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From Scripture Advocate
Created page with "Answers in Genesis Creation Museum Located in Petersburg, KY. This state-of-the-art 70,000 square foot museum brings the pages of the Bible to life, casting its characters and animals in dynamic form and placing them in familiar settings. Adam and Eve live in the Garden of Eden. Children play and dinosaurs roam near Eden’s Rivers. The serpent coils cunningly in the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Majestic murals, great masterpieces brimming with pulsating color..."
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Answers in Genesis Creation Museum
== General Topic Books ==
Located in Petersburg, KY. This state-of-the-art 70,000 square foot museum brings the pages of the Bible to life, casting its characters and animals in dynamic form and placing them in familiar settings. Adam and Eve live in the Garden of Eden. Children play and dinosaurs roam near Eden’s Rivers. The serpent coils cunningly in the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Majestic murals, great masterpieces brimming with pulsating colors and details, provide a backdrop for many of the settings.
Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation
by Dennis Petersen - One of the most user-friendly and comprehensive introductory books ever published on the subject of Biblical creation. This book will help you discover the scientific accuracy of the Bible; unveil the fallacies of evolution; and build unshakeable confidence in God s Word. Designed to help families build a trustworthy Biblical worldview, it introduces a vast treasure of faith-building resources. Part One - In the beginning... Science and the Bible agree! The earth was once very different and very good! When did it all begin? Surprising facts from the cosmos and the earth unveil the truth about our planet's age. Part Two - True science dares to put the big bang and medieval thinking to the test. From woodpeckers to whales, fossils to philosophers... evolution is seen for the deception it really is. Part Three - Has the Missing Link been found? Discover amazing mysteries and myths about dinosaurs: What were they like? Why are they gone? Part Four - How do we make sense of all the mysteries of ancient civilizations? Awesome advancements before the flood... Pyramids, UFOs and ancient technology all make sense in light of the Biblical record. One generation shall praise Thy works to another, and shall declare Thy mighty acts. On the glorious splendor of Thy majesty, and on Thy wonderful works, I will meditate. And men shall speak of the power of Thine AWESOME ACTS (Psalm 145)

Creation and Earth History Museum
The Revised and Expanded Answers Book
Ark Encounter
by Ken Ham, Jonathan Sarfati, Carl Wieland, and Don Batten - Questions include - "Does God exist? Did God really take 6 days to create everything? What about the gap theory? What about carbon-14 dating? How can we see distant stars in a young universe? How did bad things come about? What about arguments for evolution? Cain's wife - who was she? Were the 'sons of God' and/or the 'nephilim' extra-terrestrials? Was Noah's flood global? What about 'continental drift'? Noah's flood - what about all the water? How did all the animals fit on the ark? How did fresh/saltwater fish survive the flood? Where are all the human fossils? What about the Ice Age? How could animals get to places like Australia? How did the different 'races' arise? What happened to the dinosaurs? What can I do after reading this challenging book?

ICR Texas
Refuting Evolution
by Jonathan Sarfati - A creationist response to the National Academy of Science's Teaching About Evolution and the Nature of Science. The latter, distributed nationwide to thousands of public school teachers, is an effort to saturate students with evolutionary concepts. Refuting Evolution is a cogent rebuttal, carefully examining the points raised in the NAS booklet: science and religion; natural selection; bird evolution; astronomy; the age of the earth, etc.

Creation and Earth History Museum
The New Answers Book
Located in Santee, CA. The Creation and Earth History Museum remains dedicated to the biblical account of science and history. The facilities include a 10,000 sq. ft. showcase for a literal six-day creation and young earth, including a human anatomy exhibit, life-size tabernacle display, age of the earth cave and more. This creation museum was formerly owned by the Institute for Creation Research and is now owned by the Life and Light Foundation. It is located in Santee, CA and has free admission.
1,2,3,4 by Ken Ham - In today s world, Christians find challenges to their faith every day. How are we supposed to answer the toughest questions posed by the world? This new resource from Answers in Genesis gives answers for some of the most difficult questions that modern Christians face, such as: Is there really a God? Did God really take six days to create everything? What about evolution? Does archaeology support the Bible? What about ETs and UFOs? Was there really an ice age? Where did the races come from? An essential resource for any believer, The New Answers Book provides a ready defense against the attacks of evolutionary thought. An impressive list of reputable creation scientists join author Ken Ham to answer these 25 questions scientifically, biblically, and logically. Contributors include: Paul Taylor, Mike Oard, Mike Riddle, Dr. Andy McIntosh, Dr. Bryant Wood, Dr. Tommy Mitchell, Dr. Georgia Purdom, Dr. Jason Lisle, Dr. Monty White, Dr. Terry Mortenson, Bodie Hodge, Dr. David Menton, Dr. Andrew Snelling, Dr. Clifford Wilson. Christians of all ages face challenges to their faith from those who emphasize evolution and millions of years thinking. This revolutionary resource will provide you with a ready answer.

Akron Fossils & Science Center
The Biblical Basis for Modern Science
Located in Akron, OH. Our Science Center features hands-on guided tours and science activities. Our exhibits display many fossils from Ohio and around the world. We look forward to having you visit our 4,500 square foot museum and 2 1/2 acre outdoor adventure park called Truassic Park.
by Henry Morris - As one of Dr. Henry Morris's greatest works, A Biblical Basis for Modern Science shows conclusively that the Bible is correct where it touches upon science. This remarkable defense of the Bible allows the careful reader to see that evolutionary science is nothing more than a world view with no foundation. Rather, the accuracy of the biblical records is a marvelous testimony to its divine source.

Creation Evidence Museum
Big God vs Big Science
Creation Evidence Museum
by Bill Sardi - Confused by the old vs. young earth debate? This new book uncovers scientific flaws behind the old earth hypothesis, such as the distance of the stars, the speed of light and the dating of fossils by rock layers. Written as a rebuttal to the teachings by Hugh Ross. Amply illustrated.
Located in Glen Rose, TX. Our museum was founded in 1984 by Director Carl Baugh for the purpose of researching evidence and displaying exhibits that support the Biblical creation.

A Case Against Accident and Self-Organization
by Dean Overman - In this illuminating book, Dean L. Overman uses logical principles and mathematical calculations to answer the questions that have long perplexed biologists and astrophysicists: Is it mathematically possible that accidental processes caused the formation of the first form of living matter from non-living matter? Could accidental processes have caused the formation of a universe compatible with life? Are current self-organization scenarios for the formation of the first living matter plausible? Overman reviews the influence of metaphysical assumptions in logical analysis, and discusses the principles of logic applicable to these questions, examining the limitations of verbal and mathematical logic. He proceeds to demonstrate that it is mathematically impossible that accidental processes produced the first living matter.

In the Beginning by Walt Brown
- In this expanded 8th edition, evidence that revolutionizes our understanding of origins is carefully explained. Part I discusses, in quick overview, 131 categories of evidence from biology, astronomy, earth science, and the physical sciences. Part II describes the hydroplate theory, developed during 35 years of study and research by Walt Brown. This theory explains a catastrophic event in Earth's history and solves a host of recognized problems. Some chapters in Part II deal with: the origin of the Grand Canyon, evidence that shows comets, asteroids, and meteroids came from Earth. the sudden freezing and burial of the frozen mammoths, if there was a global flood, where the water came from and where it went, and how mountain ranges, volcanoes, submarine canyons, ocean trenches, and coal and oil deposits were formed. Thirty-seven other frequently asked questions fill a fascinating Part III of Brown's book. A few of those questions are: Is global warming occurring? If so, what causes it? Have scientific tools detected genetic traces of Adam and Eve within us? How accurate is radiocarbon dating? What about the dinosaurs? What hydroplate theory predictions have been confirmed? Is evolution compatible with the Bible?

In the Beginning Was Information
by Werner Gitt - Uses logic and scientific evidence to effectively demonstrate the necessity of a Creator. Wonderful illustrations define the material effectively. Focuses on Dr. Gitt’s specialty — information. Information — it’s one of the most fundamental parts of our world, yet we don’t often think about it. This classic book, now being published by Master Books, demonstrates the importance of information to life of any kind. More to the point, it demonstrates the necessity of an Organizer and Originator of the information necessary for life. Dr. Gitt argues that God is not bound by the laws of nature, but instead uses them for His own purposes. He also shows that the highly complex information present in DNA mitigates a non-intelligent beginning for life. He advocates for assurance when dealing with the Bible’s information, that this collection of books is not only free of error, but that no useless information is present, as well.

Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum
In Six Days by John Ashton
Mount Blanco Fossil Museum
- Why would any educated scientist with a PhD advocate a literal interpretation of the six days of creation? Why, indeed, when only one in three Americans believes "the Bible is the actual word of God and is to be taken literally, word for word" according to a recent Gallup poll. In this book are the testimonies of fifty men and women holding doctorates in a wide range of scientific fields who have been convicted by the evidence to believe in a literal six-day creation. All fifty of these scientists, through faith and scientific fact, have come to the conclusion that God?s Word is true and everything had its origin not so very long ago, in the beginning, In Six Days.
Located in Crosbyton, TX. The museum building has 15,000 square feet of floor space. Works in progress are also part of the museum exhibits. At any one time the museum staff is excavating, restoring, molding, and casting fossils from around the world./

Scientific Creationism
by Henry Morris - The story of the origin of all things: Does the scientific evidence support special creation or atheistic evolution? Authoritative and thoroughly documented, Scientific Creationism is easily understood by readers with non-scientific backgrounds. Teachers, students, pastors, and other witnessing Christians can now be equipped with the convincing evidence for special creation. Updated and expanded, Scientific Creationism is a book that has changed the lives of people for Christ; people who have been blinded by the current origin-myth, evolution.

Mt. St. Helens Seven Wonders Creation Museum
The Truth about Creation and Evolution
Located near Castle Rock, Wa. It is dedicated to upholding biblical creation by appealing to MSH’s rapidly formed features and by providing young earth literature. The 7 Wonders are seven kinds of geological features resulting from the eruptive activity of the ‘80’s and displayed at the Mount St. Helens (MSH) Creation Information Center. Because they formed rapidly, they challenge evolutionary thought, which routinely assigns long ages to such formations.
by Robert Knopf - More than 75 ways science supports Creation and disproves Evolution.

Big Valley Creation Science Museum
Located in the Big Valley of Alberta. Built from the foundations up, for the glory of the Creator, to display the evidence of his handiwork and refute the lie of evolution.
== Anthropology Books ==
Bones of Contention
by Marvin Lubenow - Seeking to disprove the theory of human evolution, the author examines the fossils of the so called "ape men".
After the Flood
by Bill Cooper - Bill Cooper shows, through meticulous accounts, how Europeans can be traced back to Noah through Japheth and had encounters with creatures we would call dinosaurs.
Buried Alive
by Jack Cuozzo -Since the first cave discoveries in Germany's Neander Valley, we have been fascinated by these thick-browed, powerful creatures. Who were they and where did they go? A centerpiece in study of human evolution, Neanderthal Man has, by his own mysterious demise, created more questions than he has answered. But what if Neanderthals could answer for themselves and tell us about their origins. Now, for the first time, that is possible through the original research of Jack Cuozzo. Fascinated by Neanderthal Man for over two decades, Cuozzo, an orthodontist, has fashioned a research book that will clutch the attention of scientists and laypersons alike, for the Neanderthal family has finally emerged to tell a shocking story.
The Discovery of Genesis
by C Kang and E Nelson - This linguistic analysis of the Chinese language suggests the ancient Chinese were well aware of the God of Abraham. Readers will discover the possibility that the Chinese were a remnant of the Tower of Babel dispersion. The authors start with the observance of some astonishing points of correspondence between certain characters in the Chinese language and elements of the Genesis account of man's early beginnings. They go on to analyze dozens of the ideographic pictures that make up words in the Chinese language. The evidence they compile supports the thesis that the ancient picture writing of the Chinese language embodies memories of man's earliest days. The characters when broken down into component parts, reflect elements of the story of God and man recorded in the early chapters of Genesis. Man and woman, the garden, the institution of marriage, the temptaton and fall, death, Noah's flood, the tower of Babel - they are all there in the tiny drawings and strokes that make up the Chinese characters.
One Blood
by Ken Ham, Carl Weiland, and Don Batten - More than half a century has passed since the horrors of the Nazi racial extermination camps were revealed to a disbelieving world. Yet the battle of ethnic hate and violence remains one of the burning issues of our time. Billions of dollars are spent fighting it. Oprah devotes entire programs to it. Presidents consult civic and religious leaders; everyone seems to be wrestling with the problems of racial prejudice, yet solutions evade us. What does "race" really mean? Are there really multiple races of humans? Where did this concept originate?
The Puzzle of Ancient Man
by Donald Chittick - Popular culture has led us to believe that ancient man was primitive, originating from primates and steadily improving through a process of time and chance. But does that agree with reality? What does the evidence left behind from past cultures tell us? Was ancient man simple and primitive as we have been taught, or did the level of science and technology existing thousands of years ago rival--or even surpass--the level of ours today in the 21st century? In this updated edition, Dr. Chittick examines more details of technology, evidence of ancient machine power, and optical technology possessed by ancient people. Examine what the facts say about ancient man--facts that have long gone unnoticed and often times ignored by today's secular culture.
Secrets of the Ica Stones and Nazca Lines
by Dennis Swift - Examines possible evidence of advanced technology of ancient man as well as man and dinosaurs living together.
== Astronomy Books ==
Created Kinds, Baraminology, and the Creation Orchard
Starlight and Time
by Russell Humphreys - The Bible says the universe is just thousands of years old, and yet we can see stars that are billions of light-years away. Until now, creation scientists have not had a satisfactory answer to this puzzle, but the new cosmology outlined in this book offers a fresh and scientifically sound solution. Though he challenges some traditional creationist theories, Dr. Humphreys takes Scripture very straightforwardly, upholding its inerrency and the idea of a young universe as he explains days one through four of creation week.
Astronomy and the Bible
by Donald DeYoung - This book, divided into six sections, discusses the earth and moon, the solar system, the stars, general science and technical terms. The book's question-and-answer format makes a practical tool for the classroom and home school; sky charts, and stargazing tips are included.
Taking Back Astronomy
by Jason Lisle - One of the major stumbling blocks to the presentation of the Gospel in our culture today involves astronomy. For decades, public school students (and even seminary students!) have been taught that the world is far older than the Bible chronology suggests, even billions of years older. This naturally causes a disconnect for people, who assume that modern "science" is unbiased and correct. The author debunks the most accepted teachings about evolution, giving tremendous answers for those struggling to reconcile the Bible and science. Readers are given solid answers to questions about the speed of light, geology, and the big bang.
== Baraminology Books ==
Genesis Kinds
Genesis Kinds by Todd Wood and Paul Garner. A belief in creationism, even in young-age creationism, does not necessitate belief in the unique creation of each species. Instead, many creationists accept a secondary origin of species from ancestors originally created by God. In this view, groups of modern species constitute the “Genesis kinds” that God originally created and beyond which evolution cannot proceed (if it can even be called ‘evolution’). In this collection of papers, six scholars examine the species and the Genesis kinds. Topics covered include the history of creationist and Christian perspectives on the origin of species, an analysis of the Hebrew word min (kind) from the perspective of biblical theology, a baseline of minimum speciation within kinds inferred from island endemics, a comprehensive list of proposed kinds from the mammalian fossil record, the occurrence of discontinuity between kinds, and the origin of new species by symbiosis.
Created Kinds
Created Kinds by Todd Elder. As the second volume in the Elder’s Model of Creation series, “Created Kinds” explores one of the core concepts of life. Who is the Creator? How is man different than the plants and animals? How can the amazing variety of animals we see today be explained through the concepts of Creationism and Baraminology? These questions are examined by looking at Scripture with an emphasis on the original Hebrew wording to clarify the basic concepts surrounding created kinds. As these questions are answered, the value and significance of life becomes clearer, encouraging a person to build a closer relationship with Our Creator.
Understanding the Pattern of Life
Understanding the Pattern of Life by Todd Wood, Kurt Wise, and Megan Murray – “From the Preface of “Understanding the Pattern of Life”: ‘I pray that what you are about to read will be unlike any creationist book that you have ever read. It has never been my intention to write yet another book about the truth of Scripture or perceived inadequacies of evolution. Instead, this book is an expression of my attempt, however feeble, to allow the truth of God to transform my view of biology. Rather than trying to prove the truth of Scripture, I assume it as a starting point. From there, I build what I believe to be a reasonable model of biology that fits both the facts of Scripture and the data of creation. You will find that evolutionary theories are mentioned only rarely, and when I do discuss them, I do so to highlight the differences between my ideas and the conventional view.’”
== Biology ==
== Botany Books ==
== Chemistry Books ==
Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome
by J. C. Sanford - Dr. John Sanford, a retired Cornell Professor, shows in Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome that the "Primary Axiom" is false. The Primary Axiom is the foundational evolutionary premise - that life is merely the result of mutations and natural selection. In addition to showing compelling theoretical evidence that whole genomes can not evolve upward, Dr. Sanford presents strong evidence that higher genomes must in fact degenerate over time. This book strongly refutes the Darwinian concept that man is just the result of a random and pointless natural process.
How Life Began
by Thomas Heinze - Could life have formed in the Primordial Soup billions of years ago? Evolutionists claim that simple chemicals became concentrated in ancient oceans, forming an organic broth which eventually produced living cells. Is this possible? In 1953 Stanley Miller became famous for his experiment which produced amino acids by passing a spark through gasses which contained the elements that make up amino acids. Evolutionists hoped their students would believe without question that amino acids would produce life. But Heinze reveals the facts evolutionists won't tell you. The amino acids produced would not work in any living things. The more recently suggested steps in Chemical evolution will not take place either. The idea is scientifically bankrupt, and the foundation of evolutionary thinking is destroyed. Full of quotes from the best known scientists in the field, How Life Began is a great gift for students, teachers and school libraries. Learn how the scientific facts speak powerfully of an intelligent Creator, without whom life could never have begun. Learn how to know Him personally.
== Climatology Books ==
An Ice Age Caused by the Genesis Flood
by Mike Oard - Although a major mystery of uniformitarian history, the Ice Age is readily explained by the climatic consequences of the Genesis Flood-it was a short Ice Age of about 700 years, and there was only one Ice Age. We do not need the hundred thousand years for one ice age, or the few million years for multiple ice ages, as claimed by uniformitarian scientists. Even their claim of ancient ice ages in the hard rocks can be accounted for by gigantic submarine landslides during the Flood. The post-Flood rapid Ice Age can also account for a number of major mysteries and other interesting phenomena that occurred during the Ice Age, such as the Lake Missoula flood and the life and death of the woolly mammoths in Siberia and elsewhere. When we stick to the Genesis account of the Flood and the short scriptural timescale, major secular/uniformitarian mysteries are readily explained.
Climates Before and After the Genesis Flood
by Larry Vardiman - The Bible speaks of rain upon the earth for forty days and forty nights in the days of Noah. It says that the fountains of the great deep were broken up, the windows of heaven were opened, that a flood covered the earth, and that the waters covered all the high hills under the whole heaven. However, the Bible leaves silent a detailed discussion of the source of the waters for the flood and other events which were likely associated with such a devastating event. How much water came from the "fountains of the deep"? How much came from the "windows of heaven"? The Bible talks only briefly of mountains forming, oceans deepening, and the climate changing. Nowhere does it deal with many of the evidences of past catastrophic processes evident today. Is it possible to fill in the sketchy descriptions of the Biblical flood events with scientific observations and numerical modeling?
== Geology Books ==
The Early Earth
by John Whitcomb - The Early Earth, first published in 1972, has established itself as one of the most illuminating books defending biblical creationism. It now appears in a revised and expanded edition. In this forceful sequel to The Genesis Flood and companion to The World That Perished by the same author, the case for biblical creationism is presented comprehensively, yet explained so clearly that the layperson, and even young people, can easily understand it. No verified and substantiated findings of science are rejected, but the author does discard every theory that contradicts the teaching of Scripture.
Is the Big Bang Biblical
by John Morris - Geologist and author John Morris, President of the Institute for Creation Research, if often asked a host of questions about how our world came to be. In this book, he answers a hundred of the most common questions, and the variety of topics will excite readers of all ages. In his clear, non-technical style, Morris tackles the following: Has evidence for Noah?s flood been found in the Black Sea? Can science prove the Bible? Doesn?t carbon dating prove the earth is old? If all animals were created as plant eaters, why do some have sharp teeth? Is there water on the moon? What about stem cell research? And many more!
Grand Canyon Monument to Catastrophe
by ICR Edited by Steven Austin - Eminent geologist Dr. Steven Austin explains from a biblical standpoint how the Grand Canyon was formed. This book contains a wealth of information about geology and biology that equips Christians to defend Genesis, the young earth position, the worldwide Flood, etc. Also includes material on the eruption of Mount St. Helens.
The Young Earth
by John Morris - Morris studies geology, culture, and various creation theories to give a true picture of Earth history. Explodes popular misconceptions about the age of the earth by exposing the shaky reasoning behind radiometric dating; Morris's discussion of these fallacies alone is worth the price of the book. Helps readers understand that fossils are dated to vast ages by calculating that the soil they are found in is millions of years old - a startling "trade secret" among evolutionists.
== Hydrology Books ==
Studies in Flood Geology
by John Woodmorappe - A whole alternative historical geology is presented in this book. The ruling dogmas of an old earth, slow overall geologic changes, organic evolution, the geologic column, etc., are examined and found wanting. In their place a Biblical geology is developed and defended, providing a scholarly explanation for such things as the biogeographical distribution of life, fossil succession, the origin of coal, etc., all in light of the global Noachian Deluge. Many little-known geologic facts are also brought to light. Before you conclude that whatever historical geology textbooks teach you is gospel truth, please read this book!
The Frozen Record
by Michael Oard - An outstanding case for the earth's one Ice Age. Greenland ice cores generally show only one Ice Age. Data indicates little or no movement of the ice sheets. Broadening of volcanic and beryllium spikes with depth gives evidence for a Creation-Flood model. From the author of Frozen in Time comes a technical monograph on ice core dating dealing with the origin and development of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets and the differences between the creation-flood and evolutionary-uniformitarian models for dating. Were there many cycling ice ages or just one Ice Age? Are there serious errors with annual layer counting, glaciological flow models, reference horizons and the Milankovitch mechanism? Is ice core dating often skewed because old age is often assumed and automatically built into the equation? A thought-provoking and informative technical study for every scientist.
The Genesis Flood
by John Whitcomb and Henry Morris - Presents a thorough system for unifying and correlating scientific data on the earth's early history. Proposes a biblically based system of creationism and catastrophism. Thoroughly documented.
Ancient Ice Ages or Gigantic Submarine Landslides?
by Mike Oard
== Physics Books ==
The Mythology of Modern Dating Methods
by John Woodmorappe - A detailed survey of the following dating methods in actual use: K-Ar, Ar-Ar, Fission track, Rb-Sr, U-Pb, Pb-Pb, Sm-Nd, Re-Os, Lu-Hf, La-Ce, etc. Addresses and refutes the common defensive statements used by proponents of the dating methods. Special emphasis is on demonstrating that discrepant results are not the exception, but the rule, and that arguments used to justify so-called good dates are, when closely examined, arbitrary and without foundation.
Creation's Tiny Mystery
by Robert Gentry - Documents primordial Polonium Halos in Granite as scientific evidence for instantaneous creation of Earth and recounts opposition of scientific community to this discovery.
== Zoology Books ==
Fossil Facts & Fantasies
by Joe Taylor - Full color format with over 300 photographs, most never seen before. Referenced and indexed. Never before published information about fossils. Accounts of Fossil digs in Wyoming, Colorado, Texas, Utah, Ohio, and from all over the world. Taylor has more time excavating, molding and studying fossils than most paleontologists with degrees. The information in this book strikes a damaging blow against evolution. Taylor believes evolution is nonsense.
After the Flood
by Bill Cooper - Bill Cooper shows, through meticulous accounts, how Europeans can be traced back to Noah through Japeth and had encounters with creatures we would call dinosaurs.
Claws, Jaws, & Dinosaurs
by Kent Hovind and William Gibbons - A search for hidden animals book written for young adults from a creationist perspective! Gibbons has been to the Congo three times as well as on many other expeditions gathering evidence of the few small dinosaurs that are still alive today. Ages seven and up.
Dinosaurs: Dead or Alive?
by Phillip O'Donnell - Have you ever heard of the familiar saying "Dinosaurs went extinct millions of years ago before man appeared?" But according to the Bible, dinosaurs and man were created at the same time. If dinosaurs and man lived together, then Noah took them on the ark. If they got off the ark, then why don't we see them today? In this book, I answer the question differently than what most text-books tell you. It is highly possible that not all dinosaurs became extinct. You will read about the amazing artifacts that indicate men saw dinosaurs, evidence that the earth is not billions of years old, missionaries in Africa that have seen dinosaurs, people who claim to have seen pterodactyls in North America, the Loch Ness Monster and much more through a Biblical perspective. It has many illustrations and is exciting for all ages to read.
Missionaries and Monsters
by William Gibbons - Clues to undiscovered species have been left by missionaries and pastors throughout the world, and explorer Bill Gibbons is hot on their trail. He continues to travel to remote parts of the world investigating cryptozoological mysteries still remaining in God's creation.
Monster! Monster!
by Betty Garner [non creationist author] - Offering readers of all ages a balance of myth and fact, Monster! Monster! gives the complete story of creatures alleged to exist in North America. From pre-historic times to the present, from sea serpents to Sasquatch, the author takes readers on a journey examining the arguments for and against the existence of a whole spectrum of beasts. A must read for those who want to know more about monsters real, half-real or imagined.
Shipwrecks and Sea Monsters of California's Central Coast
by Randall Reinstedt [non-creationists author] - With emphases on the historic Bay of Monterey.
== Miscellaneous Books ==
Persuaded by the Evidence
by Doug Sharp and Jerry Bergman - A unique and interesting collection of true stories from Christians - each sharing his personal journey to find the biblical truth of a six-day creation! From scientists in the midst of complex research to youth ministers, and more, see how each began at a different point and place in his life to question the supposed truth of evolution and how faith and actual evidence led to his embracing a creation-based, biblical world-view. In their testimonies, you will read about their search for answers, often unavailable through their school, their church, or scientific knowledge - and how the discoveries they made have shaped their faith and changed their lives. Seeking answers for yourself? Discover the powerful truths these individuals now share - and find yourself also persuaded by the evidence! Contributors include: Carl Kerby, Curt Sewell, Dr. Robert A. Herrmann, Dr. Walter T. Brown, Dr. Raymond Damadian, Frank Sherwin, and more!
The Bible and Time
by D.M. Pabis - When did time begin? Is there a parallel universe? Where is Heaven? When will time end? These are a few of the questions explored by author D.M. Pabis in this fascinating study of The Bible and Time. With his unique background in Theology and Applied Science, author David M. Pabis brings a new perspective and reveals new information never before discussed. Both the student of science as well as the student of theology will gain new insights as certain biblical passages and scientific research are examined together in one volume.
Noah's Ark - A Feasibility Study
by John Woodmorappe - This book on Noah's Ark is a one-of-a-kind compendiuum of information about animal-care methods, food-preservation techniques, animal-handling techniques, etc. It discusses in great detail how 8 people could have cared for 16,000 animals using pre-scientific technology. Whether or not the reader believes in the Bible or not, he or she can be fully confident that my book conveys substantive information about the workability of Noah's Ark and its inhabitants.
The Recent Complex Creation
by Roger Pearlman - Presents a Jewish perspective with the premise that a recent complex creation is the origins account most consistent with valid science and reality.
The Hidden History of the Human Race
by Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson - A condensation of Forbidden Archaeology, 1993, in which the authors, in keeping with their Vedic beliefs, argue that modern man's origins go back millions of years before the dates set by the establishment.
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Latest revision as of 03:18, 22 February 2025

General Topic Books

Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation by Dennis Petersen - One of the most user-friendly and comprehensive introductory books ever published on the subject of Biblical creation. This book will help you discover the scientific accuracy of the Bible; unveil the fallacies of evolution; and build unshakeable confidence in God s Word. Designed to help families build a trustworthy Biblical worldview, it introduces a vast treasure of faith-building resources. Part One - In the beginning... Science and the Bible agree! The earth was once very different and very good! When did it all begin? Surprising facts from the cosmos and the earth unveil the truth about our planet's age. Part Two - True science dares to put the big bang and medieval thinking to the test. From woodpeckers to whales, fossils to philosophers... evolution is seen for the deception it really is. Part Three - Has the Missing Link been found? Discover amazing mysteries and myths about dinosaurs: What were they like? Why are they gone? Part Four - How do we make sense of all the mysteries of ancient civilizations? Awesome advancements before the flood... Pyramids, UFOs and ancient technology all make sense in light of the Biblical record. One generation shall praise Thy works to another, and shall declare Thy mighty acts. On the glorious splendor of Thy majesty, and on Thy wonderful works, I will meditate. And men shall speak of the power of Thine AWESOME ACTS (Psalm 145)

The Revised and Expanded Answers Book by Ken Ham, Jonathan Sarfati, Carl Wieland, and Don Batten - Questions include - "Does God exist? Did God really take 6 days to create everything? What about the gap theory? What about carbon-14 dating? How can we see distant stars in a young universe? How did bad things come about? What about arguments for evolution? Cain's wife - who was she? Were the 'sons of God' and/or the 'nephilim' extra-terrestrials? Was Noah's flood global? What about 'continental drift'? Noah's flood - what about all the water? How did all the animals fit on the ark? How did fresh/saltwater fish survive the flood? Where are all the human fossils? What about the Ice Age? How could animals get to places like Australia? How did the different 'races' arise? What happened to the dinosaurs? What can I do after reading this challenging book?

Refuting Evolution by Jonathan Sarfati - A creationist response to the National Academy of Science's Teaching About Evolution and the Nature of Science. The latter, distributed nationwide to thousands of public school teachers, is an effort to saturate students with evolutionary concepts. Refuting Evolution is a cogent rebuttal, carefully examining the points raised in the NAS booklet: science and religion; natural selection; bird evolution; astronomy; the age of the earth, etc.

The New Answers Book 1,2,3,4 by Ken Ham - In today s world, Christians find challenges to their faith every day. How are we supposed to answer the toughest questions posed by the world? This new resource from Answers in Genesis gives answers for some of the most difficult questions that modern Christians face, such as: Is there really a God? Did God really take six days to create everything? What about evolution? Does archaeology support the Bible? What about ETs and UFOs? Was there really an ice age? Where did the races come from? An essential resource for any believer, The New Answers Book provides a ready defense against the attacks of evolutionary thought. An impressive list of reputable creation scientists join author Ken Ham to answer these 25 questions scientifically, biblically, and logically. Contributors include: Paul Taylor, Mike Oard, Mike Riddle, Dr. Andy McIntosh, Dr. Bryant Wood, Dr. Tommy Mitchell, Dr. Georgia Purdom, Dr. Jason Lisle, Dr. Monty White, Dr. Terry Mortenson, Bodie Hodge, Dr. David Menton, Dr. Andrew Snelling, Dr. Clifford Wilson. Christians of all ages face challenges to their faith from those who emphasize evolution and millions of years thinking. This revolutionary resource will provide you with a ready answer.

The Biblical Basis for Modern Science by Henry Morris - As one of Dr. Henry Morris's greatest works, A Biblical Basis for Modern Science shows conclusively that the Bible is correct where it touches upon science. This remarkable defense of the Bible allows the careful reader to see that evolutionary science is nothing more than a world view with no foundation. Rather, the accuracy of the biblical records is a marvelous testimony to its divine source.

Big God vs Big Science by Bill Sardi - Confused by the old vs. young earth debate? This new book uncovers scientific flaws behind the old earth hypothesis, such as the distance of the stars, the speed of light and the dating of fossils by rock layers. Written as a rebuttal to the teachings by Hugh Ross. Amply illustrated.

A Case Against Accident and Self-Organization by Dean Overman - In this illuminating book, Dean L. Overman uses logical principles and mathematical calculations to answer the questions that have long perplexed biologists and astrophysicists: Is it mathematically possible that accidental processes caused the formation of the first form of living matter from non-living matter? Could accidental processes have caused the formation of a universe compatible with life? Are current self-organization scenarios for the formation of the first living matter plausible? Overman reviews the influence of metaphysical assumptions in logical analysis, and discusses the principles of logic applicable to these questions, examining the limitations of verbal and mathematical logic. He proceeds to demonstrate that it is mathematically impossible that accidental processes produced the first living matter.

In the Beginning by Walt Brown - In this expanded 8th edition, evidence that revolutionizes our understanding of origins is carefully explained. Part I discusses, in quick overview, 131 categories of evidence from biology, astronomy, earth science, and the physical sciences. Part II describes the hydroplate theory, developed during 35 years of study and research by Walt Brown. This theory explains a catastrophic event in Earth's history and solves a host of recognized problems. Some chapters in Part II deal with: the origin of the Grand Canyon, evidence that shows comets, asteroids, and meteroids came from Earth. the sudden freezing and burial of the frozen mammoths, if there was a global flood, where the water came from and where it went, and how mountain ranges, volcanoes, submarine canyons, ocean trenches, and coal and oil deposits were formed. Thirty-seven other frequently asked questions fill a fascinating Part III of Brown's book. A few of those questions are: Is global warming occurring? If so, what causes it? Have scientific tools detected genetic traces of Adam and Eve within us? How accurate is radiocarbon dating? What about the dinosaurs? What hydroplate theory predictions have been confirmed? Is evolution compatible with the Bible?

In the Beginning Was Information by Werner Gitt - Uses logic and scientific evidence to effectively demonstrate the necessity of a Creator. Wonderful illustrations define the material effectively. Focuses on Dr. Gitt’s specialty — information. Information — it’s one of the most fundamental parts of our world, yet we don’t often think about it. This classic book, now being published by Master Books, demonstrates the importance of information to life of any kind. More to the point, it demonstrates the necessity of an Organizer and Originator of the information necessary for life. Dr. Gitt argues that God is not bound by the laws of nature, but instead uses them for His own purposes. He also shows that the highly complex information present in DNA mitigates a non-intelligent beginning for life. He advocates for assurance when dealing with the Bible’s information, that this collection of books is not only free of error, but that no useless information is present, as well.

In Six Days by John Ashton - Why would any educated scientist with a PhD advocate a literal interpretation of the six days of creation? Why, indeed, when only one in three Americans believes "the Bible is the actual word of God and is to be taken literally, word for word" according to a recent Gallup poll. In this book are the testimonies of fifty men and women holding doctorates in a wide range of scientific fields who have been convicted by the evidence to believe in a literal six-day creation. All fifty of these scientists, through faith and scientific fact, have come to the conclusion that God?s Word is true and everything had its origin not so very long ago, in the beginning, In Six Days.

Scientific Creationism by Henry Morris - The story of the origin of all things: Does the scientific evidence support special creation or atheistic evolution? Authoritative and thoroughly documented, Scientific Creationism is easily understood by readers with non-scientific backgrounds. Teachers, students, pastors, and other witnessing Christians can now be equipped with the convincing evidence for special creation. Updated and expanded, Scientific Creationism is a book that has changed the lives of people for Christ; people who have been blinded by the current origin-myth, evolution.

The Truth about Creation and Evolution by Robert Knopf - More than 75 ways science supports Creation and disproves Evolution.

Anthropology Books

Bones of Contention by Marvin Lubenow - Seeking to disprove the theory of human evolution, the author examines the fossils of the so called "ape men".

After the Flood by Bill Cooper - Bill Cooper shows, through meticulous accounts, how Europeans can be traced back to Noah through Japheth and had encounters with creatures we would call dinosaurs.

Buried Alive by Jack Cuozzo -Since the first cave discoveries in Germany's Neander Valley, we have been fascinated by these thick-browed, powerful creatures. Who were they and where did they go? A centerpiece in study of human evolution, Neanderthal Man has, by his own mysterious demise, created more questions than he has answered. But what if Neanderthals could answer for themselves and tell us about their origins. Now, for the first time, that is possible through the original research of Jack Cuozzo. Fascinated by Neanderthal Man for over two decades, Cuozzo, an orthodontist, has fashioned a research book that will clutch the attention of scientists and laypersons alike, for the Neanderthal family has finally emerged to tell a shocking story.

The Discovery of Genesis by C Kang and E Nelson - This linguistic analysis of the Chinese language suggests the ancient Chinese were well aware of the God of Abraham. Readers will discover the possibility that the Chinese were a remnant of the Tower of Babel dispersion. The authors start with the observance of some astonishing points of correspondence between certain characters in the Chinese language and elements of the Genesis account of man's early beginnings. They go on to analyze dozens of the ideographic pictures that make up words in the Chinese language. The evidence they compile supports the thesis that the ancient picture writing of the Chinese language embodies memories of man's earliest days. The characters when broken down into component parts, reflect elements of the story of God and man recorded in the early chapters of Genesis. Man and woman, the garden, the institution of marriage, the temptaton and fall, death, Noah's flood, the tower of Babel - they are all there in the tiny drawings and strokes that make up the Chinese characters.

One Blood by Ken Ham, Carl Weiland, and Don Batten - More than half a century has passed since the horrors of the Nazi racial extermination camps were revealed to a disbelieving world. Yet the battle of ethnic hate and violence remains one of the burning issues of our time. Billions of dollars are spent fighting it. Oprah devotes entire programs to it. Presidents consult civic and religious leaders; everyone seems to be wrestling with the problems of racial prejudice, yet solutions evade us. What does "race" really mean? Are there really multiple races of humans? Where did this concept originate?

The Puzzle of Ancient Man by Donald Chittick - Popular culture has led us to believe that ancient man was primitive, originating from primates and steadily improving through a process of time and chance. But does that agree with reality? What does the evidence left behind from past cultures tell us? Was ancient man simple and primitive as we have been taught, or did the level of science and technology existing thousands of years ago rival--or even surpass--the level of ours today in the 21st century? In this updated edition, Dr. Chittick examines more details of technology, evidence of ancient machine power, and optical technology possessed by ancient people. Examine what the facts say about ancient man--facts that have long gone unnoticed and often times ignored by today's secular culture.

Secrets of the Ica Stones and Nazca Lines by Dennis Swift - Examines possible evidence of advanced technology of ancient man as well as man and dinosaurs living together.

Astronomy Books

Created Kinds, Baraminology, and the Creation Orchard

Starlight and Time by Russell Humphreys - The Bible says the universe is just thousands of years old, and yet we can see stars that are billions of light-years away. Until now, creation scientists have not had a satisfactory answer to this puzzle, but the new cosmology outlined in this book offers a fresh and scientifically sound solution. Though he challenges some traditional creationist theories, Dr. Humphreys takes Scripture very straightforwardly, upholding its inerrency and the idea of a young universe as he explains days one through four of creation week.

Astronomy and the Bible by Donald DeYoung - This book, divided into six sections, discusses the earth and moon, the solar system, the stars, general science and technical terms. The book's question-and-answer format makes a practical tool for the classroom and home school; sky charts, and stargazing tips are included.

Taking Back Astronomy by Jason Lisle - One of the major stumbling blocks to the presentation of the Gospel in our culture today involves astronomy. For decades, public school students (and even seminary students!) have been taught that the world is far older than the Bible chronology suggests, even billions of years older. This naturally causes a disconnect for people, who assume that modern "science" is unbiased and correct. The author debunks the most accepted teachings about evolution, giving tremendous answers for those struggling to reconcile the Bible and science. Readers are given solid answers to questions about the speed of light, geology, and the big bang.

Baraminology Books

Genesis Kinds Genesis Kinds by Todd Wood and Paul Garner. A belief in creationism, even in young-age creationism, does not necessitate belief in the unique creation of each species. Instead, many creationists accept a secondary origin of species from ancestors originally created by God. In this view, groups of modern species constitute the “Genesis kinds” that God originally created and beyond which evolution cannot proceed (if it can even be called ‘evolution’). In this collection of papers, six scholars examine the species and the Genesis kinds. Topics covered include the history of creationist and Christian perspectives on the origin of species, an analysis of the Hebrew word min (kind) from the perspective of biblical theology, a baseline of minimum speciation within kinds inferred from island endemics, a comprehensive list of proposed kinds from the mammalian fossil record, the occurrence of discontinuity between kinds, and the origin of new species by symbiosis.

Created Kinds Created Kinds by Todd Elder. As the second volume in the Elder’s Model of Creation series, “Created Kinds” explores one of the core concepts of life. Who is the Creator? How is man different than the plants and animals? How can the amazing variety of animals we see today be explained through the concepts of Creationism and Baraminology? These questions are examined by looking at Scripture with an emphasis on the original Hebrew wording to clarify the basic concepts surrounding created kinds. As these questions are answered, the value and significance of life becomes clearer, encouraging a person to build a closer relationship with Our Creator.

Understanding the Pattern of Life Understanding the Pattern of Life by Todd Wood, Kurt Wise, and Megan Murray – “From the Preface of “Understanding the Pattern of Life”: ‘I pray that what you are about to read will be unlike any creationist book that you have ever read. It has never been my intention to write yet another book about the truth of Scripture or perceived inadequacies of evolution. Instead, this book is an expression of my attempt, however feeble, to allow the truth of God to transform my view of biology. Rather than trying to prove the truth of Scripture, I assume it as a starting point. From there, I build what I believe to be a reasonable model of biology that fits both the facts of Scripture and the data of creation. You will find that evolutionary theories are mentioned only rarely, and when I do discuss them, I do so to highlight the differences between my ideas and the conventional view.’”


Botany Books

Chemistry Books

Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome by J. C. Sanford - Dr. John Sanford, a retired Cornell Professor, shows in Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome that the "Primary Axiom" is false. The Primary Axiom is the foundational evolutionary premise - that life is merely the result of mutations and natural selection. In addition to showing compelling theoretical evidence that whole genomes can not evolve upward, Dr. Sanford presents strong evidence that higher genomes must in fact degenerate over time. This book strongly refutes the Darwinian concept that man is just the result of a random and pointless natural process.

How Life Began by Thomas Heinze - Could life have formed in the Primordial Soup billions of years ago? Evolutionists claim that simple chemicals became concentrated in ancient oceans, forming an organic broth which eventually produced living cells. Is this possible? In 1953 Stanley Miller became famous for his experiment which produced amino acids by passing a spark through gasses which contained the elements that make up amino acids. Evolutionists hoped their students would believe without question that amino acids would produce life. But Heinze reveals the facts evolutionists won't tell you. The amino acids produced would not work in any living things. The more recently suggested steps in Chemical evolution will not take place either. The idea is scientifically bankrupt, and the foundation of evolutionary thinking is destroyed. Full of quotes from the best known scientists in the field, How Life Began is a great gift for students, teachers and school libraries. Learn how the scientific facts speak powerfully of an intelligent Creator, without whom life could never have begun. Learn how to know Him personally.

Climatology Books

An Ice Age Caused by the Genesis Flood by Mike Oard - Although a major mystery of uniformitarian history, the Ice Age is readily explained by the climatic consequences of the Genesis Flood-it was a short Ice Age of about 700 years, and there was only one Ice Age. We do not need the hundred thousand years for one ice age, or the few million years for multiple ice ages, as claimed by uniformitarian scientists. Even their claim of ancient ice ages in the hard rocks can be accounted for by gigantic submarine landslides during the Flood. The post-Flood rapid Ice Age can also account for a number of major mysteries and other interesting phenomena that occurred during the Ice Age, such as the Lake Missoula flood and the life and death of the woolly mammoths in Siberia and elsewhere. When we stick to the Genesis account of the Flood and the short scriptural timescale, major secular/uniformitarian mysteries are readily explained.

Climates Before and After the Genesis Flood by Larry Vardiman - The Bible speaks of rain upon the earth for forty days and forty nights in the days of Noah. It says that the fountains of the great deep were broken up, the windows of heaven were opened, that a flood covered the earth, and that the waters covered all the high hills under the whole heaven. However, the Bible leaves silent a detailed discussion of the source of the waters for the flood and other events which were likely associated with such a devastating event. How much water came from the "fountains of the deep"? How much came from the "windows of heaven"? The Bible talks only briefly of mountains forming, oceans deepening, and the climate changing. Nowhere does it deal with many of the evidences of past catastrophic processes evident today. Is it possible to fill in the sketchy descriptions of the Biblical flood events with scientific observations and numerical modeling?

Geology Books

The Early Earth by John Whitcomb - The Early Earth, first published in 1972, has established itself as one of the most illuminating books defending biblical creationism. It now appears in a revised and expanded edition. In this forceful sequel to The Genesis Flood and companion to The World That Perished by the same author, the case for biblical creationism is presented comprehensively, yet explained so clearly that the layperson, and even young people, can easily understand it. No verified and substantiated findings of science are rejected, but the author does discard every theory that contradicts the teaching of Scripture.

Is the Big Bang Biblical by John Morris - Geologist and author John Morris, President of the Institute for Creation Research, if often asked a host of questions about how our world came to be. In this book, he answers a hundred of the most common questions, and the variety of topics will excite readers of all ages. In his clear, non-technical style, Morris tackles the following: Has evidence for Noah?s flood been found in the Black Sea? Can science prove the Bible? Doesn?t carbon dating prove the earth is old? If all animals were created as plant eaters, why do some have sharp teeth? Is there water on the moon? What about stem cell research? And many more!

Grand Canyon Monument to Catastrophe by ICR Edited by Steven Austin - Eminent geologist Dr. Steven Austin explains from a biblical standpoint how the Grand Canyon was formed. This book contains a wealth of information about geology and biology that equips Christians to defend Genesis, the young earth position, the worldwide Flood, etc. Also includes material on the eruption of Mount St. Helens.

The Young Earth by John Morris - Morris studies geology, culture, and various creation theories to give a true picture of Earth history. Explodes popular misconceptions about the age of the earth by exposing the shaky reasoning behind radiometric dating; Morris's discussion of these fallacies alone is worth the price of the book. Helps readers understand that fossils are dated to vast ages by calculating that the soil they are found in is millions of years old - a startling "trade secret" among evolutionists.

Hydrology Books

Studies in Flood Geology by John Woodmorappe - A whole alternative historical geology is presented in this book. The ruling dogmas of an old earth, slow overall geologic changes, organic evolution, the geologic column, etc., are examined and found wanting. In their place a Biblical geology is developed and defended, providing a scholarly explanation for such things as the biogeographical distribution of life, fossil succession, the origin of coal, etc., all in light of the global Noachian Deluge. Many little-known geologic facts are also brought to light. Before you conclude that whatever historical geology textbooks teach you is gospel truth, please read this book!

The Frozen Record by Michael Oard - An outstanding case for the earth's one Ice Age. Greenland ice cores generally show only one Ice Age. Data indicates little or no movement of the ice sheets. Broadening of volcanic and beryllium spikes with depth gives evidence for a Creation-Flood model. From the author of Frozen in Time comes a technical monograph on ice core dating dealing with the origin and development of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets and the differences between the creation-flood and evolutionary-uniformitarian models for dating. Were there many cycling ice ages or just one Ice Age? Are there serious errors with annual layer counting, glaciological flow models, reference horizons and the Milankovitch mechanism? Is ice core dating often skewed because old age is often assumed and automatically built into the equation? A thought-provoking and informative technical study for every scientist.

The Genesis Flood by John Whitcomb and Henry Morris - Presents a thorough system for unifying and correlating scientific data on the earth's early history. Proposes a biblically based system of creationism and catastrophism. Thoroughly documented.

Ancient Ice Ages or Gigantic Submarine Landslides? by Mike Oard

Physics Books

The Mythology of Modern Dating Methods by John Woodmorappe - A detailed survey of the following dating methods in actual use: K-Ar, Ar-Ar, Fission track, Rb-Sr, U-Pb, Pb-Pb, Sm-Nd, Re-Os, Lu-Hf, La-Ce, etc. Addresses and refutes the common defensive statements used by proponents of the dating methods. Special emphasis is on demonstrating that discrepant results are not the exception, but the rule, and that arguments used to justify so-called good dates are, when closely examined, arbitrary and without foundation.

Creation's Tiny Mystery by Robert Gentry - Documents primordial Polonium Halos in Granite as scientific evidence for instantaneous creation of Earth and recounts opposition of scientific community to this discovery.

Zoology Books

Fossil Facts & Fantasies by Joe Taylor - Full color format with over 300 photographs, most never seen before. Referenced and indexed. Never before published information about fossils. Accounts of Fossil digs in Wyoming, Colorado, Texas, Utah, Ohio, and from all over the world. Taylor has more time excavating, molding and studying fossils than most paleontologists with degrees. The information in this book strikes a damaging blow against evolution. Taylor believes evolution is nonsense.

After the Flood by Bill Cooper - Bill Cooper shows, through meticulous accounts, how Europeans can be traced back to Noah through Japeth and had encounters with creatures we would call dinosaurs.

Claws, Jaws, & Dinosaurs by Kent Hovind and William Gibbons - A search for hidden animals book written for young adults from a creationist perspective! Gibbons has been to the Congo three times as well as on many other expeditions gathering evidence of the few small dinosaurs that are still alive today. Ages seven and up.

Dinosaurs: Dead or Alive? by Phillip O'Donnell - Have you ever heard of the familiar saying "Dinosaurs went extinct millions of years ago before man appeared?" But according to the Bible, dinosaurs and man were created at the same time. If dinosaurs and man lived together, then Noah took them on the ark. If they got off the ark, then why don't we see them today? In this book, I answer the question differently than what most text-books tell you. It is highly possible that not all dinosaurs became extinct. You will read about the amazing artifacts that indicate men saw dinosaurs, evidence that the earth is not billions of years old, missionaries in Africa that have seen dinosaurs, people who claim to have seen pterodactyls in North America, the Loch Ness Monster and much more through a Biblical perspective. It has many illustrations and is exciting for all ages to read.

Missionaries and Monsters by William Gibbons - Clues to undiscovered species have been left by missionaries and pastors throughout the world, and explorer Bill Gibbons is hot on their trail. He continues to travel to remote parts of the world investigating cryptozoological mysteries still remaining in God's creation.

Monster! Monster! by Betty Garner [non creationist author] - Offering readers of all ages a balance of myth and fact, Monster! Monster! gives the complete story of creatures alleged to exist in North America. From pre-historic times to the present, from sea serpents to Sasquatch, the author takes readers on a journey examining the arguments for and against the existence of a whole spectrum of beasts. A must read for those who want to know more about monsters real, half-real or imagined.

Shipwrecks and Sea Monsters of California's Central Coast by Randall Reinstedt [non-creationists author] - With emphases on the historic Bay of Monterey.

Miscellaneous Books

Persuaded by the Evidence by Doug Sharp and Jerry Bergman - A unique and interesting collection of true stories from Christians - each sharing his personal journey to find the biblical truth of a six-day creation! From scientists in the midst of complex research to youth ministers, and more, see how each began at a different point and place in his life to question the supposed truth of evolution and how faith and actual evidence led to his embracing a creation-based, biblical world-view. In their testimonies, you will read about their search for answers, often unavailable through their school, their church, or scientific knowledge - and how the discoveries they made have shaped their faith and changed their lives. Seeking answers for yourself? Discover the powerful truths these individuals now share - and find yourself also persuaded by the evidence! Contributors include: Carl Kerby, Curt Sewell, Dr. Robert A. Herrmann, Dr. Walter T. Brown, Dr. Raymond Damadian, Frank Sherwin, and more!

The Bible and Time by D.M. Pabis - When did time begin? Is there a parallel universe? Where is Heaven? When will time end? These are a few of the questions explored by author D.M. Pabis in this fascinating study of The Bible and Time. With his unique background in Theology and Applied Science, author David M. Pabis brings a new perspective and reveals new information never before discussed. Both the student of science as well as the student of theology will gain new insights as certain biblical passages and scientific research are examined together in one volume.

Noah's Ark - A Feasibility Study by John Woodmorappe - This book on Noah's Ark is a one-of-a-kind compendiuum of information about animal-care methods, food-preservation techniques, animal-handling techniques, etc. It discusses in great detail how 8 people could have cared for 16,000 animals using pre-scientific technology. Whether or not the reader believes in the Bible or not, he or she can be fully confident that my book conveys substantive information about the workability of Noah's Ark and its inhabitants.

The Recent Complex Creation by Roger Pearlman - Presents a Jewish perspective with the premise that a recent complex creation is the origins account most consistent with valid science and reality.

The Hidden History of the Human Race by Michael Cremo and Richard Thompson - A condensation of Forbidden Archaeology, 1993, in which the authors, in keeping with their Vedic beliefs, argue that modern man's origins go back millions of years before the dates set by the establishment.

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