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Experiences with Places and People

From Scripture Advocate
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Moab Campground

The Trip from Tabernacles When we were traveling the United States in a pop-up camper and were located in the Pacific Northwest, we received an invitation to go to a Feast of Tabernacles located in Oklahoma. As we prayed, it seemed we were to be there. It was short notice, would take at least two weeks, and we would be camping in our tent. After the event, one extra stop was chosen on the return back to the Northwest. This was few days at Arches National Park located next to Moab, Utah.

Visiting Utah In the past, this area had been home to the Native American Indians. Now it is largely populated by Mormons. It also seems to be an area of interest to those in the New Age movement.

Arrival in Town We arrived in Moab, Utah and immediately noticed the strange names and symbols in the town. We questioned what the name of the town meant. It was obvious by appearance that this was a pagan town. The only benefit we saw from this was that the food market contained a large variety of organic food which is quite typical for the new age movement. We were unable to put all the pieces of the puzzle together at that time.

The Postman Delivers Information When I went to the post office, I met a man who was a Mormon. I asked him how the town got its name. He got a big grin on his face as he explained that Utah is a Mormon state, that Moab comes from the Bible, and even that Moses was buried in Moab.

The Puzzle Pieces Fit Things finally became clear in our minds. In the Hebrew language, Moab means 'from father'. The Moabites were descended from the incestuous relationship of Lot and his oldest daughter. How fitting that the Mormons who have polygamous marriages would have Moab as a town. Furthermore, Mormonism is not far removed from witchcraft so it would make sense that the nature worship, Indian tribal items and pictographs, and other related items we were seeing would be in this town.

Business Names in Town The businesses in town had very unusual names and were unusually blunt regarding for what they stood. There was Moon Flower Natural Market, Poison Spider Bicycle Rental, McStiff's pub that had a man flying to serve tables as a symbol above, Pagan Outfitters, Portals RV, Peace Tree Juice Cafe, and Hogi Yogi. Also, a few spaces away from our campsite were some Native American Indians which had set up a teepee instead of a tent.

Hope for the Future It can be noted that Ruth was a Moabite who was called out to Israel to be an ancestor of Messiah Yahshuah. There is hope for redemption.

Shawnee Campground

We are camping in a Native American campground. This is my first real experience with native Americans. I grew up with various stereotypical images of the Indians. This includes:

a people living in harmony with nature that were disrupted and destroyed by the white man's intervention

the savages encountered by the early European settlers of this continent

as those to be pitied because of the many treaties the United States has broken with them

as a pagan culture that worships the elements of nature

as a modern day people that are unclean, alcoholics, lazy, and trying to take advantage of other people through gambling facilities.

One evening, I heard children playing in the swimming pond ... being rambunctious. The sounds they made matched what I would describe as the war cry in the Hollywood movies ... yet more authentic because it is not actors playing Indians, but those who are native Americans that grew up learning to make these sounds. It was a strange sound and two word came to mind: 'demons' and 'savages'. During discussions, we are thinking that this makes a lot of sense. The demonic influence would be called upon for war or other actives. A people that are possessed do tend to be more 'dirty' in appearance and environment. On the other hand, some of what we think of as unkempt, may be a different mentality. For instance, we grew up accustomed to short cut grass, but the grass is tall and flowering here ... exactly how it would naturally be. They probably are used to this and think it natural.

Congregational Message and Flat Tire

We are now early into our second year of traveling. I recently had the opportunity to speak before a Native congregation. Although speaking before a congregation is nothing new, sometimes there are surprises when working in new areas.

We are always dealing with the battle of evil against good both in the physical and in the spiritual. When doing a work we need to pay attention to both aspects and what is happening around us. This particular congregation has had an unusually difficult time because of certain people that brought immorality into it at different times. On top of that is what was brought it by the Native Americans from native forms of worship that go against Scripture. These people are learning about the Almighty, but it is a transitional period and individuals can bring things (both physical and spiritual) into the congregation that do not belong.

The first moment we entered into that building, we could sense that there was great heaviness spiritually. Something, and actually many things, were wrong and probably things that should not be done in a place of worship had been done there. These things needed to be dealt with before I proceeded to work and speak there so that nothing would hinder myself or the congregation spiritually. This would be directly entering the spiritual arena and doing battle for good. It was successful because, afterwards, the place felt much lighter and more joyful. Yet this type of work is not a strong point with me yet and I have much to learn.

I had prayed before even entering this property and had received that this would be my biggest battle yet. It proved to be so in two ways. I took the time to pray for and spiritually cleanse the church building ... this was the longest any one place has taken and was difficult in that sense. Second, after my message to the congregation which seemed to go unusually well, we were traveling back to our campsite when we suddenly had a tire go flat. Since we have had so much happen to us with our tires that have had a spiritual aspect to them I prayed. After praying, I believe that this flat tire was a direct attack on us brought on by the good work being done for that congregation and for the cleansing that had been accomplished.

Overall, this was a minor inconvenience, especially considering what we had accomplished with the congregation. Yet it was a reminder that we must be diligent in our fight against evil and continually seek protection and safety from our Heavenly Father, particularly when we enter the spiritual arena and do battle.

A Cursed Man

When I was growing up, I would hear stories about people who had all the bad luck. The ones that would end up with a broken product or failing equipment on a regular basis. I assumed, at the time, that this was just an exaggeration ... that a person would not be given such an unfair life as to always have such problems. After thirty years of paying attention to people around me, I have met such people. A few, I have gotten to know more personally and been able to follow such events in their life and how they live. I will say up front, I do not believe in luck or in being unlucky. Instead, I believe in blessing and cursing and that life is a lot more fair than we typically realize.

One man I have known for a couple decades is one of those people. He is cursed. It is very obvious and it is not bad luck. He is heavily involved in occult activity and he has not only spoken many curses over himself, but has participated in activities that the Bible would prohibit. How has that played out in his life? I think it has had an impact on many parts of his life, but I am only going to share the equipment malfunctions and breakdowns.

Through the years, I would watch as machine after machine, such as yard equipment, would break down. In fact, it seemed he spent more time fixing the equipment than using it. It was, and is, a terribly frustrating experience. When he finally decided to buy some new equipment, it was smoking in less than ten minutes. Brand new equipment! It turned out that a belt had been installed incorrectly.

He had multiple cars that he had purchased used ... supposedly very nice sturdy brands, but they would come with many problems such as electrical faults and they would never fully work correctly the entire time he owned them no matter how many repairs he made. One car even, inexplicably, caught fire and burned up after driving to town. These things were not due to bad maintenance as he basically took care of his cars, licensing, fluids, and such.

One time, he decided to do a major add-on to his home by getting a solar electricity system for the house. He did not want a makeshift system. Instead he wanted it professionally installed and so it was very expensive. There was a "try it free for three months" offer along with the installation. After only 1 month of installation, the system was knocked out by lightning. It took over four months before it would be repaired which meant he was already paying for a brand new system that was not working. The company that installed it said (truthfully nor not) that they had never seen anything like this happen before. About a year later, the same things happened again. Lightning took out the system. And again, it would take about four months before it would be repaired.

This is a shocking and stark contrast to believers who try to walk in truth and righteousness and who enjoy the peace and smooth life that comes with blessing. And although this example seems stronger than most, it is still a commonplace thing as witchcraft and occult activity are surprisingly common both in the United States and around the world. Many people suffer from these activities and do not even realize the connection.

Missing Out on Healing

We were acquainted with a woman who had been anorexic when she was younger. Although she had given that up long ago, she was still thin and still had some after-effects including strong headaches.

One time, she mentioned how bad the headaches had been recently. Since we had at this point seen / experienced some healings worked in the spiritual, my wife suggested that she try having people pray for her and try to deal with the spiritual in case that was the problem or even just part of it.

Wow ... did she get offended! She went on to tell us that she went to her congregation one time and had them pray and nothing happened and that it was rude for us to suggest she had not tried.

Well ... technically she was telling us about a problem and I guess she had not asked for our advice ... so maybe it was wrong to suggest anything at that time. However, the point I want to make, is that the denomination she attends is not at all known for miraculous events nor for dealing with spiritual issues.

Now, let me step aside and be clear, I know there are some problems with the charismatic movement, worse with the Pentecostal denominations, and worst with the modern New Apostolic Reformation groups. I have seen the fake and the false along with the true healing. I am not suggesting going to these extremist and sometimes even witchcrafty groups.

But this woman was suffering. And I am guessing there is a spiritual element to that suffering. And if she would go to a mature individual or group that is ale to help in the spiritual and deal with her past and cleanse the situation, then she probably could have healing in that area. Sadly, I doubt this will happen as the attitude that 'I tried that once' has shut down and blocked that avenue.

Old Friends

There is a saying that some people use as an excuse: "I am not lazy, I just really enjoy doing nothing". I am not like that. It is difficult for me to do nothing. Even when I am sick I will try to find something I can manage to do. I am always pressing onward and striving for better. This has been shown time and time again by different activities in my life.

Photography Example Within photography, is probably one of the best examples of constant growth. I was already in university when I had access to a camera club and explored an interest in photography. I had always enjoyed artwork and recording things, and felt photography might be a fast and detailed way to do this. As I began, I knew practically nothing and had only a cheap point and shoot camera. I ended up joining multiple clubs, reading lots of books and magazines, and taking many pictures. The photos were good enough to do well in local photography contests. I learned much from the people at those clubs. A few years later and I was now the one presenting at these clubs teaching techniques and even judging at the contests locally. I had a solo exhibition of my work at an art gallery with pieces for sale in another. A few photos had even been published. I did a little work for hire on the side. Yet I would still meet with some of these other photographers I started with and they were all doing the same thing they were doing when I started - they had not changed or grown in skill or rank in any way. Over time, visiting these old groups became almost wearisome.

Visiting Old Friends Going back and visiting old friends is usually a pleasant thing. However, in some instances, going back and seeing them stuck in the same situation where we last saw them or in much more difficult positions is saddening. Worse yet has been visiting the friends that were examples to us of living in faith. So many of them are having difficulties. So many of them have lost that drive and desire to do Father's will. Some are falling into the ways of society, the American Dream, or simply fear. What happened? why do so many fall down?

Cares of the World We know one family that had been encouraging to us, but has fallen victim to the cares of the world. They are struggling to keep a house. They both comment how much they need more money and the wife has gone back to work ... but from our glimpse into their lives, we see them eating out at restaurants frequently, spending $500 on a camera set because it was on sale from $800 and she might try taking pictures for people. Their lifestyle does not match that of people who are poor and struggling just to survive ... instead they are struggling to maintain their lifestyle.

In the meantime, the husband has not been prophesying as he once did many years ago. He was one of the ones that impressed me with a (usually reliable) gift to give a message to people from Elohim. Together, they were spiritually aware and helped us learn about cleansing our house of magic and other bad things. Although earlier they had avoided some magical things like Disney shows, these had been accepted and allowed to be in their home.

An Unfinished House I guess what is disappointing is that years ago, when he started building this house, there was so much enthusiasm. He felt this was part of a bigger project the Elohim had for end-time preparation. That it would be a meeting place for believers. That so much would happen here. So a group of us helped him put together his walls, and his floor, and his roof. We helped with the expectation that something would someday come of this. He also had some amazing testimonies of provision making the project happen.

At some point (after we began traveling) he seemed to give up on these things. Now, that all seems abandoned and not even given much thought. He went on to take a secular job, but now he wants out of that. He has even talked of selling the house.

I do not know the inside details. I know life can be difficult. But a project with an almost miraculous beginning was abandoned.

Continuing the Journey Seeing the difficulties of our old friends helps me realize just how blessed we are and have been. That, sometimes slowly and sometimes quickly, we have enjoyed continued growth. That the challenges we face now (wanting better clothes and fixing a bus engine) seem a lot less significant. That the goals keep growing over time. It takes perseverance. There certainly are challenges along the way. But the long term goal is worth it and working in His will is amazing.

This page is under construction. My apologies for any misspellings, repeated text, missing references, etc. Please visit again later for a more complete treatment of this topic.