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== Living Life to the Fullest ==
|Welcome to Scripture Advocate Wiki where:

<blockquote>  The Bible Is the Accurate and Authoritative Description of Both the Physical and Spiritual Aspects of Life  </blockquote>
We all want to live life to the fullest ... but what does that look like? The fallen world we live in will suggest many answers, including: wealth, power, fame, honor, extended life by medicine or possibly robotics, and all the physical comforts and pleasures you can list. Yet striving for these things has repeatedly shown they bring pride, selfishness and competition, as well as much pain in the world.

The best ways to browse this website are:
Scripture paints a very different picture of how living Life to the fullest appears. Within it, are concepts describing what helps life and what harms life. Which things belong to the Kingdom of Light and which things belong to the Kingdom of Darkness. When we apply this wisdom to living Life to the fullest, we find three major categories to consider:
*use that search box at the top of the page
*visit the [[Scripture Advocate Summary Pages]] to find all the major topics on this website
*visit the [[Learning to Follow the Good Shepherd]] page to read my personal testimony
*use the Category and Navigation Boxes at the bottom of most pages

'''Eternal Life''' You cannot have life to the full without eternal life ... and you cannot have eternal life without humbling yourself, admitting your sin, and asking the Savior to take your place in punishment for the wicked things you have done. This requires an understanding of the beauty of truth, righteousness, innocence, and purity - that starts small and grows over time. It is not something you can earn, but something that is offered and given by our wonderful Creator.

''' What If the Bible Is True? '''
'''Peace for Yourself and Love for Others''' Life will become fuller when you have peace and love. Peace and contentment are internal things you can have no matter your external circumstances. It includes both the physical care of the body, the spiritual care of the soul, as well as a depth of knowing that death need only be a temporary setback. Love, compassion, and caring for others is how we should relate to one another. We, ourselves, have benefited from the Eternal's mercy and forgiveness ... we should grant these same things to others around us.
A: All Things Improve As we reach for the Kingdom of Heaven
T: everything gets better as we reach for the peace and purity of the kingdom of heaven :: things
improve as
F: then something else is true - athiesm, monotheism, polytheism, pantheism ....
F: then life is probably meaningless
T: we have a purpose - eternity exists - then judgment will occur
T: bible is instructions / history of life
T: judgment comes based on our life, our actions, our decisions
S: directly states both physical and spiritual aspects of life - with spiritual being more important
AA: much more to life :: know absolute truth and righteousness :: have relationship with Eternal :: forgiveness of sins and eternal life through savior is possible ::

'''A Close Personal Relationship with the Eternal''' Life will become fullest when a close personal relationship with the Eternal is developed. Growing relationships require spending time together, and it is no different with the Almighty. Do we share our life with Him? Do we spend time in His word? Not surprisingly, such a relationship will, over time, motivate a person to work for the Kingdom of Heaven in some way ... often helping others to have eternal life, grow in peace and love, or building their own close relationship ... causing others to have a full, fuller, and fullest life as well.

''' What if Creation Is Real? ''' If [[Base Camp of Original Creation Summary|Creationism and Creation Science]] are true, then the book of Genesis is foundational to understanding the meanings of life and death, the physical and spiritual aspects of life, the necessity of salvation to receive eternal life, how to enjoy and care for the amazing beauty and variety found in this world, and how the evolutionary concepts of competition and survival actually harm life on many levels.
This website is the sharing of what the pursuit of living life to the fullest has looked like in my life. The first twenty-five years being more in search of worldly things with an emphasis on knowledge. The second twenty-five years a slow learning of what the Eternal has told us through His word ... with a  personal emphasis on understanding creation and the preciousness of life. And, as I have entered the third twenty-five years of my life, hoping to share what is truly important in a heavenly view rather than what is presented as urgent in a worldly view.

== Navigating This Website ==

''' Searchbox ''' If you have a specific topic of interest, use the search box at the top of the page to determine if it has been added yet.

''' what if death is a punishment for sin? '''
''' [[Encouraging Life Seminar Summary]] ''' This is a combination of the "Encouraging Life Seminar" and the "Path of the Righteous Warriors" training series. Together, there are links to all the major sections of the website.
A: then life is a reward for righteousness
T: The Life is a Reward for Seeking Him / Righteousness
T: preserve / appreciate life
Q: what if death is a punishment for sin?
A: Life is a precious and valuable reward for faith and righteousness

''' [[Learning to Follow the Good Shepherd]] ''' For those interested in reading my personal testimony, this page has links to lots of background and event articles.

''' [[What If ... Questions and Answers]] ''' A short series of tough questions regarding life and death, truth and falsehood, and especially sin and salvation.

'''What If Eternal Judgment Is True?'''
''' [[Base Camp of Original Creation Summary|Creation Science]] ''' One of my favorite topics is discovering the amazing beauty and variety that our Creator has made.
Our Soul Is At Risk of eternal life or death.
we must recognize sin and falsehood
risk by not discerning we take a great risk by not
discerning sin and falsehood
T: our soul is at risk of destruction
F: then our actions and existence are meaningless as death is no longer a punishment for sin
T: then existence is meaningful
S: soul and judgment both imply more to life than this physical body

''' Navigation Boxes and Categories ''' These are found at the bottom of most pages and will direct you to similarly themed articles.
''' what if Yahshuah's / heavenly priesthood is real? '''
A: then we need to act like priests and help life with repentance and healing and purity
A: we can bring revival by acting like priests
A: ready to serve and encourage with the good news
A: serve and encourage being ready to share the good news
F: then perhaps the earthly priesthood should be followed, or no priests exist
T: we should act / serve like priests
''' what if there is a battle of good and evil? '''
A: the armor of light helps in our Role of defending life as a righteous warrior
A: defending life is our Role as righteous warriors
T: we must / are forced to participate in our role as righteous warriors wearing the armor of light
F: then what we do really has little matter or importance - - survival of fittest, competition,
T: we must choose a side - ... or the choice will be made for us
S: then much more to life than physical - things unseen shape our lives more than we know
''' What if the Eternal exists? // What If YHVH is true? '''
A: then a close rlationship with our maker is possible
T: It is possible to have a Close relationship with our Maker who loves us
F: then bible is wrong on many things,
F: then no accountability to maker who knows what helps and harms life
T: choose to submit to our Maker
S: a non-physical being ...
''' what if the covenant is true? '''
A: then we can joyfully fulfill our responsibilities to make our partner pleased
F: then not held accountable to any rules or standards ... and not in kingdom of heaven
T: accountable to rules
S: Blessing and cursing follow our fulfillment or lack of duties
AA: If the Bible is true, then the Eternal has a covenant relationship with his people and obedience to the laws, rules, and commandments will bring peace and blessing while going astray by following falsehood and traditions will harm that relationship.
''' what if the Savior is true? '''
A: then we need His righteousness to have eternal life
F: than judgment is based on our works rather than being redeemed
T: we need a Savior
S: repentance and the sacrifices have a huge impact
''' what if satan is true? '''
A: then resisting evil in this world is necessary
T: We must resist it's evil destructive lies
F: no adversary
F: perhaps gnosticism is correct
T: there is an enemy - out to harm us -
S: evil entity is out to get us and works in spiritual and with lies
''' what if testimony is true? '''
A: then sharing and remembering our testimony can encourage ourselves and others
T: we must remember where we have been, where He has brought us
F: we cannot trust our own experience
T: know what each has done
S: where He has brought us and How he has brought us
Q: what if our testimony can encourage others?
''' what if service si necessary? '''
A: then we need to be ready to serve, help for action
T: helping others is important
T: we should be serving each other and encouraging life
T: we should encourage one another
T: we should be ready to serve and encourage one another
T: our priestly duties be ready to ....
''' what if miraculous healing is possible? '''
A: then cleansing our lives and seeking revival are ways to peace and purity
T: seeking cleansing our lives to experience … restoration / revival … through the gifts of the
F: we have little hope for this life and deterioration is the norm
F: if not, we have no hope of improvement in this lifetime
S: most healing is inward and spiritual - not physical ... I have experienced such
''' Q: what if life is precious and valuable? '''
{{construction infobox |This page is under construction. My apologies for any misspellings, repeated text, missing references, etc. Please visit again later for a more complete treatment of this topic. }}

Latest revision as of 02:28, 20 February 2025

Living Life to the Fullest

We all want to live life to the fullest ... but what does that look like? The fallen world we live in will suggest many answers, including: wealth, power, fame, honor, extended life by medicine or possibly robotics, and all the physical comforts and pleasures you can list. Yet striving for these things has repeatedly shown they bring pride, selfishness and competition, as well as much pain in the world.

Scripture paints a very different picture of how living Life to the fullest appears. Within it, are concepts describing what helps life and what harms life. Which things belong to the Kingdom of Light and which things belong to the Kingdom of Darkness. When we apply this wisdom to living Life to the fullest, we find three major categories to consider:

Eternal Life You cannot have life to the full without eternal life ... and you cannot have eternal life without humbling yourself, admitting your sin, and asking the Savior to take your place in punishment for the wicked things you have done. This requires an understanding of the beauty of truth, righteousness, innocence, and purity - that starts small and grows over time. It is not something you can earn, but something that is offered and given by our wonderful Creator.

Peace for Yourself and Love for Others Life will become fuller when you have peace and love. Peace and contentment are internal things you can have no matter your external circumstances. It includes both the physical care of the body, the spiritual care of the soul, as well as a depth of knowing that death need only be a temporary setback. Love, compassion, and caring for others is how we should relate to one another. We, ourselves, have benefited from the Eternal's mercy and forgiveness ... we should grant these same things to others around us.

A Close Personal Relationship with the Eternal Life will become fullest when a close personal relationship with the Eternal is developed. Growing relationships require spending time together, and it is no different with the Almighty. Do we share our life with Him? Do we spend time in His word? Not surprisingly, such a relationship will, over time, motivate a person to work for the Kingdom of Heaven in some way ... often helping others to have eternal life, grow in peace and love, or building their own close relationship ... causing others to have a full, fuller, and fullest life as well.

This website is the sharing of what the pursuit of living life to the fullest has looked like in my life. The first twenty-five years being more in search of worldly things with an emphasis on knowledge. The second twenty-five years a slow learning of what the Eternal has told us through His word ... with a personal emphasis on understanding creation and the preciousness of life. And, as I have entered the third twenty-five years of my life, hoping to share what is truly important in a heavenly view rather than what is presented as urgent in a worldly view.

Navigating This Website

Searchbox If you have a specific topic of interest, use the search box at the top of the page to determine if it has been added yet.

Encouraging Life Seminar Summary This is a combination of the "Encouraging Life Seminar" and the "Path of the Righteous Warriors" training series. Together, there are links to all the major sections of the website.

Learning to Follow the Good Shepherd For those interested in reading my personal testimony, this page has links to lots of background and event articles.

What If ... Questions and Answers A short series of tough questions regarding life and death, truth and falsehood, and especially sin and salvation.

Creation Science One of my favorite topics is discovering the amazing beauty and variety that our Creator has made.

Navigation Boxes and Categories These are found at the bottom of most pages and will direct you to similarly themed articles.