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Created Kinds

From Scripture Advocate
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This book has been discontinued. A downloadable PDF file of the interior of the book is being made available for historical reference and personal use. This file may be shared freely so long as it is not changed. Please refer to our Copyright page for other uses.

Publishing Data
  • Format = Paperback
  • Author = Todd Elder
  • Client = Self-published CreateSpace
  • Publish Date = December 11, 2013
  • ISBN-10 = 1493703854
  • ISBN-13 = 978-1493703852
  • Download: [[Media:|PDF]]

As the second volume in the Elder’s Model of Creation series, “Created Kinds” explores one of the core concepts of life.

Who is the Creator? How is man different than the plants and animals? How can the amazing variety of animals we see today be explained through the concepts of Creationism and Baraminology?

These questions are examined by looking at Scripture with an emphasis on the original Hebrew wording to clarify the basic concepts surrounding created kinds.

As these questions are answered, the value and significance of life becomes clearer, encouraging a person to build a closer relationship with Our Creator.
