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Ancestry and Family Tree Summary

From Scripture Advocate
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Idealism and Reality

As a child, I had the idea that family is important. That family should be a tight knit group that is there to help each other. That family is a strong bond that can benefit all involved. But the reality of what I saw growing up and later experienced as an adult was far from that. When I look around at the United States society around me, I find it very often is not that. We are taught to be individuals, not families. More like people just living in the same building, but without close relationship. I cannot change the past, but I want better for my child's future.

Legacy and Heritage, Culture and Society, Wars

It can be too easy to just get caught up in names and dates and therefore miss the stories of their lives. When a person starts a family tree, there can be so much excitement in learning about one's heritage. The legacies of one's ancestors. The cultures and societies that were lived in, or in the wars that were fought. It can bring history to life in entirely new ways. But we must remember that all these things are just the physical things of life and like the proverbial 'tip of the iceberg'.


Much deeper and in the background runs the spiritual aspects of life and ancestry. When the elements of angels and demons, blessings and cursing, and miracles and magic are added to the idea of our inheritance, things quickly become more serious. Trying to clean up the remnants of our ancestors misdeeds so our lives can be at peace is an incredible burden, but well worth the effort. This is an oft neglected part of the family tree, but it may be the most important.

Lives, Heroes and Villains

When you examine the lives of your ancestors, or others in the family tree, it is going to be full of surprises. There could be heroes and villains, kings or peasants, an unexpected mixture of nationalities and natives from many lands. The possibilities of professions, hobbies, and interests, of accomplishments and failures is almost limitless. The Stories of everyday life in different regions of the world and in different time periods ... such as the U.S. western frontier are romanticized, but the realities could be harsh.

Origins, Separation, Moving

The surprising thing in all these stories is how you ended up where you are. Each family line has some place of origin ... like Scotland ... but what caused ancestors to make the big decision to move? Were there troubles like famine or war? Was there the hope or adventure in settling a new land? Was it merely the pursuit of money and trade? Was there religious persecution driving people away. Or could there have been a family feud followed by a split? Somehow, all of your ancestors decisions on where to live, brought you to where you are today. {thieves in Australia}

Biblical Ancestry

One often overlooked aspect of ancestry is our Biblical / Spiritual family background. We are literal descendants of Adam and Eve and of Noah. We may or may not be literal descendants of Abraham, but as believers we are adopted / grafted into that tree. We are also adopted into the Family of Elohim. Such adoption is authoritative and brings with it both the rights and responsibilities and problems of being in an adopted line. These are also our heritage and things that must be considered both physically and spiritually. Perspectives on life change when we see these events as our own personal history.


Having ancestors that are believers in the Bible can have some benefits since their live will tend to be a little cleaner and guided by the ten commandments. But, religions and denominations can carry a lot of 'baggage'. It can be complex because there can be a mixture of Catholic and Protestant denominations (Brethren, etc) or smaller more fringe groups like Mormons, Adventist, Messianic Jewish, or Worldwide Church of God. What has been handed down, sometimes as family tradition, my be a man-made religious tradition that not only is not in the Bible, but may even go against Scripture. It is a place where it is easy to let our guard down because it feels safe .. but inspection is needed here as well.

Family members with other beliefs can also be a major source of persecution. Time and time again, on can see examples of within the family persecution drawing children or siblings far away and perhaps to never be heard from again. Within a single generation, the cousins do not know each other and the division is made.


Worse off are those who have non-believing ancestors. Cleansing from the effect of their religions can be difficult - Buddhist, Muslim, etc. It can also take a dark turn into the magical arts and witchcraft including secret societies. Also traumatic events. This is when dealing with demons and curses can be at it's worst. The loss of peace, the increase of the lusts of the flesh, as well as pride and selfishness can become major battlegrounds. Such darkness likes to hide in the shadows. People do not like to talk and share about such things. You must learn to look for the clues and dig persistently. Cursed heirlooms are not worth keeping despite the sentimental value.

Family Reunions, grudges, skeletons

One unique aspect of the family tree is being able to meet and gather with living relatives. This can be a very pleasant experience and a great way to learn more about common ancestry. However, it is also a strong way to suddenly see the lasting grudges within the family such as when on group will not come if certain other groups come. It also can reveal many so called 'skeletons in the closet' that people are embarrassed about and which hinder both better relationships and good research. In rare cases, a family reunion can be an explosive mix that can cause much harm.

Birth and Death

Similarly, the birth of a child should be a joyous event and a time when family can come together to help the parents with all the demands of time and energy that new life brings with it. However, it can also be a time when people who have never interacted with you suddenly feel they have a right to control or interfere with your life or your choices as a parent which usually ends in rifts, grudges, and separations of family members. This is often cause for people to travel to new lands.

Similarly, the death of the parents or grandparents can be a time of family unity and mourning and a time to encourage each other. But is is also a time when selfishness can go to the extreme and cause family rifts and grudges that might last the rest of their lives.

Making a Strong Family

We cannot change the past. But we can change the present and the future. We can try to improve things in our generation and try to to leave a better, healthier, and more enjoyable family unit for our descendants. If this cannot happen, then we can start anew ... make your family close and keep building and teach the children to keep building. We can learn much by the actions and decisions and the results of our ancestors. Although technology may change, life and relationships do not. If we want a strong family unit, it is something that must be worked for and maintained. It is something precious that is not easily replaced.