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Defining a Created Kind

From Scripture Advocate
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As one of the most needed concepts is a basic definition of Created Kinds, I put forth the following as a start.

A plant or animal group with

  • a recognizable base form and structure that does not change over time
  • limited variation in surface features that do change over time
  • a reproductive continuity within the group level
  • a reproductive discontinuity outside the group level

By experience we know this base form, various surface features, and reproductive limit averages near the Family level of classification.

This is what we already know. But a formal definition of a kind does not seem to exist ( or at least is not readily found and pointed to ). The general masses of believers in the online social forums are not acquainted with anything like this. Typically, when confronted with a request for a definition of kind, they simply fall back on saying that their opponents cannot define a species either. They do not have the weapons to defend themselves, the Bible, nor the Kingdom of Heaven.

This page is under construction. My apologies for any misspellings, repeated text, missing references, etc. Please visit again later for a more complete treatment of this topic.