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Traditions of the Bishops

From Scripture Advocate
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The central theme of salvation within Scripture is the acceptance of the Messiah as the Savior of a person's life. Those who accept the Messiah become companions in the book of life. However, the Christian religion has many traditions and beliefs that have added to or changed the commandments found in Scripture and therefore distinguish Christians from other believers in the Messiah.

Catholic and Protestant Culture

The Christian religion has several core beliefs that define and distinguish it from other types of believers in Messiah. Although exactly how each of these doctrines applies to an individual denomination varies within Christianity, the entire Christian community is effected by such core elements which have shaped it throughout the centuries. Traditions are the man made rules and regulations that change or add to the commandments of Scripture. Since that time, the commandments of Scripture have been modified or replaced with either man made rules and traditions or with pagan forms of worship.

Replacement Theology

The Christian religion claims the day of Pentecost and the giving of the Spirit as the time of it's birth. With this claim comes the idea of rejecting the Jewish and Hebrew cultures as being part of the Almighty's people. Israel is now considered to be made up of an entirely different group of people rather than have those people added into the already existing Nation of Israel.

The Clergy in their Cathedrals

Almost 2000 years ago, the Bishops declared themselves to have the authority to decide which commandments people are to obey in worshiping the Almighty and what observances to follow in daily life. This is not the Earthly Temple and the Aaronic priesthood sanctified by the Almighty nor is it the Heavenly Temple with the Messiah as High Priest.

Allegorical Interpretation

The Christian religion chose to use an allegorical or spiritual interpretation even though most of Scripture is given in a direct and literal writing style. An interpreter was encouraged to first consult the church's orthodox creed before making an allegorical understanding of Scripture so that the two would match. This effectively adds the meaning to the text that the interpreter wants and does not seek what is truly there.

Segregation and Dispensation of the Law

There is a belief that the Messiah ended the Old Testament covenant and law because He had fulfilled it's purpose and made it no longer necessary. Without this covenant relationship in place the teachings of the Messiah and the Apostles had no basis from which to be interpreted. Therefore, new meanings and forms of worship began to appear.

The Christian religion views its relationship with the Almighty through the concept of dispensationalism. This dispensation is the release from the commandments and laws of the Sinai Covenant. The Christian religion often separates the covenant law into the three major sections of moral, civil, and ceremonial laws. Then it declares that the civil and ceremonial laws have been done away with while maintaining the moral laws.

Councils, Creeds, Catechisms

The traditions of Catholicism and Protestantism come from the authority given to the early Church Fathers who had often been philosophers or wealthy individuals prior to becoming a believer. It is they who brought in many foreign traditions and new methods of worship which were later codified in the councils, creeds, and catechisms. Such man made traditions were often decided not by a clear revelation from the Eternal, but by months of debate and sometimes arbitrary rulings. Combined with dispensationalism and allegorical interpretation, this truly became a place for man made methods of worship.

Catholic Funding

The Christian religion states that one-tenth of a person's earned income is to be given to the church. This was decided in the 8th century AD when the church was low on funds. This has been mostly spent on large ornate buildings and on the priesthood. The tithing system in Scripture was on the increase of the crops and animals given by the Almighty so that the Levites and the poor people would have food. It was never money that people worked to earn.

Catholic Festivals

The seventh day rest known as the Sabbath was sanctified by the Almighty from the time of creation. The Christian religion has changed that rest to the first day of the week in order to memorialize the resurrection of the Messiah. This ignores the memorial already given in Scripture through the wave sheaf offering made during the feast of unleavened bread.

The Christian religion interprets the communion meal as being the time of the Passover and is sometimes used to represent the start of the new covenant. However, the Messiah Himself was the Passover sacrifice and this meal, while showing His death, is a betrothal ceremony for His bride who awaits His return and the wedding of the Lamb.

Christmas is one of the biggest Christian celebrations of the year. Yet there is no commandment in Scripture to celebrate the birth of the Messiah. The focus on His birth is given only to show the fulfillment of prophecy and prove that He is the Messiah. Further, the traditions associated with Christmas come from other sources with many of them being forms of worship for other religions.

Easter is the largest celebration on the Christian calendar. It is meant to commemorate the resurrection of the Messiah and show the eternal life offered to His people. The method of memorializing this is given in Scripture through the spring festival events and offerings. Yet the traditions and methods of worship now used by the Christian religion come from the rituals of other religions.

Come Out

Christians are believers in salvation through the Messiah. However, the Christian religion has made a new definition of the Almighty, a new group of His people, a new covenant, a new priesthood, a new source of income, a new set of holidays, and a new set of Scripture interpretation. These changes are things that divide the Almighty's people rather than making them all one body in the Messiah. It is time for all believers in the Messiah to return to Scripture and to leave behind the traditions of man.