and forces regarding the processes that shape and form life. It is a belief that, over billions of years, all life forms have evolved to their current form (from basic molecules to man) by means of natural processes which cannot be witnessed. It sometimes involves the belief that evolution is heading in a direction of improvement and, therefore, it becomes the goal or highest good and can drive morality and ethics in society. It is commonly associated with (but not necessary for) athiesm, agnosticism, and humanism.
Defining Evolution, the Theory of Evolution, and Evolutionism
Within the Creation and Evolution debate, many discussions turn chaotic because individuals do not understand the differences between the generic use of evolution, the scientific Theory of Evolution, and the philosophical beliefs of Evolutionism.
Comparing Variation within a Kind to Microevolution and Macroevolution
A good example of how scientific models, worldviews, and research all come together is found in the amount of genetic variation that is expected within the Creation and Evolution models. This topic is one that causes many heated debates on discussion forums and is made all the more complex because the general public will sometimes use different or more general definitions of these concepts than do the technical papers of scientists.
The Theory of Evolution
The theory of evolution is a secular science model which suggests that all organisms have descended from a common ancestor. Through the processes of descent with modification and natural selection, the first molecules of life slowly became more complex and eventually brought about the plants and animals, including man, known today. The theory of evolution suggests that the first self-replicating molecules formed about 3.5 billion years ago. Then organisms went through a stage of diversification about 1 billion years ago. Later, man appeared about 1 million years ago.
Fallacies of Evolution in Science
The Theory of Evolution requires certain base assumptions to be true for the theory to continue to work. If these basic assumptions are incorrect, then the entire Theory of Evolution does not work. Following are a few of the main objections that can be made with the Theory of Evolution.
Fallacies of Theistic Evolution
Theistic Evolution is a concept that tries to mix or find compromise between the ideas of a special creation and the concept of evolution. Generally speaking, the various forms of Theistic Evolution allow for a Creator who works through the process of evolution, including competition and natural selection, as a means of making plants, animals, and mankind. However, not only does theistic evolution contain all the problems of the Theory of Evolution, but it is also filled with problems, difficulties, and self-contradictions from a scriptural standpoint.
Naturalism has its base in the Natural Philosophy of the Greek Empire and it focused on the premise of nature existing without a god or, at most, with a distant god that may have started things but now does not interact with nature. It was a materialistic concept where physical matter, without anything spiritual, could produce all that exists. These concepts all but do away with a Creator and the possibility of a relationship with Him.
Eugenics and Neo-Eugenics Movements
The word 'eugenics' comes from the Greek language and literally means "good genes". The formal Eugenics Movement formed around social Darwinism in the late 1800's and early 1900's. It was based on the concept that some people are more evolved than others and promoted the search for finding the best and most evolved humans.
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