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Beliefs of Creationism Summary

From Scripture Advocate
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Beliefs of Creationism

The modern concepts within Biology, the study of life, are based on secular views of life which are hidden in evolutionary terminology. Evolution considers plants, animals, and man to all be alive and related to one another. Within Scripture, a very different view of life is given. A simple look at the differences between the body, soul, and spirit shows that life is much more than just functions of the body which act as a response to a stimulus.

Creationism is the belief that the entire universe and all of life were created in a special act by a Creator. This is based on the concepts contained within Scripture with an emphasis on the Genesis account of a seven day act of creation. It states that the creation was originally made in a good condition and that over time it is deteriorating and getting worse due to the fall of man and the action of sin. If Creationism, including Created Kinds, is true, then the book of Genesis is foundational to understanding life and the view's on what is important in life must change. The study of Created Kinds, and Creationism in general, helps us to understand what life is, the great value it has, and makes plain what benefits or harms life now and eternally.

Creationism is the belief that the entire universe and all of life were created in a special act by a Creator. This is based on the concepts contained within Scripture with an emphasis on the Genesis account of a seven day act of creation. It states that the creation was originally made in a good condition and that over time it is deteriorating and getting worse due to the fall of man and the action of sin. If Creationism, including Created Kinds, is true, then the book of Genesis is foundational to understanding life and the view's on what is important in life must change. The study of Created Kinds, and Creationism in general, helps us to understand what life is, the great value it has, and makes plain what benefits or harms life now and eternally.

The created kinds are defined as the plants and animals that were spoken into existence by the Creator. The concept of created kind is based on the biblical account of creation as found in the book of Genesis. Although common design elements may exist, each created kind is uniquely made and separate from the other kinds. They are designed to reproduce ‘after their kind’ which limits how different the descendants could be from the parents. Therefore, there is no common ancestry between kinds and no evolutionary processes were involved.

The topic of Creationism is not a salvation issue. However, anything, like Evolutionism, that causes doubt or difficulty with understanding or believing Scripture is yet another stumbling block that inhibits a person from becoming a believer or a stronger believer. Evolutionism has spread rapidly in the last several decades. At the same time, Creationism has been slow in responding. Baraminology, the scientific study of created kinds, is one of the responses that is now forming and challenging the Theory of Evolution. The more we study kinds, the more evidence is discovered to show that science supports Creationism.

Creationism is defined as the belief that the universe and the life within it were created by the Eternal as described in the book of Genesis from the Bible. Young Earth Creationism accepts that this occurred nearly 6000 years ago. It states that the creation was originally made in a good condition and that over time it is deteriorating and getting worse due to the fall of man and the action of sin.

Model of Created Kinds

The Created Kinds Theory states that there is a Creator and that there is a limit to the variation that can occur within a kind of plant or animal. According to the theories of Creationism plants, animals, and man were created fully complex and reproducing after their own kind. This allows for variation within a kind, but no transitional forms between kinds. This is in sharp contrast to the Theory of Evolution which states that very big changes can occur over long periods of time and that all organisms are related.

Basic Evidence for the Model of Creationism

What are the expectations and predictions from the Model of Creationism? The evidence from the physical, earth, and biological sciences do match these expectations.

Basic Evidence for a Worldwide Flood

Within a creationist view, many things can be expected under the conditions of such a flood because floods are known for laying down rocks and fossils. First, the fossils should show catastrophic and rapid formation, there should be clearly defined kinds of plants and animals with no transition forms in between, and both simple and complex organisms should exist from the beginning. Second, larger fossils should become polystrate in position as the flood layers quickly settle into place. Third, there should be human artifacts to be found in the fossil record. Furthermore, there would likely be layering where sea life is buried first. The bodies of animals and humans would be less likely because of rotting and decaying.

Creation Science

According to the theories of Creationism, the process of decay is a constant throughout the known universe. Topics such as heat, magnetism, and the laws of motion demonstrate a young universe in which the formative processes are basically finished. About 4,500 years ago there was a worldwide flood covering the face of the earth for about one year. This caused many of the large scale geological features on the surface of the earth, made dramatic changes to the atmosphere, and set into place the modern hydrologic cycle. This theory would predict the rapid formation and catastrophic deformation of sedimentary layers all over the earth. Plants, animals, and mankind were created fully complex and reproducing after their own kind. This allows for variation within a kind, but no transitional forms between kinds. It also predicts the sudden appearance of many well developed languages throughout the Earth.

Intelligent Design

The Intelligent Design concept is a relatively recent idea in the creation / evolution debate. However, its base goes back to the teleological ‘Arguments from Design’ that were created in the late 1700′s in an effort to prove the existence of the Almighty. Officially, the Intelligent Design movement does not take a stand on creation nor is it concerned with a literal interpretation of the Scriptures. Thus, for example, it could accept the seeding of life on Earth by space aliens as the intelligence behind life. However, the general arguments for design can be useful for showing the concept of the Heavenly Creator. The idea of Intelligent Design has been heavily linked to the theory of irreducible complexity. This theory states that complex systems with inter-related parts or functions could not have arisen piece by piece but must have been made or created as a complete unit.

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