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From Scripture Advocate
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It is difficult for believers. On the one hand, I would not recommend anyone looking at even the basics of witchcraft because they may be tempted and it is a loss of innocence to know what the enemy offers. On the other hand, if one does not know what witchcraft looks like one will be unaware of how prevalent it is around them (both in society and in church) and that they might even be doing it themselves. It boils down to this: if the Bible is true, then witchcraft is idolatrous and an opening to the whole demonic realm and it must be avoided by believers.
== Selfish Intent  ==
The occult realm is filled with people who, knowingly or unknowingly, work with the evil side of the spiritual. Most of these people are just pursuing their own selfish will and use magic to achieve this and may be ignorant that it is demonically powered. Worse are the ones who actively engage in cursing others, like voodoo. Seemingly more rare are the people who truly worship evil and promote it's causes. Many of the world's religions, like Buddhism, also fall into this mixture of ignorance and awareness.
== Defending the Craft / Hidden World  ==
The occult realm wants to remain hidden. It's practices are so repugnant and perverse that most people could not handle it's true depths. It hides in the shadows. It is called gnostic. It s the dark arts. It forms covens, guilds, and secret societies all in which allegiance to the group and secrecy is paramount. The rituals, even in more public religious forms (like Mormonism), are kept or deemed too sacred to share. Such people can be around you, and you can be unaware. Glamour magic is used to change one's appearance or at least effect how one is perceived and often used to hide the darkness within.
== Levels of Occult Users  ==
There are many types of occult users. Many of them do not realize they have been tricked into using the dark arts and only go to a superficial level such as yoga for exercise, martial arts for defense. Slightly more aware might be the 'new-age groups who use nature elements to change something. Actual practicing witches can even be deceived thinking they are working with gods, spirits, fae, etc. But as they progress into the depths, you can see the darkness increase. Although the 'goth' look is an overused stereotype, there is some truth to it and people effected by demons can act impulsively or be obsessed with lusts of the flesh like gambling.
== Demonic Power  ==
The paranormal events that occur in the occult and witchcraft are a result of demonic activity. It is demon level access to the spiritual realm which can be moderately effective. It makes sense for a selfish person with no concept of righteousness to pursue this. However, the vast majority (probably) do not realize the temporal and eternal consequences of this idolatry. Much time and effort must be spent attracting / soliciting such paranormal activity and could eventually lead to full possession.
== Priests of Satan  ==
Practicing pagans and witches act like priests and priestesses. They have an altar which must be ritually attended with offerings to satisfy the demons. They use tools, like ouji, to communicate with spirits. They try to prophesy with things like tarot cards. They keep an occult festival calendar celebrating the cycles of nature and death. They place blessings and cursings on items like charms and amulets. They will perform many strange and perverse rituals, including sexual abominations, to have attunement with nature. All in an effort to get supernatural help for their intent.
== Worshiping Satan  ==
Ultimately, occult groups honor and worship evil and Satan. They share and teach this where they can. People like Crowly and LeVey are masters of influencing society toward worshiping evil while hiding in plain sight. Most are hidden behind the scenes producing literature and entertainment that spread these evil concept far and wide. The occult symbolism and wording is there ... if you know to look for it. In the worst cases, Satan is depicted as the savior bringing enlightenment to the world whereas in truth he is the bringer of death.
== Legalizing Witchcraft  ==
Generally speaking, witchcraft and the occult are not directly political. However, in this modern age of liberalism, wokeness, and anything goes fro the minorities mentality ... the occult certainly does not seem to mind trying to legalize whatever practices they can and to 'normalize' their otherwise deviant behaviors. In a philosophical and post-truth society, this can be very successful and witchcraft can now be found in the open market, at shows, and in stores. If the buyer does not know what they are getting, they could accidentally involve themselves with it. It certainly adds confusion when entertainment, such as literature and Hollywood, misrepresents magic as good or as being used by both the good and evil characters.
== Individual Paths  ==
Although some 'denominations' exist within the occult, witchcraft itself tends to be about finding your own path ... finding what works for you individually whether it be herbalism, spellcraft, or making a personal collection of spirits to work with. Hence, most practicing witches will keep a 'book of shadows' which chronicles and records what has and has not worked for them individually. Those of a like-minded path will often join a coven to fellowship and learn together. On rare occasions, large conferences are held for these groups.
== Infiltration of Christianity  ==
Witchcraft has infiltrated the lives of believers in many ways. I would expect fire-dancing at a drum circle celebrating the full moon - but not in the worship of the One True God. Christianity, both Catholic and Protestant, have practices brought in by the Jesuits (and other orders) like transcendental meditation and spirit guides. Many pagan traditions have been absorbed and given a veneer of Christ-like meaning through triumphalism. Messianic Judaism has it's own kabbalah and the Zohar behind many rabbinic teachings and practices. The New Apostolic Reformation has a severe lack of Scripture and of repentance while also having a tremendous amount of 'believe and receive' - the witchcraft equivalent of the prosperity gospel as well as all sorts of demonic practices like grave soaking. They are wolves in sheep's clothing and the blind leading the blind.
*[[How Should Christians Engage the Spiritual Aspects of Halloween?]]
== Getting Out  ==
Recognizing the Kingdom of Darkness for what it is and that it is in opposition to the true Kingdom of Light is a major step towards getting out. Renouncing the practices, casting-off the demons, not believing the lies, and destroying all the 'tool's of the craft are all major steps that need to be taken. It is a war and the enemy does not want you to leave and may try to attack you as well. Get help in this from mature and experienced believers.


Latest revision as of 16:46, 31 January 2025

It is difficult for believers. On the one hand, I would not recommend anyone looking at even the basics of witchcraft because they may be tempted and it is a loss of innocence to know what the enemy offers. On the other hand, if one does not know what witchcraft looks like one will be unaware of how prevalent it is around them (both in society and in church) and that they might even be doing it themselves. It boils down to this: if the Bible is true, then witchcraft is idolatrous and an opening to the whole demonic realm and it must be avoided by believers.

Selfish Intent

The occult realm is filled with people who, knowingly or unknowingly, work with the evil side of the spiritual. Most of these people are just pursuing their own selfish will and use magic to achieve this and may be ignorant that it is demonically powered. Worse are the ones who actively engage in cursing others, like voodoo. Seemingly more rare are the people who truly worship evil and promote it's causes. Many of the world's religions, like Buddhism, also fall into this mixture of ignorance and awareness.

Defending the Craft / Hidden World

The occult realm wants to remain hidden. It's practices are so repugnant and perverse that most people could not handle it's true depths. It hides in the shadows. It is called gnostic. It s the dark arts. It forms covens, guilds, and secret societies all in which allegiance to the group and secrecy is paramount. The rituals, even in more public religious forms (like Mormonism), are kept or deemed too sacred to share. Such people can be around you, and you can be unaware. Glamour magic is used to change one's appearance or at least effect how one is perceived and often used to hide the darkness within.

Levels of Occult Users

There are many types of occult users. Many of them do not realize they have been tricked into using the dark arts and only go to a superficial level such as yoga for exercise, martial arts for defense. Slightly more aware might be the 'new-age groups who use nature elements to change something. Actual practicing witches can even be deceived thinking they are working with gods, spirits, fae, etc. But as they progress into the depths, you can see the darkness increase. Although the 'goth' look is an overused stereotype, there is some truth to it and people effected by demons can act impulsively or be obsessed with lusts of the flesh like gambling.

Demonic Power

The paranormal events that occur in the occult and witchcraft are a result of demonic activity. It is demon level access to the spiritual realm which can be moderately effective. It makes sense for a selfish person with no concept of righteousness to pursue this. However, the vast majority (probably) do not realize the temporal and eternal consequences of this idolatry. Much time and effort must be spent attracting / soliciting such paranormal activity and could eventually lead to full possession.

Priests of Satan

Practicing pagans and witches act like priests and priestesses. They have an altar which must be ritually attended with offerings to satisfy the demons. They use tools, like ouji, to communicate with spirits. They try to prophesy with things like tarot cards. They keep an occult festival calendar celebrating the cycles of nature and death. They place blessings and cursings on items like charms and amulets. They will perform many strange and perverse rituals, including sexual abominations, to have attunement with nature. All in an effort to get supernatural help for their intent.

Worshiping Satan

Ultimately, occult groups honor and worship evil and Satan. They share and teach this where they can. People like Crowly and LeVey are masters of influencing society toward worshiping evil while hiding in plain sight. Most are hidden behind the scenes producing literature and entertainment that spread these evil concept far and wide. The occult symbolism and wording is there ... if you know to look for it. In the worst cases, Satan is depicted as the savior bringing enlightenment to the world whereas in truth he is the bringer of death.

Legalizing Witchcraft

Generally speaking, witchcraft and the occult are not directly political. However, in this modern age of liberalism, wokeness, and anything goes fro the minorities mentality ... the occult certainly does not seem to mind trying to legalize whatever practices they can and to 'normalize' their otherwise deviant behaviors. In a philosophical and post-truth society, this can be very successful and witchcraft can now be found in the open market, at shows, and in stores. If the buyer does not know what they are getting, they could accidentally involve themselves with it. It certainly adds confusion when entertainment, such as literature and Hollywood, misrepresents magic as good or as being used by both the good and evil characters.

Individual Paths

Although some 'denominations' exist within the occult, witchcraft itself tends to be about finding your own path ... finding what works for you individually whether it be herbalism, spellcraft, or making a personal collection of spirits to work with. Hence, most practicing witches will keep a 'book of shadows' which chronicles and records what has and has not worked for them individually. Those of a like-minded path will often join a coven to fellowship and learn together. On rare occasions, large conferences are held for these groups.

Infiltration of Christianity

Witchcraft has infiltrated the lives of believers in many ways. I would expect fire-dancing at a drum circle celebrating the full moon - but not in the worship of the One True God. Christianity, both Catholic and Protestant, have practices brought in by the Jesuits (and other orders) like transcendental meditation and spirit guides. Many pagan traditions have been absorbed and given a veneer of Christ-like meaning through triumphalism. Messianic Judaism has it's own kabbalah and the Zohar behind many rabbinic teachings and practices. The New Apostolic Reformation has a severe lack of Scripture and of repentance while also having a tremendous amount of 'believe and receive' - the witchcraft equivalent of the prosperity gospel as well as all sorts of demonic practices like grave soaking. They are wolves in sheep's clothing and the blind leading the blind.

Getting Out

Recognizing the Kingdom of Darkness for what it is and that it is in opposition to the true Kingdom of Light is a major step towards getting out. Renouncing the practices, casting-off the demons, not believing the lies, and destroying all the 'tool's of the craft are all major steps that need to be taken. It is a war and the enemy does not want you to leave and may try to attack you as well. Get help in this from mature and experienced believers.