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The Bible Is the Accurate and Authoritative Description of Both the Physical and Spiritual Aspects of Life
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What If Eternal Judgment Is True? Our Soul Is At Risk of eternal life or death. we must recognize sin and falsehood / risk by not discerning we take a great risk by not discerning sin and falsehood
T: our soul is at risk of destruction F: then our actions and existence are meaningless as death is no longer a punishment for sin
T: then existence is meaningful
S: soul and judgment both imply more to life than this physical body
What If the Bible Is True?
A: All Things Improve As we reach for the Kingdom of Heaven
T: everything gets better as we reach for the peace and purity of the kingdom of heaven :: things
improve as
F: then something else is true - athiesm, monotheism, polytheism, pantheism ....
F: then life is probably meaningless
T: we have a purpose - eternity exists - then judgment will occur
T: bible is instructions / history of life
T: judgment comes based on our life, our actions, our decisions
S: directly states both physical and spiritual aspects of life - with spiritual being more important
what if there is a battle of good and evil? A: the armor of light helps in our Role of defending life as a righteous warrior A: defending life is our Role as righteous warriors T: we must / are forced to participate in our role as righteous warriors wearing the armor of light F: then what we do really has little matter or importance - - survival of fittest, competition, T: we must choose a side - ... or the choice will be made for us S: then much more to life than physical - things unseen shape our lives more than we know
What if the Eternal exists? // What If YHVH is true?
A: then a close rlationship with our maker is possible
T: It is possible to have a Close relationship with our Maker who loves us
F: then bible is wrong on many things,
F: then no accountability to maker who knows what helps and harms life
T: choose to submit to our Maker
S: a non-physical being ...
what if creation is real
A: Physical and spiritual reality effect health and blessing
T: both the physical and spiritual aspects of reality must be dealt with to be healthy and blessed
F; then evolutionary concepts of competition and survival of the fittest may apply
F: then eternal judgment may be based on our works
F: then life not made correctly and attempts man's attempts to improve might be worthwhile
T: life made correctly, deal with it [do not correct it] -
S: ADBCMM - exist and effect