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Names and Titles of Elohim Summary

From Scripture Advocate
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Who is the Creator? In the search for truth and meaning to life, there are few questions more powerful than this. Throughout Scripture there are names, titles, and descriptive phrases about the Creator. These names and titles are not just labels but have very deep meanings that are sometimes lost in translation. Respect for the name of the Creator is part of the Ten Commandments. Yet, how these words are used, translated, or transliterated from the Hebrew and Greek alphabets into the English language is sometimes a cause of confusion. Following is a list of the most commonly found words and phrases with their simple origins and meanings.

Names and Titles of the Father

Yahveh:: The name of 'Yahveh' comes from the Hebrew letter combination of Yod-Hey-Vav-Hey which is also known as the Tetragrammaton. The name appears almost 7000 times (6,828 times by some estimates) in the Hebrew text. Within the English language, it is variously pronounced as 'Yahveh', 'Yahweh', or even 'Jehovah' depending on the style of transliteration that is used. It seems to be an archaic third-person singular imperfect form of the verb "to be" which would give the meaning 'He Is'. This would refer to His self-existence outside of space and time as mankind knows it.

I Am: In the response to Moses in Exodus 3:14, the Creator gives the name 'I Am that I Am' which would be transliterated as 'ehyah asher ehyah'. The 'I Am' in this phrase comes from the same Hebrew root word "to be" just as the Tetragrammaton does. In this case, the Creator Himself is speaking and, therefore, uses the first-person singular imperfect form of the word 'be' which is 'ehyah'.

Elohim: The word 'elohim' is found over 2500 times in the Hebrew portion of the Scriptures. It is also a word that has a variety of uses within Scripture. It is used not only to describe the Creator, but also false gods, kings, and even city leaders. Examples include Ex 12:12 where it describes 'the gods of Egypt', 1 King 11:33 where it describes the 'god of Moab', or the frequent use of describing the Creator as the 'God of Israel'. This can largely be explained through the symbolic meaning of the name which includes a 'powerful leader' or more typically in English when referring to the Creator as our 'Mighty One'. Whether the True God, a false god, or a city leader the one spoken about is thought to be a leader with power or strength.

HaShem and Adonai: Within Judaism, the name of the Creator is considered too sacred to pronounce (except by the High Priest in the Temple). Therefore, they avoid saying the actual name by replacing the Tetragrammaton with the word 'HaShem' which literally means 'the Name' or the word Adonai which means 'my lords' or 'my masters'. HaShem is typically used in common conversation while Adonai is used in the formal prayers and ritual blessings.

LORD and God: Christianity has followed the Jewish practice of substituting the name of the Creator. The word 'LORD' is a substitute for the Tetragrammaton and comes through the use of the Greek word 'kyrios' which means 'lord' and can be found in both the Septuagint translation of the Hebrew text as well as in the Greek Text. The word 'God' is chosen as the translation for the Hebrew word Elohim.

Names and Titles of the Son

Yahshuah: The name 'Yahshuah' comes from the Hebrew word for 'salvation'. Not surprisingly, many of the passages of Scripture that speak of 'salvation / yahshuah' also contain prophecies of the Messiah. Within the English language, it is variously transliterated as Yahshuah, Yeshua, or even Yehoshua. In any case, the meaning remains which is 'Yah Saves'.

Emmanuel: The name 'Emmanuel', meaning 'God with us', only appears within Scripture a few times. However, it is found in both the Hebrew and Greek writings. The passages it is found in suggest a salvational aspect to this person who is later equated with the Messiah.

Jesus: The English name of 'Jesus' comes from the Koine Greek used in the Septuagint translation as Iesous. It is a similar, but not an exact match to the Hebrew as Greek does not contain the 'sh' sound and the Greek masculine ending of 's' was added. It was further modified in the Latin as 'Iesvs' and finally into English as 'Jesus'.

Christ: The word 'Christ' comes to from the Greek word 'Christos' and means "anointed one". It comes from the Hebrew word 'mashiach' which means 'anointed'. Although the word 'christ' is used for many Greek gods, it appears twice in the Septuagint translation of the Hebrew text in reference to the promised Prince and then is used heavily in the New Testament Greek in reference to the Savior. Furthermore, the word was in such use that the term 'Christian' was used in the Greek city of Antioch to describe the followers.

Names and Titles of the Creator

Our Maker: Another phrase is found in the descriptive term 'Our Maker'. Maker comes from the Hebrew root word 'asah'. Asah is used to describe making or doing something in a very broad sense. The recognition that He has made even mankind is a good thing to remember.

Titles using 'El': Many titles of the Creator use the word 'El' as part of the description. Examples include 'El Chai' as 'Living God', 'El Elyon' as 'Most High God', 'El Gibbor' as 'God of Strength', 'El Olam' as Everlasting God, 'El Roi' as 'God who Sees', and 'El Shaddai' as 'God Almighty'.


Sacred Name Movements: There have been numerous groups that have suggested or demanded that believers return to using the Hebrew names 'Yahveh' and 'Yahshuah'. This is often stated as a way of obeying the third commandment. Sacred Name groups will sometimes wildly claim that English translations of the names come from pagan sources. Other groups will go so far as to incorrectly make using the Hebrew Names into a salvational issue.

Pagan Name Origins: There have been suggestions that the English titles for the Creator have come from pagan sources and, therefore, should not be used. Sadly, most of these suggestions and divisive controversies come from poor scholarship and a misunderstanding of the languages involved. For example, the name of 'Jesus' does not have anything to do with the phrase 'Yea Zeus' as some have suggested.

Choosing to know Our Maker and building a relationship with Him is the most powerful decision a person can make in their lives. Though not absolutely necessary, understanding who He is takes the relationship deeper by helping us understand His character and attributes.